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The Beast’s Raising Sun: A tale of undying love (Offsite)

Posted 2023-09-30 11:54:41
"It depends on the person when it comes to firearms…"
Dagor grunted a little, yet it came out more he did subconsciously rather than trying to seem intimidating, but for a guy who wore a stoic expression this was perhaps the closest way to expressing emotion.
"To actually handle one is far simpler than one may think, yet what holds most back is their fear towards it, which is understandable of course….but if you know you're not the type of person to go on mass murder sprees than there isn't much to worry about"
He explained calmly, wanting to ensure Hina that so long one isn't going to abuse the weapon than there isn't much to fear.

He gave a short nod as Hina continued than his mind started to wonder, when it came to possible scenarios his mind tends to show him rather than tell, his thoughts went to the various events that may come should Ruthus and Snow White meet. The first was of course the most brutal of possibilities being Ruthus brutal tore the rabbit apart for he smelled possible prey. After a moment of allowing his mind to process he came to the conclusion that should the right requirements should be met then it was possible.
"I'm sure Ruthus won't mind"
He spoke simply, he may have been overthinking the worse Hina had spoken, understanding it was more of a theoretical question yet this was how Dagor's mind functions, think of every little detail, it was how he was trained, raised and born even.


Posted 2023-09-30 11:55:02 (edited)
(Damn service made me send twice)


Posted 2023-09-30 13:20:14
"Oh I see," Hina said softly pondering over Dagor's words. She really wasn't sure, if she wanted to shoot, at least not a person that was for sure, or an animal. She generally didn't have any problems eating meat, but she didn't like the idea of killing that much. "It might be interesting to try shooting one day. Like with targets or how they are practicing. I don't think I'd really want to shoot a person or an animal," she said softly with a small nervous chuckle.

However, her thoughts then drifted towards Rufus and Dagor and Snow White and the possible meeting with the animals. She didn't know when there would be proper time for that, for now she wanted to build a relationship with her bunny first before introducing her to Dagor's reptile. It was mostly because she wanted to learn more about her personality to understand how she would behave and was there anything she would need to take into account regarding to the meeting.

Hina gave a small smile to Dagor as she sipped her tea again feeling really happy having finally found someone with whom she was comfortable spending time with.


Posted 2023-10-03 12:10:10
Dagor was expecting for Hina to make her thoughts known regarding her disinterest for killing seeing how her behavior does speak of a friendly female who wants to learn of others entirely, she doesn't seem to follow the ideology that when a male is short, stocky and wears a stoic expression that he is merely cold hearted. Dagor had been watching Hina's motions with a keen eye all while making it seem like he was focused on his now empty cup or the food placed before the two, when in truth by nature he was an observer, he knew Hina truly was as innocent as her appearance allowed and Dagor felt it was his duty to protect her from those who may harm her.

He knew this may be considered overboard or odd seeing how he just met Hina. However, would a real man meet a kind heart young woman such as her and not worry for her safety? Perhaps it was the sole fact that Dagor was raised to behave this way, but deep down he knew that he goes beyond the protective role and will go as far as launching himself into enemy fire to protect his allies, he had done it before.
"There is no rush to learn how to shoot, however I do worry…"
Dagor peered around the small apartment before peering back at Hina.
"About your safety"
He spoke bluntly, not every hiding the fact he felt Hina needs to be carful.
"I know you have a heart of gold, that you see past one's exterior but there are men out there who may abuse this….men are dogs…"
He showed little emotion yet he locked eyes with Hina, they spoke of genuine concern for her safety and without peering at his actions he pulled out this phone which was covered in a thick, heavy military grade case and used his thumb to open the screen lock, he then pushed his phone over so Hina is able to view his number, the way he did such actions was in a professional manner….


Posted 2023-10-05 12:12:50
Hina listened Dagor closely nodding to show that she had acknowledged his words and worries. She knew that many would find the man's sudden desire to protect alarming, but Hina also knew that she wasn't one of those ladies. She didn't have anything against it, if a man wanted to protect her, especially, if she could trust that he didn't have any ill intentions. Of course, she hadn't known Dagor for long, so she couldn't say for sure what his motives were, but so far she hadn't felt anything too alarming when being around him. He seemed quiet and reserved, but also nice and pleasant young man. Definitely someone whom she would like to get to know even better, if the fate permitted it.

A small shy smile appeared on her lips when Dagor took out his phone pushing it towards Hina. She took out her own phone quickly typing Dagor's number into it and adding it to her contacts. After that she gently picked up his phone, her actions really showed that she respected other people's belongings like they were hers. She searched for a place to add contacts and then typed her contact info into it before handing it back to Dagor. "Thank you and I added my number into your phone too," she smiled. It felt nice to have a friend's number, she didn't have many friends, so each and every one of them were special for her.


Posted 2023-10-05 14:50:34
Dagor neatly folded his hands upon the table and lowered his head a little as his gaze was focused upon the corners of his eyes, he kept silent as Hina type in his number and hadn't moved an inch even once his phone was picked up, he really seemed like a trained man of sorts and for what profession is unknown, but he certainly wasn't like others and that was evident.

