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Earthshine Gazers

Welcome to the territory of the Earthshine Gazers

You have wandered into a particularly dark part of the forest, and the air is rich with scents. There's the usual damp leaf litter and rotting wood, but under them there's something new. Blood, wolves. Something intangible, too. It smells, somehow, like you imagine the stars would.
Your hackles raise as you sense the approach of a she-wolf behind you. When you turn to face her, her teeth are bared.
"Why, hello," she almost purrs. "Don't you smell delicious?"
Delicious? She isn't moving towards you, but she isn't backing off, either. Despite her teeth, she looks almost calm. That, somehow, is the most unnerving part of all. Doesn't she know your strength? You're debating your options when a second wolf arrives, a male with black fur.
"Vampire, shush," he says, nudging the she-wolf in the side. She closes her mouth and smiles, almost glowing. "She's only trying to scare you. She likes to play up our reputation." He bows his head to you. "Welcome. I am Orion, the leader of Earthshine Gazers. The name comes from the shadow of the moon you can see, when only a claw is illuminated. I have heard humans call it earthshine."
"And I am Vampire, his queen."
Your head swarms with questions. Humans? Reputation? What strange place have you wandered into? Still, the pair look at you with genuine warmth. You collect yourself for long enough to bow your head in greeting.
"What brings you here, darlin'? You're a long way into the woods," notes Vampire.
"They can tell us over some food," he tells her, then turns to you. "You must be starved. We'd love to have you for dinner."

Pack Lore

Earthshine formed when two wolves, Orion and Vampire, met. They were both abandoned, and in turn, they chose to welcome wolves who had been shunned. Their pack is home to the strange, the freakish, and the ostracized.
As these wolves grew older, they learned to hone the magic in their bones. They passed this knowledge onto their pack. As a result, there are two main forms of magic used by the wolves of Earthshine: Blood and Lunar. Most members have either no magic at all, or their powers are weaker. Only a chosen few are able to properly harness their magic.
Lunar magic is granted by the moon, and first harnessed by Orion. Its users are in tune with the moon and stars, and can use these powers in both battle and peacetime. Mild forms of Lunar magic allow the user to ask small favours of the moon, and many find that practicing it allows them to take change more easily. More powerful forms allow the user to heal wounds, control bodies of water, ask larger favours of the moon, and (in rare cases) shape-shift or fly.
Unfortunately, the stronger the Lunar magic, the weaker the wolf's jaws and bones. Many lose their ability to fight physically and rely only on the moon.
Lunar magic often causes the user to develop colourful or glowing eyes and fur. In old age, a lifelong user's organs will glow. At this point, the user will develop lunar sickness as the magic begins to affect their blood, bones and organs. It is not deadly, but it can cause nausea, severe pain and tiredness. Eventually they will experience lethargy so strong that the sick wolf will spend entire days sleeping. During this time, they have vivid dreams that often contain visions of the past and future. Some wolves have even met the moon Herself, and have had extended conversations with Her. Some wolves even consider this sickness a blessing.
Blood magic was first harnessed by Vampire. It is, quite literally, more down-to-earth than Lunar magic. Its users harness and strengthen their powers through Blood rituals. The most common ritual is the Ritual of Strength. Wolves will gather in a circle. Each of them will cut open their own right leg, then allow the wolf closest to them to drink their blood. This is usually done before a battle or hunt, as Blood magic temporarily gives its users supernatural strength. Despite the violent nature of their magic, Blood magic users have bonds so strong they're almost unbreakable. After all, is the heart not the organ of both love and blood?
The second most common Blood ritual is the Ritual of Family. This is performed when an adult wolf chooses to join or remain in the pack. Their leg is cut open so their blood can be drank by the leaders. Then, the new wolf is offered a cup of the leaders' blood. This symbolises them becoming part of the family — joined and related by blood.
The rarest rituals are the Rituals of Devouring. When a powerful enemy wolf is killed, their heart is served to the leaders at a banquet so they may gain their strength.
When a member of the pack passes away, however, their body is brought to the Glade. They are covered in flowers and sweet-smelling herbs, and the mourners gather around it to tell stories of the dead. They are then eaten, so that their body may live on in some way.
These rituals have given Earthshine a reputation of being violent cannibals, which is perhaps deserved. But equally, they are a close-knit, found family, and pack members are fiercely loyal.

