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Bigfoot/Sasquach Encounter/Background

Posted 2021-07-13 20:17:44

You know what? Support. 

I would be unsure about it dropping a new background (though it is a neat idea), but even if it's just SC, food, amusement, etc I would still love to see a Bigfoot encounter. It's just too fun and harmless to pass up!


Posted 2021-08-23 03:25:10
Support this! Every time in Explore the line comes up about following tracks that just stop I think of Sasquatch lore.

Another one of the drops you might receive could be Large Rocks or Branches. They are reported to toss boulders, large limbs, & sometimes even whole trees at people to scare them out of areas. One could simply wave at me from the side of the road & it would never see my car in that county again!

Celtic Ravens

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