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Same Sex Pairs

Same Sex Pairs
Posted 2020-12-15 07:02:12 (edited)

EDIT: WE DID IT!! Gay wolves!!

I posted this idea in chat but I think it got drowned out.

Pairing same sex wolves would be a great addition to the game and many people in chat are talking about it. However, the main issue is, what would be the function? Bonding allows males to not be useless and breed within the pack, but obviously with same sex wolves that's not possible.

So, maybe they could have a pupsitting boost/be able to pupsit a small amount of puppies? The protection could be lower than proper pupsitters, but it would give same sex pairs a purpose - think of it as them "adopting" the puppies.

If you have any ideas or tweaks feel free to comment.

Additional Suggestions by other members:

(Crow #8718)

Boosted proformance in hunting if the pair is in the same hunting party (Not limited to same sex of course)

Possible chance to send pairs on journeys (not exclusive to same sex of course) for possible gain for pair bonding level/get amusement items? (Similar to scouting but not scouting essentially)

(Rhyn #31929)

If both same sex partners are pupsitters they can have an option to watch the same group of pups together and give a slight increase to pup survivability because two wolves watching is better than one.


 Same sex bonded pairs triggers adolescents/pups to be found in Explore as NBW's. A "adoptive" type situation, for example. 


Hunting parties gain more syngery if it has a bonded pair


When a pup or adolescant is adopted they’d get a learning boost to whatever role the parents have, like an adopted pup that has two chasing parents would get a 10% boost when you train them to be a chaser


Same-sex pairs could pupsit for a friend's pack for a single rollover. Maybe just a single pup, too.


Posted 2020-12-15 07:04:01

Love it! I think this would be a great addition to the game


Posted 2020-12-15 07:05:12

Agreed! A good idea.


Posted 2020-12-15 07:05:27

I absolutely support this! I would personally LOVE same sex pairings, and the representation is a really nice idea in general! I think the adoption/pupsitting concept is also a good idea and I would be very happy with it, or something similar :)

just... a litle creacher

Posted 2020-12-15 07:10:05

The pupsitting boost is a great idea! If the wolf is a pupsitter, then they can take care of more pups than normally. 

Anyway, I second the idea. 

Marzanka 🐺

Posted 2020-12-15 07:16:39

I fully support the same sex pairing, with or without a proper function being a reason behind it.

Possible functions for pairs (Just brainstorming, will add more in the future if I think of any.)

-Boosted proformance in hunting if the pair is in the same hunting party (Not limited to same sex of course)

-Possible chance to send pairs on journeys (not exclusive to same sex of course) for possible gain for pair bonding level/get amusement items? (Similar to scouting but not scouting essentially)

I feel as if there's more functions for pairs, more likely same sex pairs will also have purpose.


Posted 2020-12-15 07:18:27

Those are great additions! May I add them to the main post with credit?


Posted 2020-12-15 07:19:22

Yes, I love this idea. Maybe if both same sex partners are pupsitters they can have an option to watch the same group of pups together and give a slight increase to pup survivability because two wolves watching is better than one. I don't think this is game breaking because these wolves will no longer be able to breed. 


Posted 2020-12-15 07:19:50

Of course! I dont mind


Posted 2020-12-15 07:21:36

I saw this in the chat and was gonna make my own post. Totally agree and I think the pupsitter boost or hunter boost is a nice bonus.

Maybe just a general boost for whatever role they take so for example, one's a scout, and one's a pupsitter. They both get boosted in their individual roles so pupsitter can maybe look after more puppies or get a proficiency bonus or even less mood or energy drops idk.  Scouts could maybe get a proficiency boost or scout areas that they normally wouldnt be able to at their stats/proficiency

Just brainstorming :)

naturalharmony 🌈

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