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Bird Competitions/Battles - Wolvden's Very Own 'Beetle Battles' Varient

Bird Competitions/Battles - Wolvden's Very Own 'Beetle Battles' Varient
Posted 2021-09-25 01:10:41
This suggestion is very simple. On lioden, one of the greatest mechanics is the ability to breed, raise and battle beetles. It's a small, quirky but addictive pastime that I believe should carry over(with its own flare) to wolvden.

Why birds?

Because the wide variety of avian fellows is incredible, and combined with the beautiful art and creative minds of the development team, I believe this group of animals would make an incredible candidate for this feature.

What would be different from lioden?

Well, there are of course a plethora of ways wolvden could add a spin on lioden's beetle battle system. Here is just one idea that I thought could be a cool addition.

It goes back to the wonderful, very vulgar, Egg.
Vulgar Egg is a wolf we all know and love, who tramples bird nests and leaves behind tossed aside eggs or nesting material.
Currently, when receiving an egg, it feels like you missed out on those valuable two nesting materials this vulgar queen leaves in her wake. But what if this 'egg' drop, was no longer so pointless?

Well, that's where our wonderful pupsitters come into play.
Vulgar Egg could leave behind special fertilized eggs which the player has a chance to receive when encountering her. When recovering the fertilized eggs, the player can either eat them, or raise them. The player would be able to raise the eggs by assigning them to a pupsitter, who would then help the egg to hatch over the course of a rollover or two.

These special fertilized eggs could very well be received also through events(perhaps able to find lunar eggs for special lunar bird varieties), as well as other normal explore encounters added with this feature.

What would these competitions/battles even be like?

The player would raise and train their birds, building up said bird's stats and preparing them for battle(perhaps even for races, agility competitions, and more). The greater the bird's stats, the better the chance to win! Stats would be bred for by players, and would be able to be increased through generations thanks to trained birds passing on their higher stats.

What would you get for taking part in battles/competitions?

Mostly, the satisfaction of breeding a superior line of bird buddies :) but as for small prizes for winning said competitions, you could earn acorns, feathers, bird foods and small amounts of SC!

What would we need to feed our birds?

Depends on if the bird is a carnivore, piscivore, omnivore or herbivore! But regardless, I believe bird feed should be craftable! As this would further integrate wolvden's diverse crafting system into player life. For the fishing birds out there, the player could even catch fish from the fishing game! Putting greater use to 'delicate meat' and other fishy foods. The possibilities are vast, when it comes to a system for feeding your birds.

But what about the 'beetle nemesis' part? How will that translate to wolvden?

Well, there are many possible candidates for 'bird nemesis' species. One, suggested by Breezy(#4307), are those pesky squirrels! Always stealing seeds and causing a ruckus for birds everywhere. Other options, which could be included alongside the squirrels, would be be bats! There are lots of different species of bat, and it would be a wonderful addition to the bird battling pantheon ;)


I believe this mechanic would bring a wonderful bit of spice to wolvden, and opens up lots of new avenues for people to dive into :) not to mention possible lore opportunities.

All these suggestions are of course easily changed or edited, but the idea behind it I believe is a good one! Bird battles/bird competitions would bring lioden's beetle battles to wolvden, with a wonderful flare that wolvden mechanics love to add :)

Fenrir / Shulk

Posted 2021-09-25 01:13:36
Saving just in case

Fenrir / Shulk

Posted 2021-09-26 12:28:40

I love the Beetle Battling in Lioden, and was kinda disappointed that I never really saw any suggestions for a similar system here! It'd be a really fun minigame -- something to do in between Hunting, Exploring, etc.!

Also, Bird Slots being able to be bought with SC and won through battles would be amazing!


Posted 2021-10-02 05:20:11
I fully support this!!!

One of my favorite things to do in Lioden is collect beetles and battle them.  I love seeing all the different kinds and all the different colors, it even taught me about some species that I didn't even know existed.  However, I also love collecting the dried beetles after the beetle turns 31 and burying them as my sort of collection.  I would love to see something similar in place for the bird battling - perhaps receiving a special feather or something else commemorative of the bird you raised after it passes.
Some dried beetles are also crafting materials in Lioden, which could easily be implemented into Wolvden too, as there are already some feather-related crafting recipes out there.

