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Adol and Pup Training

Adol and Pup Training
Posted 2020-11-03 08:28:03 (edited)

Sorry, I dont have time to really flesh this suggestion into right now, but something like the mechanics on lioden. Daily pup training, and the ability to send pups with hunting parties or scouts, and maybe even to shadow the herbalist 

Ok so I'm back to update this. Some of the comments have had similar thoughts to what I was thinking, and some have added details that hadn't occurred to me. I love Keld's ideas for limitations and restrictions.

Anyway, I'm tired of my adol's sitting around being useless and expecting to be fed. They need a job to earn their keep 😂 I've compiled a list of my ideas and suggestions from the comments below. I have tried to give credit to who suggested the idea first. Obviously, all training sessions would reward a small stat or exp boost to the pup/adol.


- Daily option to interact with pups for a chance to gain stats or exp



- Hunting party must be above certain skill and synergy levels to take adol - Keld #17293

- Adol personality may cause conflict with hunting party. 

- New adol may cause failed hunts due to bumbling around. Likewise, a well trained adol may give a slight boost to success rate of hunts


- Earn some proficiency and possibly exp and/or stats (Kieari #353)

- Well trained apprentice looses fewer recipes and/or begins with a small proficiency boost when assigned as new herbalist

- Herbalists below certain proficiency percentage can't take an apprentice because they're still learning themselves - Keld #17293

- Apprentice may bring back non-medicinal herbs by mistake when foraging - Ice #15164


- Adol can only go on rescouting missions as its safer - Keld #17293

- Adol has a higher chance of illness or injury due to recklessness

- Has chance to find additional item. Likewise, the pair may not find anything as the adult scout was too busy looking after adol.

-Scouting may take longer, though I would say no more than an extra 30 minutes 


Adols could help with pup sitting! Think about it: in wild packs even the older juveniles help take care of the younger pups, either by play or other means. Instead of an adol taking up a full pupsitter role (you know, balancing reasons so that the pupsitter role doesn’t become obsolete) they could assist an adult pupsitter, adding on an additional 5-10% protection to one or two pups. - FriedKilamari #9718


Posted 2020-11-03 08:29:11

Fully support. It’s a little frustrating to have a lot of pups who don’t actually do anything. Even something like setting pups to play with each other to slightly increase their stats would be nice.


Posted 2020-11-03 08:33:18

I agree with this!

Also, when the puppies are still being pupsat, the pupsitters could be involved in their training and maybe gain an exp or stat boost, since Pupsitter leveling is already fairly slow.


Posted 2020-11-03 08:52:49

I think it'd be absolutely adorable if you could have an Adol become an assistant to your herbalist, (and while earning some proficiency and possibly exp and/or stats,) they'd have the possibility to bring home non-herb plants (for nesting or decor?) while doing their best to participate in foraging :D


Posted 2020-11-03 08:55:45

I agree, especially with adols! they have energy bars but can't spend the energy yet

Crickets 🦗

Posted 2020-11-03 08:58:56

I would love this idea, but I would like it to be more fleshed out and immersive than in LD. I'm not sure how exactly, but something more than just going to an area in Crossroads and clicking couple times to maybe get some stat gain for the pup.

Adol training could work in a similar way as in LD, but maybe give them proficiency? Just +2 a day, and they too would lose one proficiency point on RO.


Posted 2020-11-03 08:59:01

I fully support this, would be awesome to have your adols gain some stats and xp helping the adults. It would also make sense like in lioden for the adols ib training to hinder the hunts, scouts and herbalist. For the hunts it could work the same in lioden, for the scouts if its a rescout theres a chance they miss out on some loot bc theyre busy training otherwise exploration could take a little longee. With the herbalist the same thing foraging, they could miss a herb while training and mixing could take like 30 mins longer bc theyre teaching the adol

🧊 BigenderOrthrus🧊

Posted 2020-11-03 09:03:07

I care more about stats than any other aspect of my wolves and hope we can start training pups in the near future.


Posted 2020-11-03 09:03:25

I kinda roleplay doing this by giving my wolves "Apprentices", meaning pretending like they are teaching a youngster, but if we actual could, I'd love it!


Posted 2020-11-03 09:06:17

Please god let us do things with adols/pups. Love aravel and kieari’s ideas too! Full support.


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