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WAR! | WindClan/RiverClan Warriors War Roleplay

Posted 2020-12-01 12:28:44 (edited)

Hawkstorm }~ Tom }~ Windclan Medicine Cat }~

-- Location} Windclan Camp, Medicine Cat Den -- Mentions} Pansythorn -- 

Hawkstorm was about to go back to his nest to take a short nap, seeing as he believed no clanmates needed his attention as of now, but that thought went down the tree as he heard a feminine voice behind him.
Flicking an ear, he turned his head over his shoulder to see Pansythorn, one of the Warriors of Windclan. He flicked his cauda with slight interest and amusement, knowing how much the molly despised asking for help, and here she was.
He listened to her rambling calmly and padded towards his new patient. Hearing Pansythorn's voice cease, he lifted her injured forepaw out from under her and flipped it over, eyeing it with precise hues.
He could see the dried and new blood on her underpaw. The source was a thorn, larger than a rose thorn, but a thorn nonetheless. He thought of asking her where she'd gone trodding but decided it was not necessary.
Clearing his throat, the tom placed Pansythorn's paw down softly and padded over to his herb stores, but instead of grabbing pineapple leaf, he chose a nicely sized wad of cobweb and some yarrow.
Walking back over to the molly, he plucked the thorn out of her paw with a swift jerk of his head, and chewed up the yarrow, applying the new poultice onto the previous location of the thorn. Then, Hawkstorm quickly wrapped the cobwebs over the paw, watching as the blood was slowly choked by the cobweb and yarrow.
That should stop the infection. Tell me if it gets worse by the end of today. Come back tomorrow morning so I can change out the dressings." He said quietly, looking into the she-cat's eyes.

Palepaw }~ Molly }~ Riverclan Apprentice }~

-- Location} Riverclan Camp, Camp Clearing -- Mentions} Duststrike --

Palepaw arrived back in camp, her little fish in her jaws. She placed them onto the prey pile, not hungry enough to take one for herself as of now. The little molly shook out her dilute calico pelt, and she ran her tongue across her muzzle after a large yawn. Her eyes slowly landed on a ginger shape pacing a little.
The she-cat's grey-blue hues lit up as she noticed it was her mentor, Duststrike. He looked rather annoyed and impatient this morning. She noted how he, too, did not even stop to look at the freshly-stocked freshkill pile.
"Hello, Duststrike," The lithe Palepaw mewed, padding up to the formidable tom. "If you are going out on Dawn Patrol, may I come along? I know our ties with Windclan are beyond intense right now, but I promise I will be ready for whatever happens."
To seal her statement, the molly unsheathed her claws and looked up at the male with determination and anger raging in her eyes like the stormy sea they represented. She understood how he felt as much as a separate cat could. Windclan would be gone soon enough. Hopefully...


Posted 2020-12-01 12:34:16


setting: riverclan territory - riverbank

mentions: n/a

Rock slowly fell into slumber, letting his front paws dangle in the cool water.


setting: windclan camp - common grounds/entrance

mentions: whoever's in camp

"Everyone!" Tigerpeak howled, closing her eyes shut to avoid the white pelts of some of her clanmates. "I've hit water in the tunnels! We can drink without Riverclan getting onto us!" She held a paw up in victory.


Posted 2020-12-04 12:59:37

Swiftstar padded outside of her den and looked around at her clan. She let out a happy pur when she saw it was working well. She walked over to the prey pile and picked up a rabbit

Maria Skylar

Posted 2020-12-04 13:08:08


setting: riverclan territory - riverbank

He woke. His eyes were wide, almost bloodshot. He blinked. Oh, that nightmare again. He looked at his lame leg in shame. He got up and started walking back to camp.


setting: windclan camp/windclan territory - trees near thunderclan

tigerpeak sighed, not liking being ignored. oh well, she'd collect some water anyway. she went out onto the moor, keeping her eyes shut closed. she opened them slowly to get used to the light. she walked to a tree and began skinning off the moss it held.


Posted 2020-12-04 18:18:12

Pansythorn || Molly || Windclan Warrior || Location: Windclan camp, in the medicine den. || Mentions: Hawkstorm, Tigerpeak

She sighed a little. “Thanks, Hawk.” She looked at him for a little bit. Then after the awkward silence, she finally decided to break it. “Hey, after your duties, why don’t we hang out a while? I’ve been meaning to thank you for everything you’ve done for me..” She was looking at the floor as she said this. “I feel that you’re a little overworked and need to relax, so after you’ve finished, and after I’ve finished.. maybe we could meet up someplace nice, and talk?” She smiled a little when she looked back up at him. “W-We don’t have to if you don’t wanna, though! I get you have work and all that, but I can’t really think of any other way to repay ya’...” She closed her eyes for a quick moment, and sighed. She was trying to not think of how uncomfortable her paw was, right now. “A-Anyways, just think on it, kay? I’ve got to go do something really quick, so, see ya’ later!” And with that, she went, looking for Tigerpeak.

✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-12-04 18:39:50


setting: riverclan camp - clearing/warriors den

Rocklake walked in camp, examining his surroundings. He decided to go back to sleep. He'd been more tired than ever lately. He retreated to his nest in the warriors den.


setting: windclan territory - moor/tunnel leading to riverclan territory

Tigerpeak had gathered quite a bit of moss and went down into the tunnels. She soaked the moss thoroughly, then went back to the surface.


Posted 2020-12-04 18:48:25

Duststrike | RiverClan | Deputy | Location: Camp | Mentions: N/A

He had little interest in dragging along apprentices, given the risks at hand and the potential for them to also get in the way. As an adult cat who valued apprentices for the purpose of becoming future warriors, he thought it too risky to drag the adolescent along. However, at this rate, war as unavoidable- especially since Duststrike was behind it as an ambitious supporter. His apprentice was aware of the risks, and being that he was her mentor, it was his duty to train her. He couldn't just be a coward and leave behind Palepaw every time. She'd never get any training in. "It'll be risky." The fire-hued deputy commented briefly, although he knew that his apprentice was aware of this.

