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The Beast’s Raising Sun: A tale of undying love (Offsite)

Posted 2023-08-27 10:41:53
"It's not hard to make pillows, just stuff a piece of cloth sewed on the sides so it makes bit of a pocket"
Dagor spoke as he pets Snow White a bit longer then gently closed her cage then peered at Hina. He never ate as much he should through out the day, being a stocky male that is, he always ate light throughout the day but the money he gets home he is known to eat a lot, being mostly meats.
"Tea please, and aye, I had eaten a little here and there"
He spoke politely then peered around the small living space and sniffs the air, he seemed to intake every little detail despite never meaning to, some habits die hard as they say….

He heads towards the kitchenette to keep Hina company and stood up straight with his hands folded behind his back, shoulders rolled back a little and chest out as his head was slightly tilted, giving him this bodyguard-like appearance yet he wore it so naturally.
"Hmm..what kind of tea you have?"


Posted 2023-08-29 13:38:34
In her culture it was very common to ask, if one had eaten as that was considered very important, especially since everyone remembered that the food had once been scarce and it was great privilege to be able to eat warm meal every day. "That's good," she smiled to him as she went to prepare his tea. She looked at him noticing him standing like a true bodyguard and chuckled a little. "You look like a bodyguard," she told him covering her open mouth while she laughed softly.

She was very happy that he had chosen to come to keep her company in the kitchenette and went over to check the teas. "I have mostly different kinds of green tea, matcha and also little bit of black tea," Hina told him showing him all the different jars that contained different teas. She wondered which one he would pick out for them.


Posted 2023-08-30 13:09:43
Dagor didn't seem very amused by the comment but a some smile curled upon his lips, very feint of course. He was often told he seemed like a bodyguard on numerous occasions, he was sure how to take it but in a way it meant that the others reached their goal; raise up a brute of a family guard.
"I'm told that often"
He shrugged then listened to Hina speaking of the tea she has then peered over to jars that were indicated and made his way over.

He walked with his shoulders bit rolled back and sniffed the air as he approached the jars, then much like a bear he gently took one and eyes or curiously and sniffed the contents.
"Oh, most of these are new…."
He seemed to take in the new scents and gently pulled some bags out and sniffed, then gently placed it back in but the interesting part was how he seemed to recognize the various scents even when mixed together, he gently took out some bags he recognized already, wanting to try something new it seemed and took a moment to inhaled the new scents before he decided on a type of green tea he not had before. The even oddest part of his mannerism was he placed the bags almost exactly how they were before, most merely shoved them back, yet Dagor made it seem as thought he never touched them, he even noticed the more finer details of the jar and when he placed it back gently rotated it so it was facing the same direction it was before he peered it over.


Posted 2023-08-31 10:49:27
Hina watched him with curiosity and in awe, she had never seen someone taking so much time to notice all those fine little details and actually being respectful enough of putting everything back exactly the way they were. "It's amazing how you can do all that," she smiled to him. She didn't mind at all him peering into the jars and sniffing the teas, in fact, she welcomed his company. For her it didn't seem that he was just here doing this out of some kind of duty, but rather... it almost seemed like he enjoyed being there.

Once the water had boiled, Hina took out a mug that had cute panda print on it and poured the hot water into it. "Should I leave some space for milk or cooler water?" she asked with a small smile looking up to him. Personally, she never used milk with her tea and she didn't use anything to sweeten it either. And for that reason she mostly had teas that would taste good without any sugar and wouldn't be too strong.


Posted 2023-09-01 13:49:19
Dagor tilted his head a little with an expression that does resemble an animal of sorts, he seemed completely oblivious of his own habits, yet when he thought it over he knew that his lifestyle made him this way, he even has the habit of smelling cups when using them, which isn't bad for it meant when he washes dishes that they are actually clean. He noticed the panda print and gave a slight smile.
"Lil' pander"
He smiled a bit more then shook his head a little upon the question.

