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Tweak Trophy Hunting Quest - new suggestions

Posted 2021-09-05 12:10:13
I SUPPORT THIS. I have always struggled to get trophies. And even now when battling to get trophies for the quest.... all I get is meat, healing salves and SC. IT'S FRUSTRATING!!! Even before trophy drops became a but more frequent, I still don't get trophies. I keep battling around my level or higher and all I get is what I just listed, it makes me angry to have to waste energy and HP in a battle when I don't even get the reward I want.

I never finish this quest. NEVER. I've always been tempted to write a thread to talk about how hard it is to get trophies in general, not just for the quest but for every other crafting recipe out there. Since the fox base came, I am still unable to craft it on my own and I haven't bought any trophies to get closer to it because it shouldn't have to come to that where I am forced to buy trophies to craft a base.

I am level 10 and I have been defeating enemies in my level or higher and winning and I get no trophies. It shouldn't be that if your level is lower you have a least chance of getting a trophy drop. THAT'S BULLSHIT. I'm sorry but it is. This game is so frustrating with how corrupted RNG is, mostly because RNG has never been on my side even though I have been playing this game for almost a year, and I'm an active player may I add.

Make trophy drop rate higher. PLEASE. I can't stand this struggle anymore. AND I DO NOT WANT TO BUY THE TROPHIES TO CRAFT THE RECIPES, IT SHOULD BE ACHIEVABLE ON ITS OWN.


Posted 2021-09-07 19:34:50
Yeah, it seems extremely unfair and out of place to me that this particular quest is so RNG-dependent. All the others I've encountered so far tend to be tangible things that the player can control: send wolves to scout or hunt, breed a wolf, enclave a puppy, sell to raccoon, submit fish, etc... it doesn't feel right that this one is left entirely up to luck. You could battle every enemy you find over the course of the day, and, if your luck isn't good enough, you still might not get the trophy drop needed to complete the quest. If every other quest has to do with something the player can actively control, and not just RNG, then why is this one left entirely up to luck? That doesn't make sense. The trophy hunt quest does not fit in with the questing system's purpose (to be a consistent way for players to earn daily SC) and it doesn't fit in with the other quests.

Thistle ⭐ [He/Him]

Posted 2021-09-08 07:00:33 (edited)
Support, it's really annoying how sc and meat chunks never count towards the trophy quest. I've had it 3 times in a row and i've never managed to complete it before.

Stefanie 🦌

Posted 2021-09-08 15:11:59
No support, I feel as it is fine as it is, 1 trophy is medium and 2+ is hard, there supposed to be harder than the "sell # items to your local raccoon wears." etc


Posted 2021-09-08 19:48:19
Normally I'd agree Atlas, but in my opinion there's a difference between 'hard' and 'impossible' due to time constraints.

By the time I even get a single trophy or get the second one, the quest has long expired.


Posted 2021-09-08 20:27:31 (edited)
But it's not impossible or I would agree. I got the 2 trophies quest 3 days in a row and was able to do it 2 of the 3 days. I couldn't do it on the 3rd one, but I dont think the quests should always be able to be 100% completed every day. I think it's fine the way it is other than any trophy quests at all should be in hard category since they are not easy.
Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2021-09-09 09:32:52
It shouldn't be hard to a point where you can't finish the quest at all. And by the time you do get a trophy, the quest has expired. It shouldn't be that hard. If it is a quest that is possible it can be achieved while still hard, then make it challenging but not so challenging that it can't be achieved. If it is a quest, it should be achieved. Regardless it is hard or not. The argument that "it's a hard quest, so it should be hard" is invalid, because it should be achievable and it is not for most players. If you are able to get trophies easily, congratulations, RNG is in your favour... doesn't mean it's like that for everyone else


Posted 2021-09-09 10:27:09 (edited)
It's not about whether RNG favours you, but about how much time you'll spend on it if it doesn't. Otherwise we wouldn't be split between those who always manage to finish it, and those who never do.

Actually, that's a good solution too: extend the quest time. It was two days before iirc, and I think they shortened it to 24 hours so you wouldn't get stuck as long when there's a quest you know you won't do, but it does make the trophy quest harder.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-09-14 05:50:14 (edited)
With the lack of free time I have I'd need a full week of 'extension' to have a snowball's chance of getting a trophy quest before said quest's expiration. (I don't RO for days or weeks at a time when work gets busy).

I simply lack the type of time to ever complete a quest that requires so much meticulous grinding that I simply no longer bother to complete it. It sucks, but that's the only option really, since I do not want to go skipping 3 whole daily quests just because I get one that I cannot complete due to my work hours and wanting decent sleep.

It would be nice if it were achieveable but it simply isn't so I'm annoyed but resigned that it just isn't feasible for me, but it would be nice if it would at least only be a hard quest, so that I can run the risk of encountering it less.


Posted 2021-09-15 15:44:59
I have mixed feelings about this quest. On the one hand, completing the trophy quest is exciting and feels like a big accomplishment, which none of the other quests do. I just got my second drop for a 2-trophy quest and I was like YES THANK YOU and it feels great.

On the other hand, as others have said, it's a lot more time-consuming and way out of line with the difficulty of the other quests. Earlier this week I got the 2-trophy quest and just couldn't get a trophy to drop all day. It's the first quest I've failed since the new quest system started.

I think the best balance is solution #1 (i.e., trophy reduction: none in medium quests, only one trophy required for hard quests). That way it's less onerous and less likely to come up, but it's still a thing.


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