His lips creased in the slightest smile when she unsheathed her claws, ready. If his hunger for battle and willingness to loyally fight against the WindClan scum rubbed off on his apprentice, then he'd be damn proud. Better to die young with honor, than to die old as a spineless, unpatriotic coward. "So be it. Make your clan proud, Palepaw." The deputy turned away from the she-cat to address whatever other warriors might be awake. Clan seemed to be like a stagnant pond- inactive, still. The only movement that flickered in the corner of his vision was Rocklake, who had retreated to his quarters. Duststrike silently respected the lame tom- he too would never retire. He would die with pride, as a warrior, fighting for his clan until his last breath. 

((Can I just use NPCs for the patrol, given that there aren't any other warriors?))

Breezechaser | WindClan | Warrior | Location: WindClan territory/camp | Mentions: N/A

The ticked tabby tightened his grip on the rabbit's neck as it continued to struggle. Despite growing weaker, it made a final hoorah, kicking him in the shoulder and getting a pained grunt out of the warrior, but it only made him bite down harder. The force from the impact left a lasting sting, and drew blood from the tom's shoulder. However, he relished in silence as the rabbit fell dead at his paws, causing the tom to finally let out a small sigh of relief.

...Well, he was starving and he'd love to eat the entire thing, but it appeared a bit too big to do that. The effects of hunger would make it more difficult for him to struggle through chasing down another rabbit, even if smaller than the current. In addition, his shoulder hurt now, and wrestling down the big rodent took quite a nice slug of energy out of him.

Breezechaser, after having a moment's rest, decided to drag his impressive catch back to camp, so he could have someone share it with him. Eating the entire thing might give him quite the belly-ache. 


Posted 2020-12-04 19:51:07


setting: riverclan camp - warriors den/clearing

mentions: duststrike

Rock couldn't sleep. He got up and tried to stand. He fell. He then remembered he had only three working legs, and stood up again; this time, a success.

He walked out, scanning the area. He saw Duststrike, the deputy. Rocklake was quite jealous of the younger tom. He'd served his clan for moons more, and he gets the job? 

Rocklake shook away the thought, knowing he wouldn't be a good candidate anyways with his poor decision making and his lame leg. He walked over to the tom.

"Oi, young'un." Rocklake mewed, looking at Duststrike with his one good eye. "If you're goin' out on a patrol, I'd love 't come." He flicked his stub of a tail, waiting for a response.


setting: windclan camp - clearing/the outside area of the medicine den

mentions: none

Tigerpeak walked into camp, multiple bundles of soaking moss in her mouth. She plopped them down near the medicine cat's den, figuring Hawkstorm might need some water. Besides, injured cats might want a drink anyway.


Posted 2020-12-04 19:53:11 (edited)

Hawkstorm }~ Tom }~ Windclan Medicine Cat }~

-- Location} Windclan Camp, Medicine Cat Den -- Mentions} Pansythorn, Tigerpeak -- 

Hawkstorm nodded, accepting the she-cat's appreciation. He tilted his head, listening to Pansythorn's following words. "After my duties?" He mused, smiling softly. "I'm almost always on duty... " The tom continued to listen to her, however. Relaxing and talking for a bit doesn't sound half bad, anyway... He thought. 

"I'll think about it, Pansythorn. Don't worry," He chuckled, his chartreuse eyes sparkling softly in the dimness of the den. He watched as she ran out of the den, and the anxiety in the air slowly left the den as well. Hawkstorm's mind wandered as he padded back towards his nest, looking down at it contemplatively. Pansythorn surely couldn't be forming an interest for me, right? I'm a medicine cat -- I'd only be letting her down in the bigger picture.

Still, as he thought about it, a tiny voice continued to chitter at him, stating how medicine cat relationships have been made before. He was jerked out of his thoughts when he heard pawsteps echoing towards his den. His fur fluffed up in embarrassment as he was caught lost in his thoughts by who appeared to be Tigerpeak.

He padded out of the den to see her, curiosity in his gaze as he forced his fur back down and noted the wet moss in her jaws and watched her set it down outside his den. "Thank you, Tigerpeak. I was going to go get a drink soon anyway. Your accomplishment is well appreciated." Hawkstorm smiled softly, then gestured towards Pansythorn with his tail, noticing that she still looked a bit panicked. "I think she might be looking for someone to talk to. Feel free to be the one."

With that, the tom picked up the bundles of wet moss and dipped back down into his den, licking the water out of a patch of soaked moss in his nest, slipping back in thought.

Palepaw }~ Molly }~ Riverclan Apprentice }~

-- Location} Riverclan Camp, Camp Clearing -- Mentions} Duststrike, Rocklake --

Palepaw's ears perked up with interest when Duststrike mentioned how it'd be risky. She felt the warmth of pride in her chest when she saw her mentor smile, and she faintly wondered what was going through his head that caused him to do so. 

"You can count on me, Duststrike!" She meowed, standing up tall, her chin raised slightly. The young she-cat looked around the camp along with him, her ear ticking to the side dejectedly when she saw the camp was deserted, but then she saw Rocklake, the older warrior she'd followed for a short bit earlier, hobbling over to them.

She listened with a warm smile as he asked Duststrike if he could join the patrol. She would be honored to have the tom with them, given his time in the clan and all the knowledge he must possess. 


Posted 2020-12-09 12:55:06

Swiftstar finished her meal and got up and stretched. She looked around and let out a purr. She walked over to the apprentice den and looked inside

Maria Skylar

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