"No thank you for me, I always like my tea without sugar, always been the one drinking green tea when it's nice and bitter"
He spoke while crossing his arms, his stance seemed to be grounded by nature with his broad chest out, he then peered over in direction of Snow White with a feint smile.
"Wonder what sort of things she may get into when she settles down, I learnt even the most timid of creatures will show parts of themselves in which one may have never expected under the right circumstances"


Posted 2023-09-02 10:05:38
Hina smiled as she prepared the tea the way Dagor liked and handing it to him before pouring some hot water into her own cup. She had chosen to drink cherry flavored green tea this time. "I don't really use any sweeteners in my tea either, just a little bit sugar, if I'm having black tea," she told him with a small smile as she took out a small metal box from one of the cupboards opening the lid. In the box she had various arrangement of small cookies like ones made of rice flour or coconut that one could snack on while having tea. She also took out some self made onigiris out of the fridge and arranged the little triangular pieces of rice and seaweed on a plate that she carried to the table with the cookies. She then fetched her own mug setting it down before turning to him.

"Please do sit down," she invited with a friendly smile looking around them as if to check that they would have everything they needed. "Oh and if you want, feel free to try some of the snacks," Hina encouraged gesturing the food at the table. Her family and friends had often told her that she had this awful habit of serving "too much" whenever she invited someone over. However, for Hina it was a matter of hospitality.


Posted 2023-09-05 12:41:25
Dagor held his tea closely to his being, feeling the warmth against him and taking in the bitter scent as he watched Hina, he never was one to snack often yet he had admit, the cookies looked good, then the onigirls were revealed. It wouldn't take long for Hina to notice the brute following her closely, yet he was so silent it was almost as if he hadn't moved a muscle and happens to standing there by the time she faced him.

He gave a slight nod and took his seat then reached for an onigirl.
"Not had one of these before though I had rice and seaweed before"
He spoke while sniffing his food a little as he held it in his hand, much like a sandwich with the side enveloped by the seaweed was in the palm of his hand and took a bite to see how he enjoyed it-then devoured it entirely like the brute stocky brute he is. However he was a rather neat eater and chewed with his mouth closed the entire time.


Posted 2023-09-05 22:42:20
"Oh my! You're there already," Hina chuckled softly shaking her head a little. She had been a little surprised, by his sudden appearance, but didn't seem to mind it too much. She too walked very quietly and honestly, she liked in when people were on the quieter side instead of them stomping around like a group of elephants. She too took her seat opposite of Dagor, her table was just a small square one having enough room for four people.

Hina watched curiously when Dagor took a bite of the onigiri. "Do you like it?" she asked curiously liking it how neatly he was eating. He sure had very good manners and she found that she really liked it. In many ways Dagor was a way different from any other men she had met. She had never been in a relationship with one, but she had met plenty of them while being a student. So far she didn't regret the decision to bring Dagor into her home with her and that was always a good thing.


Posted 2023-09-06 14:44:12
Dagor nods then sipped his tea, it was still hot so he only sipped a little to prevent from burning his tongue, making soft slurping sounds as he did. He felt the warmth taking over his body, mixing with the Dr. Pepper in his stomach and was relieved to have eaten the Onigirl to help his stomach acids settle. Once he sipped his tea he gently sets it on the table.
"Yes, I always liked rice, and the seaweed does give it an extra salty kick"
The brute eyes the cookies and reached over to take one with coconut mixed in, it may be odd but this male seemed to take his time with nearly everything he did, often others may think that a stocky man such as he would take food like a crazed beast, but here he was, enjoying the simple things such as tea with a side of sweets and rice.

He would sniff the cookie and noticed the hint of coconut then took a bite, he always loved coconut, he would even eat the plain, spongy keto brand coconut macaroons jist to have his fill and has no idea why he likes it so much. While he ate Dagor would sip his tea between bites and seemed rather satisfied with how his interaction with Hina had been thus far, he truly was a simple man it seemed.


Posted 2023-09-07 12:09:23
Hina chuckled a little as she nodded, "Yes, it certainly does. I like the rice and seaweed combination too, somehow it almost seems like those two really belong together," she smiled taking a small bite of her own onigiri before sipping her tea. She watched Dagor to help himself to the coconut cookies and felt really happy that he seemed to like them too. She personally liked coconut, maybe she wasn't exactly an ultimate fan, but she definitely preferred coconut over caramel for example. Caramel had always been far too sweet for her taste.

"What do you usually do after work?" Hina then asked looking at him curiously. She was dying to learn more about him, but didn't want to seem too rude and inconsiderate. "If you don't mind me asking, of course," she added as a faint blush rose on her creamy vanilla colored cheeks. She really hoped that he didn't mind her asking such a personal question, yet he seemed very nice man and so far he had been nothing but kind to her.


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