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Add Nesting Pose to Grove!

Add Nesting Pose to Grove!
Posted 2023-12-18 07:59:33 (edited)
Howdy! So in the 26th Development Update, the nesting pose was released. It's honestly super well done, shows off the markings/mutation/etc very well. It overall is a pose that looks amazing and I know im not the only one who is thinking that it should be a pose in the grove.

The staff worked on this pose and put a lot of effort into it, adding markings, bases, eyes, mutations, etc etc to fit this new pose... but it only shows up for maximum of 4 days? To me, that's a waste! If you spend a lot of time and effort on something, you should be able to show it off and have people be able to use it when they want to. Im by no means an artist but I can't imagine how long it took the WD artists to accomplish this pose. I don't think im alone when I say that people would love to see this pose be used more.

So again, I really do think this pose should be added into the grove and be available for players to buy. Time and effort were put into making this pose and people absolutely love it already. It's such a shame to see it only be used for a few days at most.
And to be fair, they could have both options! Make it temporary for nesting for free and also have it be open for players to buy to equip to their wolves permanently.

If you disagree, please remember to just be kind to others.


Posted 2023-12-18 08:51:45 (edited)

I was in the 'the nesting pose should cost GC like the pup stages do' group. I just think that something with that much effort put into it should have a (reasonable) paid version of it, on top of getting it for free during the nesting period. Treating it like the resting pose would be good for players who want it at all times, and it would encourage them to buy it with GC in the Grove. Win-win all around, really!

Edit: Ignore this part! The pregnant lioness pose on LD used to have markings and bases attached. So they must've removed that at some point due to excess. If that's the case, they might very well do that to the pose here after a number of years.


Posted 2023-12-18 08:56:08
*Okay, I made a mistake in saying about the pregnant lioness pose on LD! They DO have markings/bases attached but I honestly completely forgot because I have them disabled My apologies! I will edit my post to reflect this so thank you @Whirligig for pointing that out. <3


Posted 2023-12-18 09:08:42
Support its to darn cute ^^

Posted 2023-12-18 09:16:33
Support Support Support!


Posted 2023-12-18 09:20:36
Redacted due to Account Closure

Closed Account

Posted 2023-12-18 09:22:11
Ugh everyone needs to support this

Posted 2023-12-18 09:26:29
Support Support Support!!!


Posted 2023-12-18 09:27:04


Posted 2023-12-18 09:37:55
Definite support! After further processing post-update, this does seem to be a nice alternative. Having it be free during nesting (and/or weaning depending on how the concurrent poll tied to the pose's release) gives people a time to ease into the art. If they like it, they can buy it separately and use on their wolves. If not, then it'll last for the duration provided.

Plus, and this is just a personal standpoint, but the Nesting pose looks more relaxed than Relaxed, oddly enough. Like the wolf is actually lounging and not feeling an anxiety attack. And even more mellow than Sentinel, although one's standing and the other is laying. This new pose genuinely just feels... more natural in terms of anatomy, where it doesn't look like limbs are getting stretched just for a good photo opt. Still love the elder poses ofc, they make up a decent portion of my designs when I use them, but this feels more genuine in trying to keep the wolf as relaxed as it should.

💐[Kim] Lil' Bud🌹

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