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WAR! | WindClan/RiverClan Warriors War Roleplay

Posted 2020-12-14 10:17:46


setting: riverclan camp - clearing

mentions: duststrike

Rock waited for Duststrike to answer.


setting: windclan camp - outside medicine den/clearing

mentions: hawkstorm, pansythorn

tigerpeak nodded. "i spent all day digging and finally hit the water. Thought I'd collect some." she turned to pansythorn and walked over. "pansythorn, are you alright?" she mewed, fighting to keep her eyes open. pansy's pelt made pain shoot through her head, but she tried to focus on getting her to feel better.

(i assume pansy has some white on her since she is tortie, but if she doesnt void tiger's pain)


Posted 2020-12-14 11:12:16

(Yep, she’s got a bit of white.)

Pansythorn || Molly || Windclan Warrior || Location: Windclan camp, in the medicine den. || Mentions: Tigerpeak

Pansy took a quick breather, then turned to talk to Tigerpeak. “I-I’m fine. I was just a little worried about you. You know it’s really dangerous to do that, right?” She quickly changed her demeanor when she took another deep breath. “So, you found water, eh? Mind if you could tell me where it is? I’m honestly kinda thirsty.. my throat is pretty parched, actually-!” She mewed and  waited patiently for the Molly’s answer, sitting down as if she were waiting for her human to feed her or something-.

✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-12-14 13:11:49 (edited)

(sorry, watched a movie in class)

(also question what the heck is a molly. i keep googling it but its just fish)


setting: windclan camp - clearing

mentions: pansythorn

"Pansy, I've been tunneling for moons. I know my way around." She flexed her claws. "And sure! Come on, follow me." She began padding out of camp.


Posted 2020-12-14 13:22:21

(search up "molly cat" instead)


Posted 2020-12-14 13:23:51

(OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tiger can still have kids, shes just a she-cat)


Posted 2020-12-18 11:57:52

Swiftstar looked around the apprentice den and turned around and decided to see what the medicine cat was up to. She padded over her body answed smoothly.

Maria Skylar

Posted 2020-12-19 10:39:47

(i'll post a response to Swiftstar/Maria later...)


Posted 2020-12-25 15:12:33 (edited)


The young white tom pulled himself out of the apprentice den and shook the dust from his silky pelt. His tail now looking like a blooming grass pod he walked across the camp scanning the area for cats, worried he may have slept in a bit longer then expected. But to his relief it seems only a few cats are gathered for patrol. 

Fern watch the group and started over but stopped mid-step as he realized the one leading the party was Duststrike, he was a bit intense most of the time and it wasn't something Fern wanted to deal with as soon as he woke.  But it may be too late as one of them could of seen him.

(Engage or not it's up to the party haha)


"Ah there it is" the black tom whispered to him self as he finally spotted his prey. He crouched down and slowly stocked up to the small beast. Just as the harder noticed the feline behind it, it was too late. Moose pounced snatching the snake up by it's neck and quickly despatched it. He turned to a tree and started to it to set down his kill to look for another.


Posted 2020-12-28 23:02:43

Hawkstorm }~ Tom }~ Windclan Medicine Cat }~

-- Location} Windclan Camp, Medicine Cat Den -- Mentions} Swiftstar -- 

Hawkstorm was not so happy to be interrupted again, but it all came with the pleasures of being Windclan's Medicine Cat. He almost jumped to the sky when he saw the new cat was not Tigerpeak, nor Pansythorn, but Swiftstar herself.
"G-Goodmorning, Swiftstar." The tom sputtered, bowing his head quickly, smoothing his fur out. He hoped he hadn't looked like a bush only a few seconds ago. Who knew what the leader would do if she saw him slacking?
"So... how is your day going so far?" Hawkstorm asked, hoping to swerve her attention in another direction with small talk. He pushed an extra bundle of wet moss over in her direction.

Palepaw }~ Molly }~ Riverclan Apprentice }~

-- Location} Riverclan Camp, Camp Clearing -- Mentions} Duststrike, Rocklake, Fernpaw --

Palepaw shifted from paw to paw, looking up at her mentor expectantly. What is he thinking about? Or waiting for? The apprentice thought to herself, confusion lacing her expression. However, her ear twitched when she saw an image from the corner of her eye, the structure of a fellow adolescent.
Deciding to get her mind off of Duststrike and Rocklake's exchange, she turned to face Fernpaw, a friendly smile on her face as she waved her tail in greeting. "Hello there, Fernpaw. Is everything alright?" Palepaw inquired, seeing the momentarily scared look on his features, but it quickly went away. She wondered if it was because he was worried about being late to something, and she quirked an eyebrow with curiosity.
However, the young she-cat didn't say another word, instead awaiting the ones from the male.


Posted 2020-12-29 07:42:05

"I am doing well. Thank you Hawkstorm." Swiftstar said. "Have you given thought about getting a apprentice?" She asked the medicine cat.

Maria Skylar

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