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Energy suggestions

Energy suggestions
Posted 2021-03-04 20:22:33

So in light of this recent Lunar event, I am harshly reminded just how fast energy is used and how slowly it is replenished. Which is VERY frustrating especially during events like this. I get it is supposed to be challenging but I think it's a bit too unbalanced personally so I have a few suggestions.

1- Give an SC option to replenish energy. Guarana is too expensive as many players like myself cannot buy GC with real funds, and GC items are overpriced in the trading center in SC much of the time. Maybe offer an item ranging from 100-500 SC to replenish energy? (I've said in other threads that SC is way too slow to get so I was unsure on good pricing for such a thing but hopefully less than 400?)

2- More chances to recharge in exploring or bigger boosts. Yes I know we have a few, but they never give more than 10 energy and that is depleted FAST.

3- End the slower regeneration time for pregnant leads. I know, many may disagree but I personally find this a bit overkill and ridiculous. I get the thought behind it, but it doesn't really contribute anything and is just frustrating.

Thoughts? Extra ideas? Let's hear 'em!


Posted 2021-03-13 12:22:34

Support for the first two but not the third.

1. In Lioden I know they have things like grubs which are cheap and give a small amount of energy. Would be nice to see something like that.

2. I've always hated explore Encounters on WD because they take 2-5 energy and their's only a few Encounters that give it (in some biomes I don't even think they do have encounters for it). The energy bar goes down way too fast and it always feels like 90% of my energy is dumped on Encounters that have no effect

Lily (GH!)

Posted 2022-02-10 16:41:57
I think SC option to replenish energy was thought out and limited to Bone Marrow.

As the one who never lets energy go to waste I wouldn't like to have more energy refill encounters that would make me put more time into exploring. It's much enough.


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