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of wolves and writers

Posted 2024-01-17 05:54:06
Sacred, I'm not sure how merchants would be used in raffles and the hoard. Can you elaborate further on that? Any ideas on how to implement it fully?

As for forums, this is what I had in mind:

I'm thinking of 6 standard forums: Getting Started, OOC Space, Roleplay, Lore, Art, and Other.

Under "Getting Started," I would like to include the group rules, the warrior code which can be established by the starting 5 packs before the roleplay officially begins and it can also be broken, and pack signups (so we can keep track of how many packs are involved).

Under "OOC Space," we can have some common topics such as: a main chat for random chatter, a roleplay chat for OOC conversations that relate to the current roleplay, a trading/adoption/discount thread, an introduction topic for players to introduce themselves, and anything else can be created as we need it.

In regards to "Roleplay," I will probably use sub-forums a lot. Most are location oriented. The sub-forum "Borders" will contain a topic regarding each territory border and who it belongs to so a lot of threads under that one. The sub-forums "Gatherings" and "Cave of Visions" will have a new topic for each meeting and a separate topic for unannounced visits from sneaky pack members or personal rituals in the caves (whatever the need may be). The sub-forum "Camps" will include a topic for each pack's camp. I don't look for these threads to be used much aside from battles, surprise attacks, sneaky shenanigans, or visits from other packs. Another sub-forum labeled "Beyond Borders" will have topics created by members of locations away from the packs where we can bring in enemies or packmates can sneak off to. That's all I can think of right now.

Under "Lore," there will be a category for each pack to post and upload their pack's stories or a particular wolf's history. I wish we could edit those posts. :(

"Art" will be a forum on its own and members can create their own topics as needed. I might combine "Lore" and "Art" if we don't have enough forum space. And "Other" is for anything that falls outside of those categories, maybe for suggestions and such.

Please let me know what you think!

I am slightly concerned about how to handle wolves being in two places at once because life happens and responses may be slower and interfere with gatherings. Any ideas?
River 🏳️‍⚧️

Posted 2024-01-17 06:33:43
The forums sound awesome!

Hm, I'm not sure about that, too.


Posted 2024-01-17 07:29:39 (edited)
Because I can't imagine that a pack from for example the Glaciers just walk to the gathering because this would probably be far away from the Glaciers, in an averaged-tempered biome like Grasslands or Deciduous Forest.

I love the idea of a map of territories! And I agree as well, Glacier wolves would need to travel so far to participate in the Gatherings, it's perhaps better to stick to a closer spread of territories. But what the biomes we do have are yet to be discussed in depth.

Sacred, I'm not sure how merchants would be used in raffles and the hoard. Can you elaborate further on that? Any ideas on how to implement it fully?

Merchants would be NPCs - they could be one of our wolves that were sent away, or perhaps a brand-new wolf we create for that purpose. Either way - these wolves are meant to bring with them items and things acquired throughout their travels that they'd be happy to trade for something else. Raffles and the Clan hoard could perhaps be part of it. They could be skeptical or trusting, and of course, everyone values different things - kinda like the raffle stud and how what they want is different each time. We don't have to include them if no one else agrees.

Under "Lore," there will be a category for each pack to post and upload their pack's stories or a particular wolf's history. I wish we could edit those posts. :(

As per my prior PM, we could link to editable sources within the individual pack's thread, if desired. It would eliminate this problem, provided the link is correct. I do wish we could edit group posts, it makes everything so much easier. Additionally, I don't know if either of you noticed this, but I've never been notified of a response to a group forum; that could be a factor in decisions.

I am slightly concerned about how to handle wolves being in two places at once because life happens and responses may be slower and interfere with gatherings. Any ideas?

I had been thinking about this for other groups I've yet to make. My first idea was some kind of system of title and purpose: the day of the month, time of day, characters involved, and the purpose of the thread - placed at the top of the first response, thus making it clear to follow regarding things. Sort of like the old Gathering Party information that kinda came about throughout the gatherings' runs.

I've had similar experiences with different discord roleplay servers regarding variations of this system.


