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Viking Quin's YWH Headshots 5gc/2.5ksc [Closed]

Posted 2023-10-08 09:28:21
@Carrie I sure do!
With decor is 15gc/7500sc, just so you're aware ^^
You're next in line and I should have it done by the end of day (in reality much sooner but with decor I give myself more time to paint out the line breaks.)
Feel free to send payment whenever!

โ™• Manawrath โ™•

Posted 2023-10-08 09:30:23
Sounds great! Payment sent.


Posted 2023-10-08 10:37:24
My response is on page 5, I had finished it after giving you the links while emo mama was away~^^

Posted 2023-10-08 11:18:39
Hi I'm sorry can you take me off the waitlist for now, I need to get 4 more gc!


Posted 2023-10-08 11:28:12 (edited)
Alright Quin, form incoming!

Wolf: Call of the Wild
Decor? Yes, please! Exclude the scars.
Colors: Dark Maroon and Dark Brown
Payment: If possible, could I do half and half? (Heavier lean on GC?) 3.5k SC upfront, and 8 GC later on? If not, I'll do full GC.

๐ŸŒˆ[Kim] Frying Pan๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

Posted 2023-10-08 11:35:21
@Beowolf send payment whenever,ย  I should have yours done between tonight and tomorrow morning <3

@Kim half and half is fine! Send whatever whenever you want, and then the rest when the piece is finished probably tomorrow, but potentially tonight.

โ™• Manawrath โ™•

Posted 2023-10-08 12:13:56 (edited)
I'd like to get Famous Last Words with accessories please! The two colors I associate with her would be black and red, but of course she's got purple undertones in there as well with accents of ivory.


Posted 2023-10-08 12:14:46
@Mercurieย  Added to working list!
WIll probably be tomorrow when she's done. c:
Feel free to send payment whenever.

โ™• Manawrath โ™•

Posted 2023-10-10 16:00:01
@Quin - just touching bases with you. Also - sent SC instead of GC so ETA on original post to reflect SC instead.


Posted 2023-10-11 03:13:00

Sorry for the delay my internet has been in an outage since 1pm yesterday so I'm stuck on mobile until then/am currently on my way to the hospital with a friend and will get back on board with art when all of this is sorted later today. Apologies on slight slowness! I'll update the main post also on desktop, I'm afraid of messing things up on mobile irreparably.

โ™• Manawrath โ™•

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