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Raise & Chase

Posted 2021-07-05 06:23:41

Anyone got space for 2 adols? Both have merle. 

❖ Kayla ❖

Posted 2021-07-05 06:25:23

I have, Kayla :)


Posted 2021-07-05 06:26:06

@Iona lovely, I'll make sure they're fed/played and then I'll send them across. :D

❖ Kayla ❖

Posted 2021-07-05 06:26:36

Thanks, that would be ideal!


Posted 2021-07-05 06:58:16

Chasing this Tawny with Luna Points!

🍀 LoboSong

Posted 2021-07-05 07:20:35

Chasing today!

🌈[Kim] Frying Pan🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2021-07-05 08:58:17

Chasing this boy! 

right after posting this, he's old so hopefully he'll have a nice reroll I paired him off with this girl, and together they gave me serval pretty pups, I'll be keeping her in my dynasty once she's ready, but he's to pretty to let die off without a chance. please, PLEASE if anyone finds him let me know! hoping he finds a good home =]]


Posted 2021-07-05 09:21:56 (edited)

Chasing today ~ First one isn't that special but has some pretty marks with luna.

Nei 🦀✨

Posted 2021-07-05 09:29:13

Name: Leafy 

A bit about me: I play WD relatively casually but I enjoy the challenge of trying to breed good T3s with low gen, less popular lines. So, naturally, I chase a *lot* of wolves and pups that don't fit what I'm looking for. 

I Have: Usually plenty of food. I stay in the easy biomes so my hunters bring down a lot of large and medium prey. 

I Need: Territory space! I, uh, keep spending my money on other stuff. 

Pup (if applicable): At the moment I'm waiting for these lovelies to all age up so I can send them packing. 

Sepia + Merle
Ebony + Merle + Azure Eyes
Rime + IU + Violet Eyes


Posted 2021-07-05 13:04:36

welcome, Leafy! :)

chasing for Kayla

antler 6m

rime, violet eyes, 7m incl. selene lupos

tuff 4m

eve [semi-hiatus]

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