Posted 2024-01-17 07:44:52
Oooohhhhh, I've never heard of an idea of making NPC-like wolves in Wolvden! Sounds amazing!

Yep, such notifications don't exist, sadly though.
You mean linking to a chatter forum? Sounds like a good solution to me.

Sounds also good to me!


Posted 2024-01-17 07:48:41
*edited with Midnight's biome concerns.


Posted 2024-01-17 08:01:57
I suggest that we use the biomes that the pack of each player live in, but just rearrange them in size, shape and where they are on the map, so that it makes more sense.
When two players share the same biome as a territorry (for example River and me both live in the Coniferous Forest I think), we could just make that one a bit bigger from the beginning and then split it up in the needed parts. This would also make it a bit more interesting.
In WarriorCats, every clan has their preferred territorry, but they still Fight for territorry.
I think it would be interesting if a pack for example is hungry in the Winter and tries to win over more territorry, especially territorry in the same biome that's claimed by another pack.
And if a new pack joins, it would also be interesting to have them need to fight for territorry or discuss it with the other packs.
I also think we could jsut do every biome on the map, so if a new pack joins and lives in a biome we don't have yet, we don't have to remake the whole map.
But this is all still very rough
Not that suddenly 5 packs live in the Deciduous Forest lol.
I suggest that a maximum of two packs can share a biome (sometimes depending on size maybe more), and if we already have two packs in the Prairie for example and a pack that wants to live in the Prairie comes, it has two options:
1. Fight for the territorry or discuss, maybe one pack will move biomes (pf course they only need to do that in Rp, not in the actually game, just like it is with killing off wolves in the Rp)
2. Tell them OOC that they need to live on another biome for the Rp.

Like I said, this is still very rough XD


Posted 2024-01-17 11:24:59
I think it's definitely a great idea to keep track of biomes and maybe limit how many packs can inhabit any one biome for the purposes of the RP. My pack has been living in the Taiga for ages, but I also send one of my hunting parties out to the Tundra regularly.

I really like the idea of incorporating raffles and the group hoard into the world of the RP using traders and the like. But are we using the honor system to ensure that everyone donates a fair amount of currency to the group bank in exchange for goods from the hoard? Or will someone be keeping track of those transactions? Raffles are not a problem here because the raffle maker can ask for a fair amount for tickets from the start.


Posted 2024-01-17 12:50:18
A new friend? Welcome! You may call me Apple, or any variation of "thesacredorchard", I have no preference.

I think it would be interesting if a pack for example is hungry in the Winter and tries to win over more territorry, especially territorry in the same biome that's claimed by another pack.

I am perfectly okay with this! Wolves fight each other over territory all the time and often trail herds of elk within their own territory (don't quote me). Some even don't have established territories and instead, just follow the large prey. It's perfectly reasonable to have a pack grow hungry and get more fight-y in search of more territory to hunt.

I think it's definitely a great idea to keep track of biomes and maybe limit how many packs can inhabit any one biome for the purposes of the RP.

Indeed. I have no issues with this! There's a reason I'd prefer we have some sort of system for letting others know which pack is in what biome- so that no territory is overrun with wolves! Spotpc, do you have any additional thoughts on the topics we've discussed thus far? Just to make sure you're caught up and your thoughts on those matters are heard!


Posted 2024-01-17 13:04:40
Welcome Spotpc! You can call me Midnight
And yeah, I don't know anyhing else to say-


Posted 2024-01-17 13:06:07
The "faraway land" being a staging area for wolves to appear from and disappear to is a good idea. Each of us will have to keep track of who they have there, so it can function properly as a pool of potential antagonists and traders.

Something I see being mentioned a lot is the behavior of real wolves. I wonder how helpful that is, given that a bunch of things included in the game's mechanics are already unrealistic for wolves. Trading, herbalism, etc. I think we should focus on what's going to be fun and make sense in the context of a WD based RP, rather than real life.

I think the limit of 20-25 will be fine for me, especially since I only have 17 wolves in my whole pack.

I wonder how we'll incorporate stat and/or appearance breeding into the RP. I breed for stats, but others may be appearance breeders. Is there going to be any kind of pup exchange or stud discounts?


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