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Reduced Reliance on RNG (from the perspective of a game maker)

Posted 2022-08-30 10:14:38
I have been using the "latch/bite + bleed + wait" strategy ever since the CBT, and I still find the battling system beyond frustrating.


Posted 2022-10-21 07:11:39
I'm pretty sure I made multiple posts in here already, but as battling has still not improved, I am back once again.

I'll be completely honest: battling is the biggest reason why I stopped playing regularly and only come online every few months for a few days.
There are so many important bonuses to having a high level lead (producing high stat pups which is important for pack roles, attracting NBWs that aren't just uninteresting chase fodder, being able to reliably get event currency which is heavily tied to battling, just to name a few) and it's just beyond frustrating.

Every time I return to this game I leave again, because this battling system leaves me genuinely frustrated and mentally exhausted if I play this game for more than a day or two. I shouldn't have to rely on Lucky Feet, a consumable item (either found by chance or with premium currency) to have consistent battles (and even then, god knows, sometimes the lucky feet just don't do anything and you lose against an opponent 5 levels below you.) I should be able to win battles reliably in a consistent way without the use of any items if I battle someone a few levels below me and I should win battles reliably when using a Lucky Foot even if the enemy is a level or two above me. Because I am using a consumable item. Make it worth something.

Please finally do something impactful about this. Battling is grinding, don't make it the most annoying part of the entire game. I want to play this game regularly, but unless I get my lead to at least lvl 15, I'm just missing out on things that are important to my gameplay so why even bother playing? My lead will die again anyway and I gotta sit through this annoying, frustrating hell over and over and over again.
And don't even get me started on the Anniversary announcement of making opponents STRONGER. That's the exact opposite direction that should be taken.
Please do something about this. It is not only a huge reason why I stopped playing, it is also actively preventing me from returning for more than a day or two and, given how many comments are in this thread, I know I'm not the only one.

Rapirisu ✦ Mutie Breeder

Posted 2022-10-22 01:07:55
Oh wow. To me, the battling system did get much easier. My losses are down bigtime and I'm probably only using 1 lucky foot for every 3 I used to use. Not that my experience is universal, I was just a bit surprised to see people still having trouble.

I'd definitely love to see more comments on what people think!


Posted 2022-10-22 03:17:34
Something I find fascinating is that the stronger my lead gets, the weaker she seems to be against lower levels. I worry about enemies around level 8 more than 15+ these days. I don't often lose fights against them, but they're superior at eating my HP, moreso than a level 25 even could at times. (Using the same fighting method, mind you.)

They aren't always so bad, it's just inconsistent - sometimes I kill them in five hits, sometimes they're clapping me and I have to scramble to defeat them first. Meanwhile, I just killed a level 17 Charged Brown Bear and barely got hurt, it was a cakewalk. Which when compared to a level 2 Volukros Scout that delivered a can of whup-ass on me, it shouldn't have been.

And from what I can tell, the update has definitely made battling harder across the board. Not significantly, just a bit. I'm not against legitimate difficulty, I'm against the inconsistency.

For all I've improved in battling these last few months, I genuinely don't understand this RNG.


Posted 2022-10-22 12:39:37 (edited)
I think it's important to not only compare levels, but the type of enemy. Different enemies will have different difficulties because they all have different hidden stats. Some will be faster and more likely to hit, where a bear isn't very fast. Once they're fast, it just takes one bleed and the battle can quickly go sour.

Most of my battles tend to be lost to foxes and badgers. I do battle these enemies more often because better rewards, but the foxes are fast, and the badgers are tough as heck - just like their real life counter parts. Then next is charged enemies which are meant to be the toughest in game enemies so I don't really count those.

Is that really rng? If the enemy is programed to battle a certain way?


Posted 2022-10-22 12:58:31
To be honest though, the same level Charged Elk on two different battles can either wreck me, or be wrecked with ease. This with me being the exact same health, so my starting health doesn't matter. I try not to use Lucky Foots too often, and they don't seem to matter much with charged enemies specifically.
I do think the chance that birds bleed you on the opening hit and then deny you even trying to heal is bull, and if I get bled on first move, even against low levels, I'm just fleeing because it's not worth the energy/health.


Posted 2022-10-22 13:34:32
The charged enemies definitely can be a pain in the butt. I don't win every charged battle for sure. But they're also supposed to be the hardest enemies in the game, so I wouldn't expect anyone to win that 100% of the time. Even the top leaderboard players.

Also yeah birds have that annoying first bleed ability. I did find that they're doing this less after I added the Ambush skill (50% chance to gain +1 bonus to initiative rolls) since I get the first go more often.


Posted 2022-10-22 13:42:32
Hmm I'll play around with the talent tree a bit. So far, I feel battles have at best stayed the same difficulty, at worst become a little harder. However, it's too early to say for sure and I think not a lot of people have been able to explore the new possibilities properly yet. Maybe once I reskill or add another skill or two, I will notice a big change for the better.


Posted 2022-10-22 13:44:22
For anyone curious, this is the current setup I'm working with. I didn't want any skills that would reduce my damage. I'm also going for leaderboard, which means I need as much energy as possible, so I didn't get any of the new moves. Can't really talk for the effectiveness of those.


Posted 2022-10-22 13:45:55
Currently, for me, rn battles are kinda 70/30 for me which is better than it was before, but occasionally I'll have those battles where I get my ass kicked to oblivion or get bleed on the first turn and try to get rid of it only to just, not


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