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Looking for art crit on custom decor! [Update:sentinel decor!]

Posted 2021-02-09 17:55:22

Thank you, Cloudeh! ^u^ I'll try darkening up the lines again - is the problem the "external" lines, or the internal ones?

Also, for snow, here's Edit 1 on the default background!


Posted 2021-02-09 18:01:18

I think the external lines need to be thicker, and the internal lines need to be darker. Also i feel like more shading around the plants would also help a lot towards the realism! its looking a lot better that way though :D

Satan [HIATUS]

Posted 2021-02-09 18:16:08

Yeah, I agree with Satan, definitely stronger lineart. Also, it might sound weird, but possibly more light on the flower petal area immediately down from the wolf's snout? I'm thinking it would stick out in line with the wolf's snout, since it's holding it like a dinner plate, so it'd get similar light to the top of the snout where it's not actually being shaded BY the snout. If you get what I mean? Not sure how it'd look though.


Posted 2021-02-09 18:35:40

Okay, shading intensified, external lines thickened, the petals outlined better, fixed some tweaks on the chenopod stems, and snow, I took your advice on that one area of the sunflower - does the lighting look better to you?


Posted 2021-02-09 18:36:44

Adding: here's the above edit (Edit #3?) on the default background


Posted 2021-02-09 18:52:24

m a y be ? It looks more or less the same to me, but I like it! 


Posted 2021-02-09 19:09:51

Oh my gosh I'm an idiot XDD I JUST now figured out why I was so confused about line thickness? I kept looking at the wolf I was using as positioning reference and being like "my lines?? are equally thick as the wolf's???"

But the thing is, I was using one of the bases as my wolf reference. Which means I was totally missing the details layer that makes the lines the appropriate thickness XD

Using an actually complete wolf for reference, how's it look now?


Posted 2021-02-09 19:12:54

Look at it it’s glorious


Posted 2021-02-09 19:21:37

Oh that's very nice! :D Btw, a good way to preview on diff wolves without having to cut them out (judging by the feet?) is to just screenshot the wardrobe page and paste it into your doc underneath the decor and then move it to fit the canvas C: Means you get 100% an example of what it'd be like on site.

As far as the decor goes, I feel like the shadow on the flower is perhaps too diffuse for the angle the snout is at? I wasn't sure how else to explain so I did this quickly with a colour dodge brush, made it a bit neon in the process but idk, you can probably see what I mean? Btw I think it looks good enough now that any further criticism is just personal preference, so take this with a grain of salt: 


Posted 2021-02-09 19:21:52 (edited)


Okay, I'm super duper excited -- I was planning on waiting until morning to make the decor, but I might just go do it now!

Edit: whoop! simultaneous post with snow XD I see what you mean about the diffuse shadow! Part of why I did it like that was trying to avoid making it look weird against background with diffuse lighting. Like, the Ozarks background really clearly has bright light coming from over head, but I didn't want to make it look weird when put up against, idk, the Misty Trail background.


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