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Fishing Mechanics - Circle to a Bar

Fishing Mechanics - Circle to a Bar
Posted 2021-03-18 08:40:10 (edited)

I'm not sure if there is a topic on this already, however I feel like a slight change to the Fishing mechanic by watching the icon spin in a circle to a bar going back and forth would be easier for people. 

So far I haven't been able to play it much because it gives me dizzy spells due to the spinning. So making a bar that just goes back and forth would be much similar and easier for people like me that get dizzy by things like that. 


This example is from Genshin Impact because I was too lazy to make one, but it explains what I mean. But the icon on the bar will go back and forth until the player hits the button on the dark spot where the green would be. 

Please let me know if you have questions in regards to this. 


Posted 2021-06-01 19:53:38

100% agree!! Not to mention the circle is WAY to small for those of us with larger fingers, so I end up not being able to see the green bar and if the green bar is significantly slower than usual, then my finger cramps up waiting for it to come into view, meaning I end up letting go way to soon.

I agree with your suggestion that a bar mechanic needs to be implemented instead if the circle.

Tovisa Dilmyn

Posted 2021-06-02 17:26:08
Yes, 100 percent, if said bar appears where I can actually see it. On mobile phones it's really easy to cover the circle completely and even on my tablet I end up covering half of the ring. Not sure how it works for computer users but this would be very helpful to mobile users who don't have or can't use a stylus.


Posted 2021-06-02 17:53:57 (edited)

For smart device users, you can carefully drag your finger away from the circle while you're holding the tap to uncover it. That being said, of course I'd prefer if there was a bar more visible anywhere else. I don't mind the spinning circle but I can see how that may be upsetting to some players.

Nei 🦀✨

Posted 2021-06-04 16:43:40

I play on PC but I still think the bar would be helpful for everyone tbh. 


Posted 3 days ago
Bringing this thread back to life to support it. The spinning of the circle has started giving me dizzy spells as well, same as Willowbyrd, which makes completing the daily fishing quest difficult. I used to enjoy the fishing game, but I'm going to need to start skipping the fishing quests because it's not worth the risk of triggering a dizzy spell.

A moving bar would maintain the concept and method of the fishing game (getting the moving circle into the moving box) while making the game more accessible. Maybe even a toggle option, though I'm not sure how difficult that would be to implement.


Posted 3 days ago
Support. On mobile especially the fishing is extremely difficult and it would definitely be helpful for people who would get dizzy spells from it.


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