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Raise & Chase

Posted 2021-06-21 03:25:21

Today I R&Ced...


Posted 2021-06-21 03:31:57

Oh and I can take 3 adols aging up tomorrow! :)


Posted 2021-06-21 03:33:26

Anyone have room for a few aging up adols?

I could chase them myself but I am not participating in getting the points...


Posted 2021-06-21 03:34:52 (edited)

I can take 3 Donna! Will do the point submission, no problem.

ETA: just one thing: if they're not fed and played with I'll hold off with accepting them until I've done FAPA for today, to not waste resources ;)


Posted 2021-06-21 03:36:17 (edited)

OK cool I will send them shortly!


Your messages are full @ Iona

I have a very pretty adult male to send as well

clean I think...

to be chased unless you want to keep him...

So I haven't used my feed all yet but the trade can just sit there until you use your's?


Posted 2021-06-21 03:48:49

Do you guys know about the Chased wolf spotting topic? People post screenshots of the chased wolves they found. If you've chased some and wonder if they made it to the pool and/or found a home, you can take a look!

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-06-21 06:35:05

Chasing these two gorgeous inbred adults today!

OROIDE Boy with White Merle, Black Inuit and Honey Inuit

SARDER Girl with Black Merle Patches


Posted 2021-06-21 08:12:37

Oh, I chased these two over the weekend:

Nei 🦀✨

Posted 2021-06-21 08:16:22 (edited)

so pretty!

Is the left one a male? I saw one for sale today that looked like this (good stats too) but I couldn't get it. So it's likely been found and is in good hands.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-06-21 08:17:15

@ Donna your inbox is full also 😁


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