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The Hitman’s new blood (Been moved to different site)

Posted 2023-03-17 17:34:53
Jane worked on practicing the braid on her own mannequin, doing the braid and undoing it repeatedly, until she could do it perfectly every time. Soon enough the bell would ring and she would pack up, and stand up. " ...I suppose you won't be returning to this class, huh...? " She asks Hurst.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-17 17:46:07


Hurst raised his brow at Jane
"Ah don't got a sayin cause my teachers can't take no o THISSSSSSSS"
He motioned his hands all over himself then stood up with a dark smirk then shoved his chair under the desk with a loud bang.

"At least Ah got fucken weight liftin"
He spoke while heading out the door, he wondered if Nora would drop in but he knew she would probably be at home waiting for her father to come back.


Posted 2023-03-17 17:53:19
Jane shrugs and grabs their backpack purring it on ahd heading out the door too. " Cya I guess, mystery man. " She called to Hurst, before heading to her next class, which would be world history, and sat down in her seat before letting Pierre have control again.

Pierre got his history notebook out, as well as a pencil, and got ready for the class to start, stretching out a bit too as he felt stiff. The teacher of this class is a brown haired mixed man, old man too. He's also a war veteran, so he ordered his kids to work in the same was a seargent would to his soldiers.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-18 10:02:52
Bambina looked both at her savior and the woman before she lowered her gaze feeling great sadness fill her heart. She still couldn't believe how Ricky could have done that to her. Like they had known each other for three years and dated for the two of them. They had even moved in together and had already dreamed of their future together. However, now it seemed to be all different, something had changed, but she didn't know why. And she still was struggling to progress the fact that it had really been Ricky who had wanted her dead.

Like… if he had gotten bored of her, couldn't he just speak to her? Maybe tell her to leave and break up with her? Was it really necessary to try to get her killed? And why was he insisting on her getting killed so much? What had she done to him? She didn't know what kind of crime or offense  she had done.

Her sadness had almost clouded her mind, however, just then her savior had came to stand in front of her. She slowly lifted her gaze up looking at his face, or more like his lips closely. He wanted to hide her? Why was he being so kind to her? He had saved her life, but how come it just didn't end to that. How come he insisted on helping her even more than that? She then read his question. Did she have any family? Bambina lowered her head opening her mouth a little as if wanting to sigh. She then looked up to him again. Bambina pointed at herself, then crossed her arms in front of her making a X as she shook her head. "No, I' don't have any friends or trustworthy family. I'm sorry," was what she wanted to day, though no words came out.


Posted 2023-03-18 12:48:49


Butcher watched the motions and it was all he needed to piece it together, he crossed his arms and tilted his head a little, thinking what to do with Bambina.
"Butcher, I can hide her, could always use some new blo-"
The Messenger went to Butcher's side but her words were interrupted when the hitman suddenly raised snapped his gaze upon her, causing the woman to jump back a little.

He would watch her for a moment then bares his sharp teeth with extended canines.
"No, you'll break her"
He snarled softly as a warning to not question him before peering to Bambina and thought it over a moment longer.
"Fine, you're coming with me….but keep in mind I have a daughter and since your wanted she will keep an eye on you until we figure out a better plan"


Greg had always been great when it came to book work and such, but History? Not so much, or rather he finds it incredibly dull and always tries to sneak in his phone during class.

He could be seen at his desk with everything out on his desk and was playing on his phone, yet he kept peering up on the fear for the tear her would scream at him yet again, it wouldn't be the first time.


Posted 2023-03-18 12:55:57
Pierre would focus on his class work, taking notes on everything that seemed noteworthy, which was most things. The teacher, who's name was Mr. Gibbs, barked orders and preached like a college professor, but with the intimidation of a warrior. He would say " and remember, phones caught out will be taken and broken! " A few times too, while looking right at Greg.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-18 13:14:04
Bambina lowered her gaze, his words seemed so harsh. She didn't want to burden anyone, but now she was burdening him. "I'm sorry I'm causing you unnecessary trouble," she tried to say with her hands. She felt bad that he had to have his daughter watch over her, she could only hope that no harm would come to her. She was prepared to follow him and unlike most of the women, she didn't insist on talking back, but instead was willing to follow his every order. He was her savior after all, she would do anything her wanted, well almost.


Posted 2023-03-18 15:38:27


The hitman had no idea what Bambina was trying to commune with him but didn't allow it to bother him, he would peer at the Messenger who kept silent then soon made his way back on the street.

He would lead the Bambina down the sidewalk and made sure she was at his side, he gave a very intense, protective aura at the moment and kept sniffing the air, when it came to certain people he very gently redirected her away from them. The streets would be filled with people coming and going, some waiting for rides and most seemed to gather in swarms with friends, yet Butcher made sure Bambina was near his side the entire time.


The annoying part about most mobile games is how time sensitive they can be and for Greg he had to either; ward of a entire swarm of bats on his game or endlessly tap and watch what seemed like endless ads.

He had a system in place, take class notes whole an ad is playing but after being screamed at by the teacher, it was obvious the warnings are directed at him, Greg would keep his phone on his lap.


Posted 2023-03-18 15:45:16
Pierre would continue to take his notes and listen to the notes. Mr. Gibbs would frown and stare at Greg. " Any phones seen will be taken and broken. Since Greg seems not to understand that, how about you bring your phone up and hand it over, be An example to the rest of the class. " He would say, sounding disappointed and annoyed at the same time. Pierre would wince a bit, knowing this wasn't gonna end well.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-18 15:56:23


Greg felt panic fill his being, his phone was the only way for him to get a ride home. He also knew that his parents would kill him, not literally but may as well, should they find out. He also knew that the teacher was more than likely to grave the phone from him, with a long exhale Greg peered down at his desk.

He tried to think of what he could do, he could pull a Hurst? No, it would be on his record and if he does let his phone be broken then he would be stuck spending the night at either Josh's or Hurst's place, and both have their flaws.

It seems Hurst is violent even in his sleep, and Josh reeks or B.O., when he thought it over it would be best to just sleep on campus grounds, though his parents would….he decided to shove his phone into his pants, no way in hell he will go into the basement again, not if he could help it.


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