Treat everyone respectfully. The age for WD is 16+, so keep things appropriate. I will not tolerate rude behavior. You will get 1 warning, if it occurs again you will be PERMANENTLY BLOCKED and unable to participate on this thread again.
No Cheating! This means do not check my den and do not use search wolves. If I suspect you are cheating at least 3 times, you will be blocked and no longer allowed to participate on this thread in the future. If one of my mods reports cheating you will be blocked as well.
DO NOT ERASE ANYTHING FROM YOUR GUESSES! If you MUST edit, Simply strike through what you had typed and add what you need to next to it. EVEN FOR TYPOS. If I see this happen, I will treat it like cheating.
Use the Resources if you don't know your bases! I went through the trouble of making fancy links on my roundcard, please use them. If I see you regularly guessing bases not related to the hint, you will be blocked for a minimum of 24 hrs. After I block you 3 times I will not unblock you.
You must wait for another PLAYER to make a guess before guessing again OR for your previous guess(es) to be AT LEAST 10 MINUTES old. If you guess out of order/early I will notify you of it and the guess(es) will be dismissed and not counted. If this occurs multiple times you will be banned for a minimum of 24 hrs. After I block you 3 times I will not unblock you.
Please mention if you do not want the pup in your reply WITH your guess(es), I'm not really going to enforce this, but it does make things A LOT easier for me as a host.
These rules are meant to keep things fun and fair for everyone. Please respect them.
1. Be nice to everyone who participates. (Most Important!)
2. NO CHEATING! Under no circumstances will cheating be allowed in this game. You will be warned once in PMS if I find out you cheated in the game (by looking in a player's den,) and you will receive a 3 day block if you cheat again. If you cheat for a third time, you are blacklisted from the thread. This is one rule I will not be lenient on as I've (unfortunately) already had cheaters in the past. Remember, this is a GUESSING GAME.
2. a) Please DO NOT edit your messages with guesses in them. This can be seen as cheating which isn't allowed. I will only allow message edits if it's to correct the spelling of your guess(es). If you edit your message to add a guess and what you added is the correct answer, your message will be ignored.
3. If someone guesses the pup's base right just before you do, I will automatically pick the first correct answer (Do not whine over this please)
4. Limit 3 guesses MAX per post and it is advised you make your next guess(es) after at least one user makes a guess after your post. You may make another guess(es) if no one in the thread replies after you within 10 minutes.
1. Be nice to everyone who participates. (Most Important!)
2. NO CHEATING! Under no circumstances will cheating be allowed in this forum. If you are suspected/proven to have cheated you will be given a warning via private message by me, if it happens again then you will be notified again then blocked by Wolfryn and no longer able to use the thread. This is one rule I will not be lenient on as I've (unfortunately) already had cheaters in the past. Remember, this is a GUESSING GAME.
3. Please DO NOT edit your messages with guesses in them. This WILL be seen as cheating which isn't allowed. If you edit your guess post it will be ignored. If you made a spelling mistake do not worry about fixing it, if it was an autocorrect mistake then simply make another post immediately after with the note what was incorrect and what you meant.
4. If someone guesses the pup's base right just before you do, I will automatically pick the first correct answer (Do not whine over this please)
5. Limit 3 guesses MAX (UNLESS otherwise specified at the beginning of a round) per post and it is mandatory you make your next guess(es) after at least one user makes a guess after your post. You may make another guess(es) if no one in the thread replies after you within 10 minutes.
6. Remember to have fun!
Disclaimer: If a prize is not claimed by the gifts expiration you lose out on the prize and claim you had to it and it can be guessed for again or put up for claim on the thread, group or discord.
1. No Cheating(No Going To My Den To Check The Wolf)
2. Do Not Erase Your Answers Or Change Your Answer After Posting
3. Limit Your Guesses To 3 Guesses Per Round (✨Unless It's A Special Round✨)
4. Use The Resources Given To Make The Right Guess
5. Must Wait Atleast 10 Minutes Before Answering Again Or Until Someone Else Has Guessed
1. Everyone be respectful, there are different life stages here and you do not know what
people are going through IRL, this is a game used for getting away from the real world.
There is no need to be rude to people in the thread or outside of it. I am normally very
kind but after a warning I will block whoever is the disrespectful person, permanantly.
2. Under no circumstances is cheating allowed, if I suspect (or any other mod) you of
cheating - IE looking at a hosts wolves. You'll be given a singular warning and if it
persists I will block you myself. Cheating will be reported to Wolfryn and you will be blocked and unable to participate on this thread.
3. Please do not edit your posts with guesses in them. If you must please strike through the
word you would like to change. This can only be done for spelling. Fix the word next to
the sticken through word. Adding any new guesses will be ignored. If this is not done it
will be considered cheating
a. Please leave your guesses up for others to read. Do not go and delete the words
in the post if I say those were incorrect guesses.
4. The winner of the pup is whoever guessed it first, even by half a second. I will check time
5. Guesses will be limited to 3 guesses max (UNLESS it is stated in the round card) per
post. If no one replies with ANOTHER guess after 10 minutes you may feel free to guess
again. We want to keep it fair and allow for others to have a chance at guessing.
6. Please have fun! After all it is a game!
If a pup is not claimed in its gift before said gift expires it may show back up here for
other rounds, or put up for claim here, the group or on our discord.