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Kallista: The War Between The Wolves - Roleplay Thread

Posted 2021-04-05 12:21:03

   shadow -  forest - defending 

Shadow hears the howl again, jumping slightly. she quickly turns towards the sound, able to tell the creature howling is close, and goes into a defensive stance.

Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2021-04-05 16:10:33


Snow Hawk snuffled the dead flowers, a frown coming upon his maw. His head shot up when he heard a bout of howling not too far away from his own location, those of which sounded quite familiar. It was one of his packmates, a hunter no doubt.

Being a scout, he wouldn't be questioned as to why he was out and about at the moment. So, he decided to see what was stirring up trouble.

Picking up his pace, the longer-legged-than-usual male started heading in the howling's direction. Sure enough, he saw a packmate, one who he remembered was named Cyra by the way her pelt matched the sun in some spots.

He also saw a black lupine form a bit far away, and, overtaken by pity, he decided to intervene in a... kind way.

Trotting in front of Cyra, he swallowed the nervous lump in his throat that always came up when he started a conversation by himself. "Hey there, Cyra! Have you found any food yet..?" He asked, wagging his tail very faintly, his ears debating on staying up or going out to the sides, unsure as to how she would react to him. 


Posted 2021-04-05 16:31:17

Wind Spirit - Forest - Evening Star

Wind Spirit scented the air, frowning slightly. The smell of wolves hung in the air, and he didn't like it. They could be attacking. He stood up, rising to his full height. "I'm going scouting. Maybe find some food. Stay here." He sped off, feet barely touching the grass. He trailed the scent all the way to the meadows, which were now dry flowers instead of fragrant beauties. Meadowsweet members were here, and a lone wolf. He stood in alpha position, but not hostile. "I'm Wind Spirit, alpha of Starspirit Pack...who are you?"


Posted 2021-04-05 18:12:58

Cyra - Meadow - Meeting other wolves

When Cyra follows the black shadow, she meets her packmate, Snow Hawk. She is surprised and greets him. She tells him that she finds a black shadow of a wolf. Suddenly, she smells another wolf trail. She turns her head to the right and sees another wolf, Wind Spirit. "Hello! I'm Cyra, a hunter in the Meadowswift pack. Next to me is Snow Hawk. He's a scout in the same pack." 


Posted 2021-04-05 18:41:45


Snow Hawk was pleased to have gotten the attention off of the loner, but he was surprised and honestly unsettled when the alpha male of Starspirit Pack appeared quite close to their land.

Bright orange eyes flickering over to Cyra, he noted that the female was barely bothered and quite friendly towards the alpha.

His ears ticked backwards and he took a retreating step, his tail hugging his flank. I don't want any trouble with another alpha. He thought, shaking out the nerves in his fur.

Maybe I could cheat my way out of talking? But how would I get Cyra to understand I'm pretending to be mute? The male continued to think. He glanced at the huntress once more, a pleading look in his eyes.

Please don't make me talk. He willed in his mind, then shifted his eyes back to the alpha. However, he fixated them on his muzzle, not daring to look him in the eyes. 


Posted 2021-04-05 19:10:20

Cyra - Meadow - Communicating with other wolves

After introducing herself and Hawk to Wind Spirit, Cyra notices Hawk's feelings. She sees Hawk is giving her a pleading look. She realizes that they shouldn't be that close with Wind Spirit since he is not in the same pack. Then she steps back slowly.


Posted 2021-04-06 00:51:58

Wind Spirit - Meadow Edge - Other Wolves

Wind Spirit tilted his head, studying the two from Meadowsweet. They seemed in pretty good shape for the droughts and famine, or maybe it's because they have more pack members...?

He took a step back. "I'll be leaving." He turned sharply, and lightly trotted off, wind whistling from his nose.

He returned to find Evening Star standing there, waiting for his return. He sat next to her. "Just a lone wolf, and two wolves from Meadowsweet," He said, sharing their scent images with her. "Not a threat."

Evening nodded slowly, then sat down, the stress of the wolves gone.


Posted 2021-04-06 06:39:06

Cyra - Meadow - Communicating with other wolves

Cyra watches Wind Spirit trotted away silently after a farewell. She glances around. "Wait. Maybe he knows something about the droughts and other animals." She continues to think. At this moment, her head turns to Hawk again. She tells him everything she was considering and asks for his opinion.


Posted 2021-04-06 06:42:49

Shadow, now able to see the other wolves thanks to them talking, turns and walks away from them, trying not to be seen herself.

Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2021-04-06 06:48:27

Evening Star - Forest - Exploring, Wind Spirit

(NEW UPDATE: In the template for the post, write NAME - LOCATION - ACTION/MENTIONS. Ex: Evening Star - Forest - Exploring, Wind Spirit)

Evening Star glanced at Wind Spirit. "I'm going to meet them," She said softly. "Stay here." She trotted off, running as fast as she could.

She made it to the edge of the forest, the meadow just ahead. Suddenly a smell of prey entered her nostrils. She turned away, following the scent. It led her to a weak deer, malnourished and dehydrated. She leapt forward, killing the young deer instantly.

After dragging it to camp, she returned to the edge of the forest, scanning the meadows.


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