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Wish Fulfillment! WELCOME BACK! (Open!!)

Posted 2022-12-01 11:10:41
Here's my wishlist! Will be gifting whoever I haven't gifted who have posted here :) Thank you <3

- Base applicators | I love lunar event bases the most / currently wanting a merged base app for a future project
- Marking applicators | I want some for a future project (turquoise, wisp, luna, selene, and caelum)
- Decors and backgrounds
- Sentinel pose app or recipe
- Recipe bases | I want a badger base recipe !!
- Herbs | Pineapple leaf / Kava / Aloe / Turmeric / Tobacco
- Lucky feet
- Lunar trophies
- Trophies (Canine fangs, canine claws, fox pelts, fox skulls, and fox tails in particular)
- Currency is also good too!


Posted 2022-12-01 11:16:50
Will be going through and trying to get everyone who commented here this year so far, an item from their wishlist~

My wishlist:
- Currency
- Amusement Items
- Carcasses/Food
- Healing Salves or Charcoal/Dandelions


Posted 2022-12-01 11:19:01
Gifting to anyone I haven't gifted yet :3

any decors/backgrounds (in a constant search for anything with deer antlers)
any marking/base/eye/skin applicatorsĀ 
teeth!!! (or anything of that nature like bones, tails, pelts, or any other odd item)
herbs/healing salves
lucky foot
owl feathers

pls surprise me!! I'll be grateful for whatever you leave at my doorstep...or denstep?

Posted 2022-12-01 11:19:21
Um... let's see
Sc/Gc of any amount
Decor recipes or just Decor
Nesting Material (I am always out)
Whatever you feel like givingĀ  (I'm not picky)
Thanks as always!

Posted 2022-12-01 11:36:15
I went to gift everyone I hadn't yet ^^
I have literally over a thousand uses of amusement and like 800 uses of food so I will be able to leave that behind. I saved up all kinds of trophies and stuff so I have been saving up all month :) I hope I can give good gifts because since now my gifts have been kind of like basic and I am sorry. But yeah I hope all of you are happy with your gifts and I will continue to try and meet wish lists :D

Posted 2022-12-01 11:59:57
dropping my wishlist here! will be trying to gift everyone in this thread < 3

-- bones
-- healing salves/amusement
-- non-explore decors
-- backgrounds
-- trophies

-- any amount of gc/sc
-- custom decors
-- any apps
-- any grove items !


Posted 2022-12-01 12:16:12
Gifted some healing salves :D

Posted 2022-12-01 12:34:29
here's my wishlist:
- acorns
- food
- decor
- backgrounds
- trophies
- RMAs
and if you want to get really wild, check out my official wishlist haha!

I'll be gifting as many people on this thread as possible!! Happy holidays everyone!


Posted 2022-12-01 12:36:54
Gifting above! Happy howlidays <3


Posted 2022-12-01 13:08:57
Gifted you
Amusement items or herbs are on my wish list

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