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WAR! | WindClan/RiverClan Warriors War Roleplay

Posted 2021-02-05 09:33:45


setting: windclan camp - clearing / just outside medicine cat den

mentions: hawkstorm

tigerpeak got up, head pounding. she trudged over to the medicine cat den and sat down, shivering. she waited for hawkstorm to get back, since she was now too afraid to enter the nursery. 

she had to figure out which herb was which so she could stop the pain by herself.


Posted 2021-02-05 09:46:01

Hawkstorm }~ Tom }~ Windclan Medicine Cat }~

-- Location} Windclan Camp, Medicine Cat Den -- Mentions} Cally, Tigerpeak -- 

Hawkstorm's ear flicked as he heard pawsteps outside of the Medicine Cat Den. He lifted his head, an ear still in Cally's direction, awaiting his answer. He was slightly surprised to see that the cat there was Tigerpeak, after their previous quarrel in the Nursery.
"Hello, Tigerpeak." He said softly, leaving his apprentice with the agitated former-kittypet. "I'm guessing it's the headache, as usual." He tilted his head before retreating back into the den, towards the herb stores. He grabbed a few leaves of Feverfew and went back up to the awaiting she-cat.
"Here you are. Just chew it up and swallow it; the results should come quickly." Hawkstorm said with a slight smile, dropping the herb at her paws.


Posted 2021-02-05 10:17:14


setting: windclan camp - just outside the medicine den 

mentions: hawkstorm

she grumbled and quickly gobbled up the herbs. she sighed.

"do not yell at me again. by now you should know my sensitivities." she sighed, relief running through her.


Posted 2021-02-05 10:21:26

Hawkstorm }~ Tom }~ Windclan Medicine Cat }~

-- Location} Windclan Camp, Medicine Cat Den -- Mentions} Tigerpeak -- 

Hawkstorm nodded, lowering his head. He shuffled his paws, tapping his tail on the dense earth. "I know, Tigerpeak. It was just a very stressful moment for me, and I had told him to make sure no one got in..." He trailed off, mumbling moreso to himself than the she-cat.
"Anyways... I apologize for getting pushy with you."


Posted 2021-02-05 10:39:51


setting: right outside the medicine den - windclan camp

mentions: hawkstorm

tigerpeak nodded. "it's alright. i shouldn't have barged in anyway." she got up.

"i'm.. going to get more water." she walked off, towards the entrance of camp.


Posted 2021-02-12 22:58:13

((kinda waiting for others to post for several of my characters and I'm not sure what to do...))


Posted 2021-02-14 10:25:38

Just waiting for a response pfor my Male //

Maria Skylar

Posted 2021-02-26 18:15:11



Posted 2021-04-12 13:02:11

(hi folks are we giving up on this?)


Posted 2021-04-12 13:14:41

((I've been waiting for MoonHawk to reply to Palepaw with Finchpaw but they haven't been on in a while so I've pretty much given up on that (,: ))


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