Pack hierarchy and caves

The Moon-kissed Glade
The Glade is a small clearing in the woods, which the moon shines upon brightly. This is the domain of the highest ranking wolves. These wolves make the final decisions on matters relating to the pack. They are respected above all else. On moonlit nights, the wolves of the Glade speak to the moon and perform their rituals.
The pack consider traveling wolves to be honoured guests, and they are allowed to stay in the Glade during their time in Earthshine.
The Sun-spotted Forest Floor
The sparser trees surrounding the Glade. Some sunlight freckles the leaf litter. This is where the fast and the strong live. These wolves dedicate themselves to traveling long distances to hunt or scout for the pack. Though they are not as high-ranking as the wolves of the Glade, they play an important role and are respected in their own right. Many of them use magic to aid in hunts, resulting in their colourful pelts.
The Den Under the Tree Roots
Deeper into the forest, there is an ancient, massive tree with a deep burrow worn in under its roots. It is warm and safe. This is where pregnant wolves go to nest, and they remain in the Den until their offspring are weaned. It is also where the pupsitters, mentors and their pups live. Pups will only leave this cave at six months old.
Though they are the lowest-ranking in the pack overall, when it comes to the matters of pups, even the lead would not dare argue with the pupsitters. They have the final say when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of the pack's youngest members.
The Traveling Market
Every month, a market takes place on the edge of Earthshine's territory. The wolves set up on a large gathering of soft pelts, and display their wares on them. They sell strange foods, fragrant flowers, scrolls, jewels, fabrics and more. The wolves in the market travel all the lands, and Earthshine is only one of its many stops.
This is also where wolves with wanderlust stay. A wolf who plans to leave home will wait by the market's circle of pelts. When the market packs up, they will leave with it. Some leave in hope of finding a new home, others just want adventure.
The Graveyard
The Graveyard is a collection of skeletons, mainly those of devoured prey. Their curved white structures stick out starkly against the deep green of the forest. The soil there is particularly fertile, and the skeletons are surrounded by moss, fungi, herbs and flowers.
Most of the skeletons are small, but there is one that is twice the size of a normal wolf. It looks to be half-wolf and half-human, and it has been there since before Earthshine mapped out its territory. Sick wolves go to rest in the lush grass beneath the rib cage of the wolf-man. They await the herbalist's help, but the skeletons are a reminder that not all illnesses can be cured.

King Orion
Played By Jupiter (#120219)
Territory Biome Deciduous Forest
Cave Slots 5 / 10
Pack Adults 26 / 32
Pack Pups 9 / 160
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

1. The Moon-kissed Glade
Name Stats Info Currents
Forest whisperer, moon gazer |
518 stats L11 Male 5 years 5½ months (Adult) 5y 5½m Herbalist
Blood drinker, pack mother |
372 stats L9 Female 4 years 0 months (Adult) 4y 0m In Heat (4 rollovers)Hunter
Disciple of the moon | She/her |
433 stats L2 Male 2 years 1½ month (Adult) 2y 1½m Hunter
Disciple of the sun |
367 stats L5 Female 2 years 1 month (Adult) 2y 1m In Heat (2 rollovers)Hunter
2. The Sun-spotted Forest Floor
Name Stats Info Currents
584 stats L10 Female 3 years 4 months (Adult) 3y 4m Breeding Cooldown (7 rollovers)Scout
Fallen star |
427 stats L7 Male 2 years 3½ months (Adult) 2y 3½m Scout
495 stats L8 Female 3 years 5 months (Adult) 3y 5m Hunter
Red, 4 Marks, 316(IB)
445 stats L7 Female 2 years 7 months (Adult) 2y 7m In Heat (3 rollovers)Hunter
520 stats L8 Female 3 years 2 months (Adult) 3y 2m In Heat (3 rollovers)Hunter
655 stats L8 Male 3 years 0½ months (Adult) 3y 0½m Hunter
462 stats L8 Male 2 years 11½ months (Adult) 2y 11½m Hunter
Fake mela and lead's daughter |
340 stats L8 Female 2 years 11½ months (Adult) 2y 11½m Hunter
M - G4 - Total Eclipse - Nightchill (0.06%) T*
382 stats L7 Male 2 years 5 months (Adult) 2y 5m Hunter
488 stats L7 Female 2 years 8½ months (Adult) 2y 8½m In Heat (1 rollover)Hunter
487 stats L1 Female 2 years 0 months (Adult) 2y 0m In Heat (4 rollovers)Hunter
404 stats L1 Female 1 year 1 month (Adult) 1y 1m In Heat (2 rollovers)
440 stats L1 Female 0 years 10 months (Adolescent) 0y 10m
3. The Den Under the Tree Roots
Name Stats Info Currents
Doge |
296 stats L6 Male 7 years 0 months (Adult) 7y 0m Mentor
Head pupsitter |
517 stats L8 Female 5 years 1½ month (Adult) 5y 1½m Breeding Cooldown (1 rollover)Pupsitter
399 stats L6 Female 2 years 9½ months (Adult) 2y 9½m Pupsitter
345 stats L6 Female 3 years 2 months (Adult) 3y 2m Breeding Cooldown (1 rollover)Pupsitter
382 stats L6 Male 2 years 11½ months (Adult) 2y 11½m Pupsitter
253 stats L6 Female 2 years 11½ months (Adult) 2y 11½m Pupsitter
257 stats L6 Male 3 years 3½ months (Adult) 3y 3½m Pupsitter
236 stats L1 Female 1 year 3 months (Adult) 1y 3m Pupsitter
359 stats L1 Male 0 years 5 months (Puppy) 0y 5m No Pupsitter
363 stats L1 Male 0 years 5 months (Puppy) 0y 5m No Pupsitter
365 stats L1 Female 0 years 5 months (Puppy) 0y 5m No Pupsitter
359 stats L1 Male 0 years 5 months (Puppy) 0y 5m No Pupsitter
4. The Traveling Market
Name Stats Info Currents
288 stats L1 Female 0 years 11 months (Adolescent) 0y 11m Unhappy
408 stats L1 Female 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m Unhappy
306 stats L1 Female 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m Unhappy
428 stats L1 Female 0 years 6½ months (Adolescent) 0y 6½m Unhappy
5. The Graveyard
Name Stats Info Currents
Name Stats Info Currents
Traveling Marketeer
453 stats L5 Male 3 years 8 months (Adult) 3y 8m Traveling Wolf