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Swapping the Chase and Send Away Mechanic

Swapping the Chase and Send Away Mechanic
Posted 2023-11-04 19:57:15

—The Suggestion—

I suggest that the Developers should switch the mechanics of the "Send Away" & "Chase" buttons. I believe a smoother and much better flow would happen if the Send away button would allow chases into the pool at the cost of 5% energy and the Chase button to permanently delete Wolves with no costs.

—Why Suggestion?—

This would allow players who just wanna get rid of wolves to do so for free without subjecting this "chase pool" full of wolves that may seem undesirable to players or if players don't want their wolves found they don't need to fork over 5% energy just to get rid of wolves permanently.
This would also lessen of players massively chasing into the pool and This could have a positive impact on the player base, meaning people would have to be more selective with chasing wolves and those that just want to chase plains into the pool will have to fork over energy to do so.
This would also mean hypothetically that people would have a smaller pool to find wolves from, or more unique genetic aspects to obtain which would be more beneficial. And generally less Files/Codes saved of wolves inside this "pool" that players draw from which could benefit the server.


I believe there would be no excessive coding, it just simply swapping the mechanics of these buttons which would be adjusted tweaking and not new content

—Listed Major Pros/Cons—

Will add to the list if needed or if other unique points have been said

-Less Populated Pool which can potentially be helpful to Wolvden
-More Selective Chased Wolves, which means more visually or genetically better wolves being chased
-lessen the mass chasing of Plain Wolves that don't add any benefit for the player base
-No needing to waste energy to get rid of wolves permanently

-Needing 5% energy per wolf for others to find your wolf which may be a inconvenience to mass r/c chasers


⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Salty Hat🕷

Posted 2023-11-04 20:02:15 (edited)
I support this!  Alot of people I know have the mindset of "I'm not going to send away wolves that arent really worth being found in explore, it uses up energy which is valuble especially during events". To me it seems kind of backwards to even have it so people sending away wolves that arent really worth anything and having a negative outcome from doing so (losing energy).

As someone who does alot of raise and chase, I would still be willing to R/C even if it meant to lose some energy from it. I think this idea would help quite a bit with getting the numbers of rechases down.

𝐄 𝐢 𝐫 𝐚

Posted 2023-11-04 20:07:43
Support! I always wonder why chasing wolves don't require energy.. Like, your chasing them.. Meanwhile, does the send away require a long prep talk? Who knows.
But yes, I do support the idea of flipping the uses around!

kat| javerage women lover

Posted 2023-11-05 04:55:48
Support as well, as a avid R&C'er it won't stop me from doing what I do and would help erase the backlog of garbage wolves out in the pool.

♕ Manawrath ♕

Posted 2023-11-05 07:54:39
Support! Yes please! I've already seen people go from lightly scolding for chasing 'bad' wolves to lightly scolding for chasing instead of sending away. Nobody should have to use send away over chase, especially when it costs energy to do so. To players who are just trying to yeet a dog, they don't want to essentially pay for it.

R&Cers though, they chase because it means something, not to get rid of a wolf. Back when I R&C'd, I would have been just fine with spending that energy to put a T3 out there. It makes much more sense for chasing to cost energy when it's basically making a wolf more valuable, whereas sending away adds nothing for anybody. If either absolutely must cost energy, anyway.


Posted 2023-11-05 09:12:06 (edited)

At best, both should be 0% energy and people should be able to decide to add to the pool or not.

As this suggestion is phrased, this would lower the already limited chase pool.
A chased NBW is not worse than no chased wolf at all.

I would stop chasing wolves if it cost energy. :)

Miso 🥣

Posted 2023-11-05 09:33:46
Oppose. I rnc including t3s and raffle eyes (so I hope wolves that other people consider valuable) and this would stop me doing so - like someone said, energy is valuable, especially during events. I doubt I'd be the only one either


Posted 2023-11-05 12:20:23
Support! Great idea


Posted 2023-11-05 12:35:48
I'm on the side of neither cost anything, but if it has to be one or the other than yeah I would like it to be swapped.


Posted 2023-11-05 13:16:25
Definitely support, especially after seeing that there are people intentionally chasing plain and undesirable nbw wolves just to spite people. This would help lessen the toll that they would have, in theory anyways.


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