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WolvesByte_23 (Chat Baby) #41326

Okay... Hi I'm Wolves. uh... *hides* 

ima widdle. so if me is weely cuttly in chwat owr weely hypa me pwobabwe swippet. pwese no dwudge me. 

Uh yeah... I'm an age regressor. I regress because of trauma, and my anxiety/depression. When regressed I am usually about 3-6 years old mentally. 

So yeah... there's nothing mentally wrong with me aside from depression and major anxiety, and slight PTSD, I just feel safer when regressed, like a defense mechanism. 

If I am regressed in chat, I'd really appreciate no judgement, and if someone just plays along with me. It makes me really happy, and I feel safe and accepted. 

Member Information
Name WolvesByte_23 (Chat Baby)
Pack Dark Moon Wolf Pack
Alpha Rouge
Joined 2021-03-31
Last Active 2023/03/15 06:58:04
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