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Lead wolf talk!

Posted 2021-11-09 21:23:23 (edited)
Web straightened up, thumping the ground with his tail as he tried to appear welcoming.
"Hello. My name's Spiderweb, but just call me Web.You, uh, look kinda like my adoptive daughter." He was really bad at striking up a conversation.


Posted 2021-11-09 22:02:35 (edited)
Twilight stepped forward tentatively, her ears pricked forward in curiosity. "I'm Twilight, Mother of The Reckoning."

Jaeson Laye

Posted 2021-11-10 00:45:46
(thank you, that means a lot ^^ Sorry, I was sleeping)

Nellie stretched herself, blinking her eyes slowly. Did they... did they fall asleep? Man, her throat hurt...
She started shaking Danté, who was laying next to her. With a surprised grunt, he raised his head. Huh? What? He looked around confusedly. Where-oh yeah. Bear.
Nellie quickly calmed him as he jumped up his paws.
Oh yeah. Bear was gone. Hopefully... He looked at the bushes behind them distrustfully. He sensed a presence there... and started growling.

What both Nellie and Danté didn't know, is that they fell asleep right behind the meeting. And Twilight was the presence Danté had felt.
A wild wolf? Should he take it back to his pack? He growled further, getting into the bushes with Twilight. But by the time he reached there, she was gone, and left a very confused Danté in the bushes.

He spotted the other wolves, and Nellie noticed something was up. She crawled behind him, her satchel getting stuck in the branches. Together, they lay in wait in the bushes, watching this curious phenoma. They both didn't remember a lot about their first meeting, just that they found one wolf.
Now, there was a whole bunch of wolves...

Posted 2021-11-10 07:26:06
Twilight looked over her shoulder, shifting her mother's cool expression on her face. "Are you going to come out? Or, are do you plan to crouch in those bushes all night long?"

Jaeson Laye

Posted 2021-11-10 07:31:45 (edited)
*After some time Dirgest finally spoke, in a calm collective manner*
"Wouldn't say I'm new, but I'm the first in the Dynasty and will die soon, I was fortunate enough to have Roku come to my aid, and once the...."other" attached itself to me he acted as not only my best pack member but also as the Delta"
*His bone-white eyes flickered as if something was stirring within*
(LOL, forgot to check last page! post doesn't seem that off tho...?)


Posted 2021-11-10 08:33:37 (edited)
he looked at all of the wolves near him and noded at Twilight before speaking out "Hello twilight! I'm Draven!" as he spoke he then looked towards Dirgest as his face saddened a little. "your gonna leave soon too?.." he whinned a little hating the fact that wolves end up passing through their 7th year. But alas, he knew that wolves had to pass on and respects that as a sign of continuing foward, even if it pains. "say..Dirgest how..Old are you?.." he said as he tilted his head a little to the side

(your welcome fren! :D and awwwww X)) i felt that- im actually quite suprised peeps are joining q3q im thankful for yall hehe usually this dosent happen..also good morning! :D )

Super_Nova (he/they)

Posted 2021-11-10 08:40:02
Twilight strayed from her mother's side, sizing up the surrounding wolves. "I sense an...unusual presence this eve..."

Jaeson Laye

Posted 2021-11-10 08:40:25
*His gaze stopped on the wolves lurking under the bushes, and flickered his tongue with a soft hiss"
"7 years and nearing 3 months"
*He responded in mixed tones, making it hard to desire which part of him is responding*
(Should I bring in Havac? I mean Dirgest isn't going to die fer a while...)


Posted 2021-11-10 08:50:58
(of course! :D you can bring anyone hehe)

Draven looked down a little and signed "yea..b-but hey! at least your living a long life!" he smiled a little uneasily, not knowing what he was really talking about, he didnt look old. He usually wasn't good with death, with quite a few wolves dying already its taking a toll on himself and his packs lovers. He soon looked at Twilight without changing his saddened expression. "what do you mean?.."

Super_Nova (he/they)

Posted 2021-11-10 09:00:44
(Dat "hehe" ya added, makes me wonder 😶)
*Meanwhile Ditgest laughs chaotically in the background*
"Oooooh ssssweet Death, take us nowww"
*His tongue twisted, and eye socket bleeding*


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