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Looking for art crit on custom decor! [Update:sentinel decor!]

Posted 2021-04-22 11:46:42

Looking for crit on a new piece, now! 

Any anatomy advice or fur coloring advice would be amazing.


Posted 2021-04-22 12:00:45

oh that looks so cool


Posted 2021-04-22 12:05:01

The nose of the orange & brown should be edited so it looks like the fur of the mother is partially covering it (as they're nuzzling in) 

The hind leg of the brown one looks a little off. Like it's a stump and not long enough if that makes sense.

Alan Dracula

Posted 2021-04-22 12:32:16

Thanks, Chimera! And thanks for the crit, Hircine - to confirm, the rear hindleg of the brown, the one closest to us, is what looks off?


Posted 2021-04-22 14:48:30

Beautiful concept, I'd def be interested in buying once it's up! 

I'm fairly new to the wolvden style myself, but speaking on my experience, I'd give a bit more detail to the shading. Something to give more definition to the fur and also depth of each pup so they look as though they are apart of the scene and not placed on top. ALSO, I've got some kickass fur brushes I could link if you're interested? (They make filling in sooo much easier)


Posted 2021-04-22 15:50:35

Oooo, I'm always down for cool brushes! I've tried adding on the shading here - matching wolvden fur style is just so dang hard, our site artists are too freaking good at what they do XDDD


Posted 2021-04-22 16:05:35

Oh snap crackle pop that's lookin good! >:0 really excited for these now :D

and yea matching the style is hard ;-; I try to hide my style with the brushes haha, and since I mostly do hairs & accessories I get away with it :> So all power to ya for making these pups!

Some more feedback as you continue to develop these; I'd think about how the light is hitting the pups as they nurse from mamma. Since they under her she might be casting shadows onto them, and the pups also might be casting onto each other. I think wolvden does subtle midday like light, but I'd experiment with what looks right...

Here are the brush links: Bitmap Brush_Settings These are originally for fireAlpaca but they should work for photoshop too, they just a bitmap so should work. LMK if you havin trouble adding them to your art app & I'll try to help you figure it out :>

Credit for making these: hair_by_nephidraws_da4ka5z


Posted 2021-04-22 16:57:05

Alright, I think I'm on my last round of edits!!!


Posted 2021-04-22 16:58:38

Woo! Looking great! :D


Posted 2021-04-22 17:53:24

It's submitted! I'm not sure where it falls in the queue of items to be submitted, but hopefully it gets approved soon :DDDD


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