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Community Update #111

Posted 2023-09-29 21:27:42
AS someone with a "Family" of herbalists, I REALLY like the added changes of having more herbalists, as well as the alchemist, though like another poster said, I'm not sure 'alchemist' really fits well, maybe 'potion master' or like, 'pharmacist' or 'medic' wolf?lmao I do think that we'll need to see more things that will "sink" the herbs, but I guess it'll really depend on how much it takes to craft the potions and medicines...Either way thank you for all you're doing to keep this game intresting!


Posted 2023-09-29 21:29:45
Yayyy news! I do like the additional updates to more weekly raffles!

As for the change of herbalists it does interested me especisally the alchemist role. But for my main thought on it, I think there should be only one or many two herbalists and one alchemist. I don't really get the damaged herbs one that's a downer in my opinion. The sound of potions and elixirs really grabs my attention to something I'm looking forward to


Posted 2023-09-29 21:31:52
Herbalist Changes - My Two Cents


If we get to have more than one herbalist, will each herbalist be able to take an apprentice with them for training? Same question for alchemist. Can adols train with alchemist while they study herbs/mix medicines, etc?

I really love the idea that the higher level your herbalist is, the more herbs you can potentially gather when foraging. Gives me more incentive to level up those herbalist! The potential downside I can see from this is that herb values will go down if you can gather so many within an hour or less. Some harder to get herbs sell for average 200sc per herb.

I really like the idea for a "medicine bundle" for a quick, small heal. Many times after battles I only need say 6 or 7 points to fill my HP bar. Many times I've hated using a full use healing salve for such a small amount of HPs; it felt like a waste of a salve.


To add to comment above, I like that the alchemist will use up the herb when studying it. That could help with the amount of herbs gathered and their worth.

I kind of like the idea of Rich Healing Salve and Cure-for-All being locked for both learning AND using until your alchemist is level 15. I think this would make both the items and the higher level wolves value go up.

Glad you guys are taking into account potential stat inflation with Elixir uses.

I'm glad to see potential use for some of the no use herbs/flowers that are just sitting in hoards at the moment.

Posted 2023-09-29 21:33:17
I think that the herbalist changes could be good I'm just caught up on the damaged herbs thing, would those be used for the alchemist to study or will they be entirely useless? I also agree with others that the role title alchemist is a bit strange for the gameplay. Other than that I think it's a great idea and would be excited to see it be introduced into the game.


Posted 2023-09-29 21:34:52
As someone who's been here since Day 1 of Public Access, I actually really oppose this layout. Especially considering what was already promised about the Herbalist role upon release.

Herbalists, which the tutorial states, would be proficient in both wisdom and smarts, and rely on stats, leveling and proficiency to make their job easier. Right now, we've got 2 of the 3 filled (leveling and proficiency). Stat gaining was fodder, and the leveling/prof boosted quicker craft/forage times. However, the EXP returns on using this role is not even worthwhile. For my level 10+ herbalist, it only grants just over 100-110 EXP per salve/forage. This idea kinda brushes off the fact there was a false promise made, and that it's just gonna be made "simpler" by diverting into 2 separate roles; one of which doesn't really correlate to Wolvden's basic naturalistic theme. And yes, while I know pink wolves and cryptids don't fit that theme entirely, the Alchemist role seems like a stretch. Why do we need a different aspect of a role when a Herbalist can do it with a natural theme?

I do not mind the proposed ideas of expanding craftable items made by Herbalists, it gives them a different sense of direction instead of a salve factory. But it would also help to give them some sort of reason why they do this. If anything, I was hoping on an expansion of illnesses first while having a small Herbalist update to compensate the new idea, with things like what was projected to follow. This just seems like a complete overhaul of what was already passively fine to begin with.

(Will probably edit more in tomorrow, but god knows I will keep fighting this for what it's worth)

๐ŸŒˆ[Kim] Frying Pan๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

Posted 2023-09-29 21:35:46
Yes!! I would love to have an alchemist role!! OwO


Posted 2023-09-29 21:37:17 (edited)
I am all for making the herbalist role more intriguing. I'm not so sure about an alchemist role? I like the concept but I already have enough trouble remembering to do every task on here I need to at set times throughout the day for scouting, exploring, herbalist and 3 hunting parties, along with getting quests done, researching studs in search and hand-feeding and playing with each of my wolves... (I know there are reminder banners but it can be a lot). Upping the intrigue/complexity of the Herbalist is a-okay. I just can't see myself focusing on yet another role here to maintain and progress.

Then again, it looks and sounds more complex than I think it really is. This layout in the document makes it seem like a lot, but it's really just a breakdown to explain potential mechanics. You won't really have to think of percentages/chances etc in the moment- just clicking buttons. And the potential to have 3 herbalists makes me super happy. I LOVE giving my wolves something to do and like thinking about them being helpful, other than the filler position of being a pupsitter. ^_^ But mostly I agree with what Kim posted above. I'd be more than happy with expanding and honing how the Herbalist position works instead of introducing another new role.

Trippy ๐Ÿฅž๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

Posted 2023-09-29 21:37:57 (edited)
Yeah, I agree with above from Kim especially a lot.ย  I feel like just expanding the item pool and adding an extra herbalist or two, along with factoring in stats and maybe adding more EXP gain, would be better balanced.ย  More factors without becoming overcomplicated.
Jack Noir (They/It/He)

Posted 2023-09-29 21:42:47
The proposed changes to the herbalist role/introduction of a new role are interesting at their face, but overall I don't care for it. Alchemist as a name doesn't feel like it suits Wolvden's aesthetic and doesn't feel like it suits the described role. I also feel like it would be more inconvenient to manage multiple wolves when previously the same jobs could be done by a single wolf. The idea of ruined herbs is interesting though, but they might become inventory cloggers if they have no practical use, or if every herb has its own ruined variant as opposed to a single "ruined herb" item.

Posted 2023-09-29 21:42:59
Love the ideas! The three herbalists would definitely help a lot when it comes to learning medicine, foraging and all around inspecting whomever is sick!