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"Wolvden Year": in-game years counter

"Wolvden Year": in-game years counter
Posted 2021-02-18 07:06:03 (edited)


As a player that love to watch my pack advance through generations and love even more to look back at my past wolves to check how much farther my legacy has come, I have been keeping count of the progressing in-game years since the game opened up back in September 2020 and used such timeline for my lore.

I register in my wolves' bio the in-game year they are born, got a mate or died so that I could keep track of my generations and events.

For example right now, 18th February, the game is on the spring of its 7th year or, as I call it, "Wolvden Year 7".

I've been keeping track by myself (and I know other players are doing the same too) but I thought it could be fun for both old and new players to be able to see at what point of Wolvden's life they are, as well as maybe use it as reference for events in their projects, packs or lore.

So my suggestion is to add an official "Wolvden Year" counter that will keep track of the in-game year progression. This would count the years starting from the day the game opened up, not the day a player signed up, so it would be the same for all players.

Such counter could be easily added somewhere on the cooldown page so that players that decide to use it as reference could clearly see at what point of the game's life they are (like, after returning from a hiatus) and players that prefer to have their own timeline could just ignore it and never check it out.

My main interest is a counter for in-game years, but it could be developed into a more extensive and precise counter that would show also days and seasons.

[EDIT]: This could also become source for little "anniversaries" for both single users and Devs Team. Like, people could hold special raffles or sales for their 10th (or 50th!) in-game years anniversary. And maybe special decors could be designed by the awesome WD artist team for the 100th Wolvden Year (that could be bought for a limited time on the Raccoon, just like the Blue Moon background). It could be more than just a simple counter!

To be implemented, my idea would probably need some (hopefully not too heavy) coding work.

[EDIT]: Suggestions by other users

- Having the counter on the "Welcome Back" page

- Having also a personal "Pack Year" counter, starting the day you sign up to the site (maybe with an option to reset it for a new beginning with your pack)

Feedback, critics and suggestions are welcome.


Posted 2021-02-18 08:12:31

Oh, I would LOVE THIS. 100% support, this would be so nice, and is hopefully a relatively small thing. I think it would actually work really well on the home page where you see action required, recent activity etc etc.


Posted 2021-02-18 09:56:47
Reading this suggestion I started wondering if this website really needs IRL date when I can see it in my operating system. I'd love to see in-game time format, especially to be constantly aware when Wolvden started existing.


Posted 2021-02-18 09:58:53

i'd love to see this! it's a tiny thing but a fun thing. i've been here since day 1 of ea but haven't always been able to roll over, so i think it'd be cool to see a timer like this. it would also help me keep track of seasons easier (i'm pretty 1 brain cell)

Gremlin's Hotel

Posted 2021-02-18 14:34:49

Yeah, this would be great! I'd love to see that, it would be super helpful for lore too!


Posted 2021-02-19 05:08:53

Support! I started doing this last Spring in my den bio, but I'd love to see it on the main page! It'd help give players a better sense of time, plus its a lot more intuitive than the icons we have on the lead wolf card at the moment.


Posted 2021-02-22 23:09:46

I love this, I would also appreciate a "Pack Year" counter as well as a lot of players haven't been here since the very beginning.


Posted 2021-02-23 02:37:55

Support love the idea!

† Salem Trials †

Posted 2021-02-23 09:50:32

This would be amazing! 

If a Pack Year counter is added however I think we should be able to reset it (maybe for a small gc fee?). At some point you may want to start over the game completely and start from scratch with a new pack, then it would be nice to have a reset counter option. :)


Posted 2021-02-23 10:05:13

Yes this would be great!


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