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The Beast’s Raising Sun: A tale of undying love (Offsite)

Posted 2023-09-07 14:02:21
Dagor had to think upon his response, there was much he couldn't tell Hina even if he wanted to which makes him feel more isolated. After a moment of sipping his tea he managed to strip away his second life from his thoughts to give an honest answer that shouldn't raise questions, or so he hoped.
"Honestly I mostly hang out with Ruthus and my brother, might take a walk or draw, also I tend to rp online…."
It always felt awkward admitting to doing rps online, he knew that it merely makes it known he has some form of skill and appreciation for literature, in fact he has interest in many things one may not expect a brute such as he to appreciate but he never opens up enough to admit such things.

It was a rather depressing thought to an extent, how he was trained, raised even, and now when he thinks of it his own personal life is built around the one he calls brother. He wonder how his life would've been if he wasn't forced to do even a fraction of what he currently does, was his life set to him being sent out to do as the others demand of him? Only time will tell.
"Hmm…now that I think about it…you never said if you work"
Dagor tilted his head a little, smoothly directing the topic back to Hina.


Posted 2023-09-08 10:54:11
Hina chuckled a little feeling slightly embarrassed when he pointed out that she hadn't actually mentioned, if she was working. "I guess I really haven't mentioned it..." she chuckled softly. "I'm a student in the national ballet academy," she said, "Well, actually I'm exchange student," she told him. "Though about the original question; no, I don't really work. My practice schedule is so intense that there barely is any time for that, especially since I have to do some other university courses too apart from dancing," she explained. She felt a little sad when she thought about her current student life, it really seemed that the only things she was able to do were sleeping, eating and dancing. However, she didn't complain, it had been her dream since early childhood to become a professional ballerina, even the prima ballerina, if possible. And she loved dancing, of course, but still... like any other young woman, she too dreamed of having a boyfriend and it would be really nice to date before she had to return back home.

However, she wasn't confident at all that it would really happen, there was only four months left before her studies in here would end and she would fly back to Japan to start her final year. And then she would graduate, just like that. To be honest, the mere thought of graduating terrified Hina. The time had went by so fast and would she even be able to find a job when the time came?


Posted 2023-09-11 20:59:09
Dagor tilted his head with his well known stoic expression, yet one cooks tell he was listening intently and waited until Hina finished speaking to sup his tea then thought it over. He doesn't know of anyone who danced yet he knew it was a very competitive place, if one doesn't meet the criteria then they are dropped and if he remembered correctly the feet of ballerinas do not look very pleasant, it was a lifestyle that demands much of one's body in order to perform properly.
"Seems to be a very stressful and demanding life you have"
He spoke in a manner that suggests he was open to being told otherwise and seeing how calm and blunt he had been with his thoughts, he was the type of man to take criticism well.

"Takes a lot of dedication, if I'm correct just like any other art form one needs to hone their skills, however from what I learnt this form of art so to speak is far more demanding, takes a physical toll and one needs to train just to ensure they can meet the criteria to make a living from it."
He was also the type of man who thinks ahead and caught himself, 'Don't tell me….I broke her dreams hadn't I?', one downside of being blunt and expressing his pessimistic point of view, or rather analyzing what information he receives, is that many will take it to heart and think he was against them and their dreams.


Posted 2023-09-13 00:00:08
Hina listened Dagor closely and quietly nodding occasionally to show that she was actively listening. She didn't mind him being blunt nor did it bother her when he pointed out how one needed to hone their skills and would need to meet certain criteria to be able to work as a full time ballerina. Her parents had always encouraged her to give her very best when it come to a hobby or studies and she had followed quite intense schedule when she had been a child. She knew that her skills still required a lot of work and she liked to challenge herself. Some of her idols danced so beautifully and she wanted her dancing to be as effortless and weightless as theirs. However, she knew that it would demand years of tedious practicing to get her skills to that point.

"Ballet indeed is very demanding on your body and most of the dancers end up doing quite short career as your body struggles to keep up with the sport," she said. "That's why my parents made me to focus on my other university studies along with dancing, when my dancing career would end, I would still have a chance to find some other work," Hina told him a little about her plans. She thought over his words about her life being stressful and she found herself agreeing with him, "You are right, Dagor," she told him, "My life tends to be quite busy, demanding and stressful at times, but it's what it is," she admitted not wanting to dwell on the harder side of her life.

Even though her schedule didn't have a lot of time, she now had a rabbit that brought much needed change into her routine and she hoped that, if his schedule would permit and if he was interested, maybe they could meet again sometime.


Posted 2023-09-16 14:06:39
Dagor was relieved to hear that Hina had her academic studies for realistically it was the better choice, however he felt the stress of said studies and dancing could take an even deeper toll, the stress for the body and mind affects the other, and when one is used to such habits they can break them the moment they are relieved of their duties. This was something Dagor knew all too well, often times when one takes a born killer and force him into society as a commoner it becomes near to impossible to train the ex killer out of his previous mindset, one becomes use to the stench of death and learn to take the life of others without a shred of remorse, one sees the faulty of others and plot their demise for it was in their nature.

