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Peakclan's Promise :: A Warrior Cats Roleplay (OPEN!!)

Posted 2021-04-15 07:44:23 (edited)


Flowingoak instantly grinned at the eager voice of Eveningpaw. He turned around and touched his nose to her forehead in greeting.

"Woah there, slow down! Yes, you can help with hunting. I was about to put together a patrol for the matter. Telling Ivycry wasn't bad on your part, because the information is barely of importance. Plus, she's a great she-cat, and you were right to trust her with this information, even if it's akin to a kit catching their first beetle." He added in a quieter voice, flicking an ear. "They shouldn't attack if your suspicion is true and they fought because they would be in the healing stage if, say, the attack took place last night. If they do... well, I don't know if I should call them incredibly empty-headed or foxhearted."

Raising his head, he smiled at Ivycry. "Hello there, Ivycry. Would you like to join both me and Eveningpaw on a hunt? The freshkill pile could use a tad bit of a restock." He added with a light chuckle.


Posted 2021-04-15 07:50:47
Eveningpaw // Location: OakClan Camp // Mentions: Ivycry, Flowingoak, Leafstar

Eveningpaw smiled and mewed joyously. "Thank you, Flowingoak!" She said, purring happily. "I'll return to camp with a pile of fresh-kill." She nodded at Flowingoak's mention about Ivycry. "She's a wonderful she-cat. I won't act like a mouse-brain again." She lowered her head humbly. "I'll try not to worry. You're right." She glanced at Ivycry as Flowingoak invited her to hunt with them. Eveningpaw looked at her pleadingly. "Please come with us! We need all the help we can get."


Posted 2021-04-15 11:01:20 (edited)

Frostmaw || Location: Peakclan Camp || Mentions: Bearheart, Stormpaw, Lynxpaw

          Frostmaw was never one to be happy to stay inside the camp. He wanted to go out, to meditate, to explore, to do....SOMETHING. After thinking about it for a little, he decided he should head out and patrol. It would be a good idea to do a patrol, regardless if the dawn patrol had left, extra reinforcements and more eyes and ears were always a good thing, especially after last night's attack. He spotted the apprentice, Stormpaw, at the Fresh Kill pile. " 'ello Stormpaw, how are you doing this morning?", the tom greeted. He noticed the apprentice was hesitant to grab any of the food. "If you're waiting for a smaller catch, how about you go get one yourself.", he purred amusingly, "Come, let us patrol. We need all the eyes and ears we can muster out there, and you can hunt something for yourself while we're at it after we finish the initial patrol, if you'd like "

The large Russian Blue exited the system of caves, shaking his pelt once the sun touched him.
"Thank Starclan for the sun", he mumbled to himself, chuckling slightly. "Tell me, Stormpaw, do you meditate?", Frostmaw was always one to encourage meditation, like his mentor, Rosewhisker, had taught him. He was always trying to get as many cats to do it as possible in their free time. Frostmaw always said "It's the direction to heighten yourself", which, to admit, was probably annoying to many cats. 

Just then, the gray-blue cat spotted their new Med-Cat, Bearheart. "Ah, Bearheart!", he called attempting to gain the attention of the large, heterochromatic tom. Frostpaw trotted to Bearheart's side. "What are you out to do? Can it wait?", the large tom asked quickly. "I plan to take a patrol as of right now, with Stormpaw, we'd love to have you join us", he said with a smile stretched across his muzzle, looking a Bearheart with the eyes of an eager kit. His attention turned to the other apprentice who was coughing and sniffling. He took a step back, "Oh dear, never mind,  it seems you are busy, then,", he said, keeping his eyes on Lynxpaw, careful not to get coughed on.

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Posted 2021-04-16 08:39:56 (edited)

"« Autumnleaf | Location: Peakclan Territory | Mentions: Robinstar »

"What will we do!?" Autumnleaf mewed, lashing her tail. She fluffed her tail fur, making it look two times it size. She nodded and led Robinstar to the bush. She uncovered the earth again and took the carcass out. 

"I'm not sure why they ate half. Do you think it's an ambush? Oakclan had been quiet." She looked up briefly at the sky, There will be a gathering tonight. She flicked her tail towards her leader. She began to sniff the carcass very carefully, "Kit scent!?" She began to sniff the mouse a lot more, "I need to see which clan it's from." She flipped it over and began to sniff it more carefully. She clenched her jaw and lashed her tail, "It was Dewkit!"

§ Steppingstar || Location: Wetrock || Mentions: Roughthroat §

The she-cat leaped up onto the Wetrock. The Wetrock stood in the middle of Lakeclan camp, it was large and had a ledge below for the deputy. She looked up to the sky an sighed, "I hope you are hunting peacefully with your brother in Starclan." She then sat down and called out ot her clan, "Let all cats old enough to swim in the hard currents of the Lake, gather here beneath the Wetrock."

As he clan began to gather under her she continued, "We all grieve for Roseheart, but it's time to appoint a new deputy." All of Lakeclan silenced and began to look around for who could be the new deputy. Steppingstar glanced briefly at Roughthroat. She looked back to her clan and continued, "I say these words in front of the body of Roseheart, so that her spirit may hear and aprove of my choice. Roughthroat will be the new deputy of Lakeclan." She rested her nose at the top of Roghthroat's forehead and flicked her ear. 

