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The Baking Corner

Posted 2020-11-30 18:31:05

Selkie dude those look so good wtf???? pls donate me some lmao

Also Four definitely add that to the spreadsheet. and goddamn i wish i could grow stuff in my house but my cats say no lol i tried to grow flowers and they destroyed them :(

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

Posted 2020-11-30 20:17:06 (edited)

:0 selkie those look amazing!! presimmons are a pain to slice though, lol

and yee, i'll post it when i can ^-^


Posted 2020-12-01 04:48:25

 Everything looks super tasty ! I love cranberries and while I never had them that way, I'd definitely love to try. I usually make white chocolate chip and cranberrie cookies. The tartness of the cranberries goes really well with all the sugar from the white chocolate !

 @Selkie made me hungry and I don't even like persimmons, so kudos


Posted 2020-12-01 09:19:40

Today I tried making a strawberry shortcake with already made biscuits and month old heavy whipping cream.

It was quite terrible. I had no time to make something good XD!

ah well, I did end up making a pretty giant chocolate chip cookie yesterday. I personally think it’s better then the store-bought stuff lol.


✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-12-01 09:37:32

Home-made chocolate chip cookies are the beeeest ! And rip for your shortcake haha 


Posted 2020-12-01 09:39:48

@Dagger, I know, right?

those store-boughts are never chewy enough :,)

✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-12-01 14:19:35

Ahh thank you all, you are so kind!

Also agreeing that homemade chocolate chip cookies are amazing, they're hands down one of my favorite desserts.  I keep meaning to try one of those ~fancy~ recipes that has browned butter, etc., but I'm worried that if I store the dough in the fridge I'll end up eating it all before it's ready.. 


Posted 2020-12-01 14:24:31

on the topic of chocolate chip cookies i have a killer recipe, i'll have to remember to add that one too!! cookies in general are great, im planning on making some gingerbread men soon ^-^


Posted 2020-12-01 14:27:28

   I know it's weird for most people, but I absolutely hate cookie dough :(( I really don't like the taste and even when I was a little kid, my friends always loved to eat the pancake batter and I just couldn't. But I do like it once it's cooked haha


Posted 2020-12-01 15:22:46

Wait your friends used to eat pancake batter? That's kinda wack lmao.

Also i discovered how to make chocolate ganache. I know its super basic but legit i never try and nicely decorate cakes and stuff and like thats the first step to greatness, ya know?

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

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