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Posted 2021-05-05 07:12:42


Amarok raised his head when he heard the yelp that came out of no where, he looked around at the other dogs, his ears perked and his dark eyes searching. When the healer asked him a question that immediately made his fur stand on end.

" Why is it his fault!! ill tell you!!" he snarled angrily, his dark eyes piercing her's. " if that lowbred mutt hadn't run off into the road, then my brother wouldn't have chased him, but no he ran out and sadly my brother followed him!" he felt the saddened anger in his heart at the thought of his brother's death in his head. How scared he looked and how much pain he was in... Amarok was the one to end his brother's life swiftly, so he wouldn't have to suffer anymore and it destroyed him inside. Made him more aggressive and bloodthirsty then any of Fiacail's dogs and it made him more hell bent on ending Slage's life. Amarok shook his head and growled to himself.Β 

" you say Slage was a good dog... it only proves how much you know him" Amarok laughed bitterly. " Slage used to be with Fiacail and me, he used to run with us and let me tell you he killed other dogs when Fiacail told him to. Slage knows how to fight because Fiacail and I taught him how to fight... we were like his pack and he betrayed us! Some good dog he is, he only lets you see the charming side of him, when really he is a cold hearted mutt just like the rest of us"


Posted 2021-05-06 18:54:04

Juniper || Female || Springs Healer
ο»ΏJuniper stumbled backwards, taken aback by Amarok's fury and sadness. "I- I'm sorry." She thought of the way Slage used to always come back to their makeshift dens, his coat splattered with blood. Juniper would ask him what had happened, and he'd always answer with "Doing what needs to be done for us to survive." And then Juniper couldn't be mad, of course, because Slage just wanted the best for them. Right? The shepherd shook her head. "There's no way! Not Slage! Even if he did, the crash was an accident. He just wanted for us to be safe. To be happy." Juniper closed her eyes, trying to hold on to the way she had seen Slage her whole life. I'm not ready to give that version of him up.


Posted 2021-05-07 06:44:50


Amarok couldn't help but smile cruelly at shock about what he said, not many dogs knew the real Slage, the one him and Fiacail made him into.

" think what you want" Amarok growled at the healer cruelly. " But did you ever ask your little boyfriend what he did before he was a stray? when he was a puppypet? if you haven't you should, you would be surprised... i think thats what made him so cruel and cold hearted... to what he did. Thats pretty much why Fiacail recruited him in the first place" Amarok licked his chops, waiting for the little heale's reaction, she needed to know the truth about Slage, who he really was.Β 


Slage slowly tried to sit up as best he could, he felt like he was back in his makeshift cage, cramped in a dark corner with no room to even move.. waiting for his human to come and get him. Slage still remembered the smell of the old concrete around him, the feeling of thick steel crushing his sides. It was a horrible memory and he also only had to remember that was in the past, that life was gone. Now he lived a free and no chain life, but still sometimes the memory would come back and he sometimes wondered if Wolf and Bella remembered that life too. Slage's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a commotion outside, he cursed as heΒ  tried to squeeze his shoulder through the hole " is it just me or this hole getting smaller and smaller?" he thought to himself as he finally managed to pull himself through. When he was outside the hole he was surprised to see Desai standing there.

" what are doing here?" he asked her, titling his head to the side in question.Β 


Posted 2021-05-07 22:06:36

ο»ΏJuniper || Female || Springs Healer
ο»ΏJuniper whimpered, curling up into a ball. I'm achy and tired and cold and I just can't do this right now.Β She felt tears spring to her eyes but held them back. I can't cry, they'll think I'm weak. The shepherd mix told herself. Am I getting soft? She wondered. God, I need to stop letting this all get to me. Even if Slage did bad things in the past, he's reformed now. "Why can't I go home?" She asked Amarok quietly. "How am I, just a weak little healer, going to benefit you at all? I have a daughter, Spark-" She stopped there, realizing her mistake. I shouldn't have said that. What if they drag Spark into this mess?


Posted 2021-05-10 06:40:19

( good morning everyone)


Posted 2021-05-10 06:40:53

ο»Ώ((Morning! I'll squeeze in a reply here shortly))


Posted 2021-05-10 06:42:11

( okay im trying to put two responses together so i dont get confused with myself lol ^^ )


Posted 2021-05-10 06:49:43


Deisa looked down at Slage as he crawled out of the hole, and then up at him when he stood up. "You need to stay away from that hole." She growled softly, getting straight o the point, as she usually did.

"Listen, Amarok would do anything to kill you. I myself was worried he would attack me for telling him to stop from crushing your neck. Don't tell me that saving you was worthless." She added, her dark eyes narrowed.

"Now, let's get going. Can't let Amarok see or hear you, or even see you, nevertheless you and I together." She said quietly, eyes darting over to the distant alley. She turned and continued walking, expecting the male to follow.


Posted 2021-05-10 07:02:25


Amarok couldn't help but let out an annoyed growl when the healer whimpered, one of the many things he hated was whimpers and complainers.

" Stop your whimpering it only makes you look weak" he snapped at her. He felt no pity for this female, he didn't really have pity for any dog really. Amarok laid back down and turned his head away from the female.

" Well you have information we want and we cant let you go back to your pack until Fiacail sees he has no use for you anymore" Amarok growled not looking at her. " which he will probably just kill her once she would be of no use to him" he thought to himself. Then his head raised when she said the name " what you mean you have a daughter? that three legged fox kit?" he couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter at the thought of a dog raising a fox kit, after all foxes and dogs were enemies to each other.


Slage's ears pulled back when she had said that he couldn't stay near the hole anymore. As much as he didn't want to leave Juniper she was right. If Slage kept sitting at that hole and if he made the slightest noise, there would be no doubt that Amarok would come looking for him.

" yeah you are right about that" he sighed then he looked back at the hole. " but how will Juniper know im still here?" he whined more to himself then to Deisa. He watched as she began to walk away and immediately he began to follow her.Β 

" i umm never got to thank you for saving me from Amarok, so here i go... thank you Deisa" he said to her. " looks like you are a good dog after all"


Posted 2021-05-10 07:16:36


Deisa glanced over her shoulder at the male, her eyes softening at his words. "Your welcome, Slage." She murmured, shaking out her warming pelt.

"As for what you asked yourself, I'm guessing, I can tell Juniper that your not in the hole, but still nearby for support." The Canaan Dog added with a slight clearing of her throat.

"Anyways... are you hungry? You've been in there for quite some time." I wonder if he's claustrophobic. Maybe that noise was him panicking? Not sure, but even being smaller than him by a bit, I could never stay in something that enclosed and tight.


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