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𝕆𝕒𝕜𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕆𝕟-𝕊𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕎𝕠𝕝𝕧𝕕𝕖𝕟 ℝℙ- ℝ𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪 ℙ𝕒𝕘𝕖

Posted 2021-05-04 05:30:52

(I'll reply in a sec)


Posted 2021-05-04 05:39:12


Deisa's fur bristled when Slage jumped out in front of her. I should have expected this to happen if he was brought here. She growled in her mind.

"No 'thank you, Deisa, for saving me from Amarok'?" She snarled, her curled tail raising slightly. "That Anatolian had you on death's doorstep, and I called him off. Bet you didn't pay attention to that detail, huh? Also, where were you when I was running from the Springpack? Chatting up your long-lost girlfriend!?"

The Caanan Dog's voice cracked towards the end as her emotion started to show through. Why would she be emotionally attached to what she did for Fiacail? It would seem odd to Slage maybe, but she knew exactly why.


Posted 2021-05-04 05:48:25


Slage stopped growling and baring his teeth when he heard that she had saved him from Amarok, now that he thought of it he did hear a faded voice when the large Anatolian grabbed his neck. Slage lowered his head

" im sorry but its hard to pay attention to details when your neck's about to be crushed and i didn't see you running away from the Springpack" he said to her. " why save me from Amarok? why not have  just let him kill me if you were so angry at me?" 


Posted 2021-05-04 05:59:51


Deisa's hackles stayed raised. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she continued on.

"I... I was just repaying the favor. Nothing more, nothing less." She said quietly yet quickly, wishing she had some dirt to dig her claws into right now.

"Anyways, I suggest staying away from that hole. I'm the only one who knows about it so far, but it won't be long until Fiacail sees that Shepherd talking to a wall." She growled softly, her warm brown eyes dropping down to the ground slowly.


Posted 2021-05-04 06:06:53


Slage waited for her to answer his question and when she did he couldn't help notice how quickly she said it.

" repaying a favor huh? okay if you want me to believe that then oh well" he said with a sly gleam in his hetero eyes. 

" and im not staying away from that hole, i won't talk to her and i wont say anything... ill just be there so she knows that she is not alone" he growled determinedly. " i.. i have to know what does Fiacail plan to do with her?" he looked at her with pleading eyes, he desperately needed to know, not all of Fiacail's intentions are good and he learned that the hard way. 


Posted 2021-05-04 06:15:29 (edited)

Juniper || Female || Springs Healer
As the large anatolian- Amarok, Slage had called him? sat down in front of her, Juniper was surprised to see a large wound on the side of his face. If Juniper had been any other dog, she would have smirked, but her urge to care for hurt animals was just a bit too strong to resist. "I couldn't help but notice you've hurt yourself," she commented, "I have something that could help." She pulled out the herbs she had left, pushing them towards Amarok with one paw. "You can chew them and apply them to your wounds." She started to regret it, but shut her mouth. No use in making him angry.


Posted 2021-05-04 06:17:39


Deisa frowned, not liking the sly look in his eyes very much. When they turned to a more pleading appearance, she shrugged her shoulders, stepping around Slage.

"I don't know. He just wanted a dog from Springpack, probably to barter about hunting territory or whatnot. Other than that, all I'm aware of is he's keeping her 'hostage' for the time being."

The female cleared her throat and began walking again, her curled tail lowering slowly.


Posted 2021-05-04 06:28:13


Amarok laid there until the healer said something to him, he lifted his ears and then looked at her and then looked at the herbs she had pushed over to him.

" im fine" he growled then he turned his head away. " i have had worse done to me before" he said in a low growl then he without looking at her he asked " why are you being nice to me? i helped kidnap you and you want to give me herbs why?" 


Slage waited for Deisa and when she said that Fiacail planned to use her as a hostage for the time being he felt a sickening feeling in him 

" no the moment Fiacail sees no use in her he will have her killed..." he growled softly. " i have seen him to do it before, he uses dogs to his advantage and when he has no use for them he gets rid of them.. its just the type of coward he is" he felt anger raise again inside of him, like a wildfire that couldn't be put out. The only way for that anger to be put out is if he saw Fiacail and his little pet dead. 


Posted 2021-05-04 06:31:33


Deisa stopped, turning her head to look at Slage over her shoulder.

"If you care about her so much, I might talk to Fiacail about it." She growled, obvious anger in her tone when she started the sentence. I need to find a way to get this jealousy to go away. It's obvious he won't give up on his feelings for her.

Flicking an ear in farewell, she picked up her pace and started searching for something good to eat for both her and the Healer.


Posted 2021-05-04 06:33:47

(Juniper is trying to pull a sneaky on Fiacail and get everyone to like her xD)

Juniper || Female || Springs Healer
Juniper shrugged, looking at the bigger dog. "I'm a healer, it's just kind of in my bones. I hate to see anyone hurt, even if they tried to hurt me." She pulled most of the herbs back but left a few leaves of one plant. "That wound is infected. Are you hell-bent on losing your ear and eye, or will you do yourself a favor and take these? They should help the infection and dull some pain too."


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