He nods once Hina spoke and gently took his phone, not being in a rush at least until a text appeared, Hina would be able to see for a brief moment the name, "Creed". Dagor peered down at his phone and slowly raised a brow.
"Seems my brother texted, I find it amusing how everything I do seems to be just in time…."
He was indicating how barely a moment before the two exchanged numbers and he was now receiving a text immediately after, and this was how Dagor's life seems to operate, either he was a man of luck when it came to time or he managed to fully utilize every second he has.

"Thank you again for letting me enter your home"
Dagor gave a rare, small smile, it wasn't much and it seemed his face wasn't used to his motions but it was a pure, real one, and like second nature he was already swiftly getting up to wash out his cup, place with the others and made his way to Snow White's cage which he gently opened.
"You can text me whenever you like Hina"
He spoke while gently petting Snow White, being gentle and slow with each stoke.
"I hope you're settling in well, I know you'll be a happy bunny here sweetheart, yes I do~"
He purred so sweetly to Snow White before pulling his hand out of the cage and closing the door.


Posted 2023-10-07 12:04:55
Hina had noticed the name on Dagor's phone's screen. She nodded when he mentioned that his brother had texted knowing that their time together had come to an end. The thought made her a little sad, she had really enjoyed of spending time with Dagor and it seemed that the time had ended too soon. However, all the good things seemed to always operate like that, they usually always ended too early.

"You can text me too, whenever you like," she replied with a soft smile as she watched him to pet Snow White. She loved it how gentle he was being with her. As she watched Dagor, she found herself wondering will she really meet him again someday. She really hoped that she would and perhaps when the time was right, they could share an another cup of tea with each other.


Posted 2023-10-07 15:22:58
Dagor nods and as he made his way to where he set had taken off his shoes and put them on then peered over to Hina.
"Have a grand evening"
He spoke then took his leave of the small apartment.

The man never lingered and walked in a very set manner, back straight and eyes darting as though he was searching for anything that may stand out and in reality he was, he had a habit of scanning for anything that may serve a purpose later on, such as the routine of others and such. He walked through the crowded sidewalk which cause others to move out of his way, he sees no reason to move around them and doesn't hesitate to shove his way through, luckily it hadn't led to that.

The stocky brute had always preferred moving through the shadows of dark alleys or narrow backroads, he knew it was faster taking a bus or even the train much he had earlier but some habits die hard, or rather the simple paranoia of the wrong people spotting him, he much rather take them out in the more remote parts of the area. He sniffed the air and scanned the area closely, then felt the pull to join the rest of society out on the streets and it was then he knew why, a blacked out sports car he recognized was slowly driving by.


Posted 2023-10-10 10:49:05
Hina saw Dagor to the door waiting as he put on his shoes. "You too, have a grand evening," she replied to his greeting with a smile giving him a small wave as he left her small apartment behind. After Dagor was gone, the apartment felt almost empty now and she had to admit that it felt kind of lonely. "Well, Snow White, I guess it's girls' evening now," she said softly as she opened the rabbit's cage's door and picked up her white fluff ball. She pet her gently before walking to the sofa where she sat down crosslegged and placed the bunny on her lap so that she was kind of in a nest.

As Snow White settled down, she started to pet her gently while opening the TV. She scanned through the Western TV channels, but when she couldn't find a program that would catch her interest for more than few minutes, she eventually searched for NHK that her TV somehow displayed. A smile rose on her lips when she saw the beauty of her homeland in the TV screen thinking about her home and the family she had left behind. She would be sure to call them one of these days when she had a day off, it had been a week since she had spoken to them the last time and she couldn't wait to tell her mother about the mysterious young man she had just met.


Posted 2023-10-10 14:05:51
Dagor knew the owner of the car and was immediately picked up by the owner, the owner was a shady wiry man with missing teeth, and inside the vehicle were several other men, if Dagor was anyone else they would've sped off, but Dagor wasn't like others.

He settled in the backseat which was bursting with other men, they were bigger then he and reeked of various scents, it didn't help they were clearly crushing up substances and the like but by nature the brute merely kept his eyes peering out the window. Smoke filled with the air as the driver took sharp turns and drove with the petal to the metal, causing the passengers to lean into the other with each turn the driver had taken, but even with the closeness of those in the backseat the men kept silent with an occasional cough or puff of smoke.

At long last the ride came to an abrupt stop in front of Dagor's home and he reached for the door before feeling a strong grip upon his shoulder.
"Hey…just remember that we understand why you snapped before, and we all think boss is taking it over the top"
A raspy voice spoke with a heavy cough, Dagor hadn't spoken and kept a stoic gaze, the moment he felt the grip lessen he took his leave of the car and heard it sped off immediately, he sighed under his breath and walked along the stone pathway leading towards the front door of Dagor's small remote home then opened it.

He was met by the scent of dragon blood incense and a smile curled upon his lips as he started to whistle, a sound of claws scraping upon the wooden floors could be heard and soon a massive Cuban Rock iguana could be seen running over to Dagor much like a dog.
"Aww there's my baby~ MY handsome man dragon!"
Dagor purred and dropped to his knees so his dragon could crawl up on him, Dagor couldn't help but plant kisses all over the little dragon.
"My sweet Ruthus, my special man~"
Dagor chuckled under his breath as the dragon moved his position to rub his cheek with Dagor's.


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