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Bigfoot/Sasquach Encounter/Background

Posted 2020-11-05 18:31:07 (edited)

This is cute! I love cryptids. I hope the backgrounds/sightings in game are super rare. I think that would add to the fun!


Posted 2020-11-05 18:33:19

Hell yeah! Total support! 

Emmit Is Ghosting

Posted 2020-11-06 01:53:28

This just makes me want a cryptic event lol. One that deals with myths about Bigfoot, month man, chupecabra, aliens, etc. 


Posted 2020-11-10 13:32:05

I absolutely LOVE this idea! Personally, the idea of a massive bipedal hominid living in the dense North American wildnerness is terrifying, so i think the encounter has room to be scary or foreboding, too, haha. Either way - I love cryptids, so considering the setting, a nod to one of the most famous ones would be amazing!


Posted 2020-11-10 14:39:39

HELL YES I'd LOVE that!!


Posted 2020-11-16 14:51:45

I think this is a really cool idea!

The USA has some really neat cryptids and legends, of which Bigfoot is one of the most well known. I think it would be really neat to have them added.

Hunter [HM]

Posted 2020-11-16 17:30:59

Support! I live in Washington State and the Sasquatch/Bigfoot mythos is very prevalent here. We have bars named after Bigfoot, the local community college has a Sasquatch mascot, there are large Sasquatch statues on the side of the road... It would be fun to have these encounters in explore.


Posted 2021-07-10 17:31:29

I still really would like this. An encounter they don't tell us about that's so rare only a few people have seen it!

Repost anything if you agree!

Captain Hakob

Posted 2021-07-10 17:32:02

Support! I'm originally from the PNW and think it's brilliant!!


Posted 2021-07-12 04:42:45

This is cute, big support! I think it'd be extra funny if they added it without even saying anything though that's not realistic... Wolvden is a weird mystical game though, so I think creatures that are a bit more on the fantasy side can fit in well enough and are very fun additions. Wolvden could use some more of its own cryptids too on that note- aside from No-baby anyway ;p 


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