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Posted 2023-06-01 09:01:51
That's a tough one for me. If I had to choose, I'd be mainly torn between the loss of my brother, my father breaking his back, and suffering an abusive relationship for two years. All three have had major impacts on my life and how it works, and as much as I would say I wish I could take it back, I know I wouldn't be the person I am now if those things didn't happen. In the case this question is supposed to have an 'and why' at the end of it, well first off as I said it shaped me to be who I am today, and things just aren't the same when something happens to a loved one of yours. It's painful, but it's the truth  Now onto a lighter topic lol

If you would kill for one thing in the world, what would it be and why?

♰Vampire Mama♰

Posted 2023-06-01 09:09:22
Easy. Idiots. I know it is super loose term and someone could find me idiot and then kill me, but i just hate when people are stupid and dont know basic things like "do not bully", "do not make childer just so you can hate them" etc. And if those are too hard things to understand, i dont think they are doing anything good for the world.

What is the best thing that has happened to you today? Tell us and make us happy!

Posted 2023-06-01 14:16:53 (edited)
Today my loved cat natsu ran away Natsu is a russian blue cat and this race cats are often stolen here... We searched for him but couldn´t find him.... But then in the night he sat in front of our house . So i found him again

So now my question...
What animals would you love to keep as a pet( you can even write animals like tigers or something like that)


Posted 2023-06-08 17:07:54
Probably a squirrel! They're so cute!! Other than that I'd say an African Wild Dog!

If you could meet anyone (celeb, family, dead, alive, etc.), who would you meet and why?


Posted 2023-06-09 09:34:54
I'd meet Stan Lee, because I wouldn't mind telling him where all the comic book super heroes' lives have gone to since his passing.

What is your opinion of the Metallica album Seventy Two Seasons?

Posted 2023-08-04 18:33:12
I don't mind metal, don't listen to many, but Metallica unfortunately isn't a favorite of mine so I don't have any opinion on the album. Gothic/doom metal is what I prefer - specifically Type O Negative!

Who is your favorite author?


Posted 2023-08-06 02:01:55

Ooh, it's always hard to pick for me... is it alright if I tell you about two of them?
One of my all-time favourite writers is Stephen King; I think he's the main reason why I got into writing ~10 years ago and haven't abandoned that hobby until now. I love his books and his style of writing, not to mention his life in general is an inspiration in quite a few ways to me. I have a rather big collection of his books for my tiny shelf and whenever I have time, I always spend it reading or re-reading some of my favourites from him, e. g., Mr. Mercedes, Pet Sematary, Misery, Carrie..
The second author I love dearly is Balys Sruoga - I adore his style, too; most of what he has written is poetry, but his memoir, "Forest of the Gods", is something that has not only a lot of historical value but the sheer way he writes, full of sarcasm as well as attempt to find some brighter spots in the horror that was the holocaust, has always been a huge inspiration. That book is one of my most cherished ones and I keep re-reading it whenever I feel like I'm lost or have no idea how to get through something upsetting. He was such an inspiration and I still visit his grave to leave flowers there.

What is your favourite place you've travelled to? 


Posted 2023-08-06 20:57:42
Nara Park in Japan! It's this big park in Nara, Japan where there are free-roaming sika deer. There are a lot of vendors around who sell crackers you can feed to the deer, and some of the deer will actually bow for food. There's also a lovely buddhist temple and a shrine in the area, as well as a museum.

If you could live in any fictional world, what would it be?

Posted 2023-08-07 09:31:41
There are endless fictional worlds I love, but think I would be the happiest to live in Middle Earth, especially if the elves are still around. There is so much to explore and to learn - I would love to go on vacation to the Shire or study in the libraries of Minas Tirith or just go on a journey without a destination.

Have you ever experienced something paranormal or unexplained? If not, do you know anyone who has?


Posted 2023-08-13 11:28:12 (edited)
i believe so! one time, when i was sleeping in my bed, i kept hearing dogs barking. they started at 12 am, and kept barking until i finally decided to see what was up at 3 am. i looked outside the window, and saw the figure of a person standing there. there was no face, just shadow. he was facing towards the house, so i was really spooked. i shared a room with my sister at the time, so i woke her up crying, and when she went to peek out the window, he was gone. mind you, it was snowing this day, so if he had left, there would have been tracks. there was nothing there, indicating that he had somehow disappeared without a trace. i don't know how else to explain it. nobody believed me when i told them the next day (besides my sister) and it made me mad lol.

if you were a wrestler, what would be your wrestling name?

hop ૮꒰˶•༝•˶꒱ა

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