"Meeting Dismissed"


Posted 2021-04-16 08:48:55 (edited)


Robinstar let out an audible sigh of relief, but then panic only surged forth once more.

"Why in Starclan's name is Dewkit wandering this far away from the camp!?" She hissed, her rosy eyes wide with worry for the young kit.

"We must go back to camp and see if Dewkit returned. If not, we need a searching party. I swear if a Lakeclan or Oakclan cat took him from out territory..." She stared at the ground with narrowed eyes, tail lashing. "One of Steppingstar's warriors already broke the code once."

"Come on!" She tapped Autumnleaf's flank and started taking off towards the base of the mountain, her rabbit firm in her jaws.


Posted 2021-04-16 09:01:26 (edited)

Roughthroat | Lakeclan | Deputy | Location: Lake-Oak Border | Mentions: Boulderpaw 

Roughthroat padded silently along the river bank, careful not to make a sound as he trailed the hot-furred apprentice to the Oakclan border. 

Boulderpaw had stirred from his nest and strode purposefully out of the camp early that morning, obviously upset. Perhaps he wasn’t attempting to be stealthy, but regardless he quickly caught the deputy’s watchful eye as Roughthroat set about organizing the camp’s activities... Knowing how it felt to be an anxious apprentice, uninvited to a potentially invigorating run-in, and aware that he had a right to be frustrated, the deputy dutifully set off a careful distance behind him with an intention to correct. 

It was equally surprising and irritating that the young tom headed to the border between their territory and Oakclan’s, but Roughthroat at least had to be satisfied that he avoided Peakclan. Finally Boulderpaw stopped to hunt, and the deputy stepped out of the undergrowth to confront him before he did something he regretted, drips of golden sunlight trickling through the trees and spotting his snowy white fur. 

“You weren’t instructed to come out here and hunt,” Roughthroat growled, his voice like glass ground  beneath a car tire. His expression didn’t display his irritation, but his sweeping tail certainly did, twitching restlessly behind him as he moved to stand between Boulderpaw and Oakclan. “Was this a good decision you made, Boulderpaw?”


Posted 2021-04-16 09:02:26

Ivycry // Location: Oakclan Camp // Mentions: Eveningpaw, Flowingoak

Ivycry had dipped her head to Eveningpaw in farewell, and left to bury the remains of her morning snack. When she returned, she was pleasantly surprised to have been invited on a hunting patrol. Her sky blue eyes shimmered with excitement, and she gave a soft nod to accept the offer. "I'd love to," she purred, her bob tail twitching. If it were longer, it probably would have been swaying behind her.

"I should probably make up for the meal I had earlier, and a hunting patrol would be perfect for that! Plus, I'll get to see how much you've taught Eveningpaw," She turned to give Flowingoak a warm grin, before turning her gaze to where the entrance lay. If she were lucky, maybe she'd get to chase a rabbit or some other unfortunate creature. It was nice to feel the wind in between her fur sometimes, and being agile like she was certainly amplified the sensation. "Where is it you'd like to hunt?"


Posted 2021-04-16 09:05:56

Eveningpaw // Location: OakClan Camp // Mentions: Ivycry, Flowingoak

Eveningpaw grinned, tail raised in excitement. They were going to hunt! She fluffed up her silky silver fur before lightly trotting in a circle, trying to keep warm. "I've learned a lot from Flowingoak!" She exclaimed, crouching down in her "hunting rabbit" position. She stood up. "See? I can hunt!" She crouched down again, silently advancing on an invisible prey. She leapt, pretending to bite the neck of  a rabbit. She then returned to Ivycry and Flowingoak. "Let's go! Where are we hunting, Flowingoak?" She mewed, cocking her head.


Posted 2021-04-16 09:10:26


Flowingoak purred at the she-cat's quick acceptance to hunt. A warm chuckle rose from his throat as he watched Eveningpaw creep about, tracking her invisible prey.

Looking at both of the females, he turned around and flicked his tail, motioning for them to follow. "I was thinking we could check out the river. While it's still cold and Newleaf is barely upon us, animals still need a source to drink from. What'd look more inviting than a rushing body of water?"

The large tom grinned and padded out of the camp, following pretty much the same path he'd gone in with Eveningpaw that morning, his ears swiveling slowly.


Posted 2021-04-16 09:17:35

Eveningpaw // Location: OakClan Camp // Mentions: Ivycry, Flowingoak

Eveningpaw cheerfully padded after him, ears pricked up, listening for prey. As they neared the river, Eveningpaw paused, sniffing the frosty air. She settled her icy eyes on a water vole drinking from the cold water. She crouched down, creeping on silent paws, pausing when the vole's ears pricked up, or its beady eyes rested anywhere near her position. She tensed, then leaped, claws pinning the water vole to the frosty shore. In one bite, she killed the vole, carrying it in her jaws and returning to Flowingoak and Ivycry, a proud look on her face. She dropped it and buried it in the dirt-sand, to unearth it later.


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