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WAR! | WindClan/RiverClan Warriors War Roleplay

Posted 2020-12-29 14:18:16


setting : riverclan camp - clearing

mentions: duststrike, palepaw, fernpaw

Rocklake sighed. "I'll be awaiting your answer, Duststrike." He padded off, nodding to Palepaw. He noticed Fernpaw watching them and approached the young cat. "You wanna join the patrol, kiddo?" He mewed.


setting: riverclan territory - moor

mentions: pansythorn

Tigerpeak raced across the moor. For a tunneler, she was fast, really fast. She stopped at the entrance to her tunnel.


Posted 2020-12-29 14:56:23


Setting: Riverclan camp, nursery.

Mentions: Topazkit(will add his sheet in a second)

JadeTail watched the kits play, her tail patting the soft dirt lazily. Her youngest, Topazkit, was snuggled by her side. He wasn’t as playful as the rest, but she loved him very much.

(feel free to interact!)


Posted 2020-12-29 15:16:40

Duststrike | RiverClan | Deputy | Location: Camp | Mentions: Rocklake, Palepaw

Oh, StarClan. Had these cats no understanding of the consequences of war, that they might not return to camp once they stepped foot on his patrol? Rocklake had since gone lame due to his run-in with the fox. The tom's injury would only slow the patrol down, but being that he was a senior warrior of RiverClan, Duststrike was left with no choice but to respect his decision. Rocklake knew that he'd be vulnerable in an attack. "We're patrolling the border. There's always a chance that we might be greeted by hostile Windclan cats." The deputy added, just to remind the older tom of what he was risking. Duststrike was already going out on a limb by allowing his own apprentice to tag along- naturally, he'd dive into save his apprentice first and foremost. He wouldn't be able to save two.

"There'll be no more apprentices on this patrol," the deputy added firmly when the senior warrior attempted to invite along another apprentice. "It's too great a risk- and that's final."

Breezechaser | WindClan | Warrior | Location: WindClan camp | Mentions: N/A

Long legs moving rhythmically, the tom carefully picked his way back to camp with his rabbit proudly dangling in his powerful jaws. The walk had made Breezechaser increasingly hungry- at first, he had intended on finding someone to share it with, but at this rate, he was so hungry that he swore that he could eat the entire thing himself. The hunter settled down at the edge of camp, crossing his long forelimbs before situating the rabbit into a more comfortable position for him to eat. 


Posted 2020-12-29 17:20:12


Taking a all step back as his denmate adresed him "um...yeah" he nearly whispered, as his tail lowered to the ground. Just as one of the warriors,Rocklake, came and invited him to join "well I was thinkin 'bout joinin" he mewed quietly just as Duststrike denied any other apprentices of going. Ferns ears dropped slightly as he hear Dust "well I guess not.." he added as he went to turn around.

MooseLeaf/warrior/windclan/tom/ location camp/open

The black male caught two more garder snake before he called it a day. He picked up the vine like creatures in his maw and trotted back to camp disposing two snakes into the fresh kill pile and laid in the shade as he freed the meat from the scales that bound it. Still Having a few dead leaves stuck to his long fur that clung to him during his hunt 


Posted 2020-12-30 07:32:48

Flint padded along the thunderpath flinching slightly whenever they zoomed by. She kept going because she scented marigold. She padded over to the scent not smelling the border of Windclan. 

Maria Skylar

Posted 2020-12-31 14:59:34


setting: riverclan camp - clearing

mentions: duststrike

Rocklake nodded, knowing well of the risk he was taking. He hoped his leg would be able to ward off hostile WindClan cats, but then again, they'd seen his defense mechanism before. He flicked his stub tail and waited to leave.


setting: windclan tunnels - tunnel leading to riverclan territory 

mentions: pansythorn

Tigerpeak dipped into the tunnel, walking down. She looked back to see if Pansythorn was following.


Posted 2020-12-31 15:33:31


  Setting: Riverclan camp 

Fadestar padded out of her den and sat in front of it. She studied the cats in her clan, wondering how well they'd do in a fight.


Setting: Riverclan -  Med den

She had slept in late again, and was curled up in her nest. Her tail twitched occasionally, and she had a peaceful look on her face.


Posted 2020-12-31 15:38:37 (edited)


Riverclan/mentions FadeStar and Featherpw
Dualpelt was in the medicine cat den, rearranging herbs and various other things in their proper place. Her young apprentice needed a clean and organized space to work and Dualpelt made it her number one chore of the day. All she needed was Featherpaw. The thought of her sister was also on her mind. FadeStar had recently been very busy with the war and everything going on. The medicine cat often got worried for her, scared that her sister one day might not come back. “Oooo Featherpaw,” she said gently, “Time to wake up. We have things to do.”


Riverclan/mentions JadeTail

Topazpaw watched the kits play with his mother, wondering what his older sister might be up to. “Mother,” he asked, “Did you ever worry about me and Feather as kits?” JadeTail gave him a look that said “duh”. “Is this a trick question? As course I worried about you kits! I’m your mother for goodness sake. What I’m the most worried about is that your not trying to find a mentor. Get out their tiger.”


Wisppaw poked around the prey pile, looking for her next meal. Eventually, she chose a nice looking finch and nimbly hoped off to eat it. She nearly tripped several times, but it was an improvement.


Posted 2020-12-31 15:41:05


[RiverClan Camp]

Rainberry crawled through the entrance of the camp, smoothing her shoulder fur as she stepped out. Having no current patrol or duties, she took it on herself to find something to do, and right now that was to go fishing in her favorite quiet place.

Heading down and around the usual trails, she continued on until she reached the edge of the WindClan and empty borders. There was another small body of water here, she wasn't sure if it was a break from the main river or a pond by the twolegs, but she didn't want to cross the border just to find out. Sitting down with a content smile, the warrior lifted a gray paw just slightly and watched the water for signs of life under the surface.


Posted 2020-12-31 16:17:03

Duststrike | RiverClan | Deputy | Location: Camp | Mentions: Rocklake, Palepaw

It would appear that Rocklake understood the risk that he was taking, even if he didn't verbally acknowledge so. After all, the tom risked his life in general by actively serving RiverClan (while in the middle of war, not to mention) as a warrior rather than retiring to the elder's den like most. It was something Duststrike quietly respected, and something he would do likewise. The golden-coated deputy returned Rocklake's firm nod. "We'll need at least two more warriors before heading out. The three of us wouldn't stand well against a hostile WindClan patrol, not without proper back-up." Duststrike was a full-fledged warrior, capable of defending himself and his apprentice if necessary. However, he wanted to be certain. WindClan wouldn't patrol the borders without fully packed patrols. Duststrike wasn't the type to just open up to cats, but he did find himself particularly protective of Palepaw. He cared for her. Not that he'd go mentioning that to anyone, anyways- he had a reputation to uphold.

The tom waved his tail. "Go have breakfast if you haven't already, while I go search for more recruits for our patrol." He absolutely wouldn't accept more apprentices for the patrol. They had their entire life ahead of them- he wouldn't be responsible for having it cut short. Duststrike himself still hadn't eaten, and he didn't intend to do so until he was back. Other cats needed to preserve their strength, with war on the horizon. His goal today was to reinforce the borders, and only fight if provoked. As much as he wanted to skin those worthless WindClanners alive...he couldn't do so without full permission. She better act soon. He thought begrudgingly as he stalked towards the warrior's den to find more bodies for the border patrol. 


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