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I'm A Bit New Can Someone Explain To Me What Tiers Are

I'm A Bit New Can Someone Explain To Me What Tiers Are
Posted 2021-11-14 12:25:17
Could someone also just help me in general?


Posted 2021-11-14 12:59:04
You mean tiers in the event page? They are shops. Tier one opened a few days ago, and offers various kinds of decorations and stuff for event currency. Tier two, so meaning the second shop, is going to open in about eleven hours. Does this help? What more do you need help with?

Posted 2021-11-14 13:05:02 (edited)
Or if you mean base teirs:  It determines what bases a wolf can pass on to its children.  A t1 x t1 will pass only t1 bases, a t1 x t2 can pass either, but lower chance of t2, a t2x2 can pass t1 or t2, with a higher chance of t2 than the previous options, ect.
Check out this guide for a more in depth explanation of breeding!  Grousehouses other guides should also be helpful!
Edit: also if you have any other questions or need advice on other aspects of the game I'd be happy to help ^^


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