The brute drank the rest of his tea as he continued listening to Hina, speak, wondering how Hina even has the time to tend Snow White as he peered over in her direction, 'I'm fortunate to have a little dragon I can carry around….bond with Ruthus on-site but a rabbit? Hina would need be carful…', some may find it odd but when it came down to it Dagor treated animals more like children, yet the ones he calls his own he is picky regarding, he honestly wasn't fond of cats or dogs….yet rodents he grew used to unless it was a rat, that in which he enjoys to gut to behead to show off the other rats how he treats those chewing through his walls at night. He even skins their pelts to hang in certain locations much like well known warlords to send a message, yet in his spare time he enjoys to using his skills to position the dead into rather amusing posses to help his more darker nature find some form of amusement from it.
"Hmm…I should probably drop by here once in a while to make sure Snow White has treats then eh?"
Dagor spoke as he faced Hina once more.


Posted 2023-09-17 11:43:16
Hina smiled to Dagor when he suggested dropping by her house to check on the little bunny, she really liked that idea. "Oh please do, I think we both would be very happy to have you over," she said a very faint rosy blush appearing on her cheeks. Since she had met Dagor, he had been nothing but pleasant to her and he seemed a really great person. It would be nice to be able to sped some time with others around her age after her studies. Usually she just either studied more at home or just spend her time reading or watching some funny videos from her laptop.

Hina really wasn't one to attend parties and had been only in two during her life, and both of the events had been the ones where her friends had practically dragged her into. "Do you have an early morning tomorrow?" she then asked looking at Dagor as she sipped her tea.


Posted 2023-09-18 14:05:22
Dagor knew not everyone was used to others randomly dropping by, and he himself was tired of certain individuals coming nearly everyday. He felt, or rather learnt, that that once a week was more than enough yet it varies on the individual themselves, he will make sure to only show up once a while and with treats for Snow White, he was a man who needs a reason to do nearly everything in his life no matter how small it may seem.

The question made him pause for a moment and he chose to ignore the light blush that had formed upon Hina's cheeks earlier, he understood that so few can control how their bodies reflect their inner thoughts and really he didn't think upon it as he thought over what to tell Hina.
"Hmm…I don't have work tomorrow, think I will walk around town with Ruthus unless my brother has something up his sleeve"
Dagor made sure to keep the others out of the conversation….he used Creedence as an excuse rather then bluntly saying; "unless I am sent to break fingers for a well known loan shark".


Posted 2023-09-18 22:59:45
Hina nodded with a small polite smile when he told her that he didn't have work on the next day. Perhaps... maybe he could stay around a bit longer? However, as soon as the thought entered into her mind, the young woman chastised herself about it. How she could even have thought something like that? They had just met! It wouldn't be proper for him to stay longer than the polite manners allowed! "Do you have any specific places where you like to spend time when being out in the town?" Hina then asked. Of course, she wouldn't knowingly come to haunt him, if he had places like that. She was just curious about Dagor in general and generally wanted to know how he chose to spend him free time. However, she couldn't really see him being a so called party animal.

She didn't fancy parties either, or nightclubs in general. Where her friends had liked to spend their evenings out partying and having fun at karaoke lounges, she had always preferred to stay inside cuddled on the corner of the couch with some interesting book or manga and just focus on reading and relaxing. However, her habits also made sure that she would occasionally feel very lonely, especially after her friends stopped asking her out. When one denied too many times, what was the point to ask anymore?


Posted 2023-09-20 13:50:49
Dagor was a rather secretive individual who often keeps to himself, however he was intelligent enough to pick in signs that Hina merely wanted to know what he often does in his free time, if he has specific habits and the sort, yet part of him felt she would use this knowledge to either: open more topics for them to discuss or even "bump" into him while in town, the question was will Dagor allow such things? He knew it was harmless of course and even he should be allowed to converse with others as he is know even in public area despite what his cruel, fractured thoughts claim. The brute also felt he was over thinking the situation yet a part of him knew how other behave: one must have a reason to do things despite his small or insignificant that may seem.

"Often I go from store to store….or lurk in the forest, I often end up at the herbalist…yes I know I sound rather old when calling it that"
Dagor couldn't help but chuckle at his own words, then he thought for a moment with his brow slightly raised.
"Think….it's called…TerraMist? That one small shop that sells sage, incense, crystals that kinda thing"
He tried to explain what the shop was then continued as his face went back to stoic.
"Honestly I not go out that much….but I do like heading to the gun shop to see what they have….or drive to the gun range with my buddy"
He shrugged a little then dropped his gaze for a brief moment which he hide by reaching for another onigirl which he ate. He hadn't went shooting for some time seeing the one he often does target practice with hadn't been available of late.
"I'm more likely to walk Ruthus to the park"


Posted 2023-09-22 10:40:38
Hina nodded once in a while with a small interested smile as Dagor told her what he liked to do. "Yes, it does sound a little old," she chuckled softly. "Oh and is shooting very difficult?" she then asked. She had never even seen a gun from close and definitely not ever used one. However, she had always been curious about what it would be like and now finally she had found someone who might know about it.

"I tend to visit the zoo or the bookstore quite frequently. Also, when I have time I also like to go to that one little café at the shore was it called Hibiscus, if I don't remember completely wrong," Hina said. "My schedule, however, usually keeps me inside from the most of the time," Hina chuckled softly, though there seemed to be hints of sadness in her voice. Her intense practice and study schedule had almost killed her whole social life, well, she hadn't really had much of that since arriving here. It was very difficult to make friends, especially when you weren't that bubbly extrovert type of person. "Maybe we can sometime walk Ruthus and Snow White together?" she then suggested with a small hopeful smile.


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