Posted 2021-10-02 05:30:18
I like this idea! I've heard people want a Beetle Battle alternative (but the suggestion instead was Snail Racing), but I do love the idea of finding their eggs in Explore (or being able to buy them in various events/special ways). Plus, since there are birds in every biome, it would make sense to find eggs anywhere while exploring (though it might take some suspension of disbelief if eggs received are totally random from a pool, and not biome-specific).


Posted 2021-10-02 19:31:45
As someone who has tried both Wolvden and Lioden and preferred Wolvden, I think this is a wonderful idea! Of course, I don't want this site to be an exact replica of Lioden. No one does! However, this seems like one thing I miss out on from not playing Lioden. I don't fully understand the mechanics of Beetle Battles, but it seems really interesting and cool.

I think this could be a nice way to implement a pet system. Maybe each individual wolf can raise a bird or a squirrel, some of their food and toys being shared with their pet, and people can have critter fights!!! Team Squirrel or Team Bird?

OH!!! Or, here's an idea. What if your pack could have one Tamer as a role. The Tamer can, well, tame an animal such as a squirrel or bird. Each time you feed a Tamer, some of their food goes to the critters they are taking care of. Maybe you have to feed them more food, but you won't have to use amusement items on the Tamer because the critter keeps their mood up! Maybe +10% mood each day per critter or something like that? That way, daily food intake keeps their mood up and the critters healthy, but something like breaking a pair bond will require using amusement items, too.

In the TC, food is worth less SC than amusement items. This addition could potentially raise the price of food, since it's being put into Tamers that require more food and less amusement items.

However, that's just a random idea I had on how to make Beetle/Bird Battles structurally different from Lioden, since the devs have talked about wanting the two sites to stay different.

Posted 2022-07-18 13:34:25
 I support! Wolves have close bonds with birds in lore (Wolves and ravens specifically but we also have a lot of helpful bird encounters) and while their may not quite be as many birds as their are beetles I still think it's a diverse enough species we could have birds coming out for a while.

Breeding-wise all birds have different clutch sizes but I think an average of 3-5 eggs per breeding seems like a fair deal but if devs really wanted to be extra it could be corrospond to the actual birds average. I also feel like a collectable like the Beetle skins is in order. I personally think plumage is a nice name for that? And it'd be a small pile of feathers.
Lily (GH!)

Posted 2022-07-27 18:45:02
i would like to see a mini game, but I really hope they do something besides battling. The game is already really battle heavy with the lead wolf. I would rather have something more light hearted. Beauty competition, racing, singing competition. something less violent.
Quiet Voices

Posted 2022-08-07 06:13:12 (edited)
I love this so much, I would totally spend ages taking care of cute little fighting birds
Plus with Crows and Wolves in real life benefiting from eachother, I think birds would be very fitting


Posted 2022-08-14 14:21:59
Wouldn't it be better to have Wolf Competitions/Battles instead of birds? We don't need to create new species completely unrelated to the main core of the game when we have wolves. We don't need to make new eggs and egg fertilization system when we already have wolf breeding system. We don't need to gather new eggs during explore encounters when we already can befriend wolves. We don't need to raise and train birds when we can raise and train wolves. We don't need special stats for birds when wolves already have stats. We don't need the satisfaction of breeding superior line of bird buddies when we can have the satisfaction of breeding superior line of wolves. We don't need to split food diet and implement seeds when we already food for wolves and wolf feeding system. We don't need bird slots that Sloane mentions when we already have wolf slots. We already can collect wolves of different colors, we already have dynasty where we can collect "dried" wolves after they turn 7y6m-8y which is similar in place that Moo looks for. And most importantly, it would be made even less of "an exact replica of Lioden" that hybeana wants.

It would require less time and resource for development, cause less potential bugs and make wolf stats more versatile.


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