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Lyboe Adoption center (L.A.C) - NEW LYBOES

Lyboe Adoption center (L.A.C) - NEW LYBOES
Posted 2023-02-21 18:01:08 (edited)


empty example bases; not to be used:



Welcome to the Lyboe Adoption Center ( L.A.C ). Here, you will find a species that can thrive in all environments and climates , along with a wide diet or fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and even decaying matter!
Some noticeable differences between the sexes, Females are larger and more slim, built towards speed and agility rather than brute force. they have 3 horns on their face, the larger one meant for defense, and the smaller ones for foraging grubs and food.
they also have an additional 5 tail spikes, meant to sway predators from attacking behind and unruly males.

Males on the other hand, have one large horn, meant for protection, defense, digging and well...anything a horn can be used for i guess. their horns, unlike the females where its blunt or dull, they are intensely sharp. they can be commonly seen sharping them against rocks or trees.

Lyboe's are commonly pack creatures, staying in a group that averages 2-4 males, 6-8 females. although, its been reported to see small packs of 1-3 or even solidarity lyboes. although, seeing a single lyboe not anywhere its pack, can be either a sign of them being at old age and finding a spot to pass away, being rejected or kicked out, or simply lost. if you see a male lyboe with a broken front horn, its best to stay away from them as they become way more aggressive and dangerous - because they know they are more vulnerable with out it. 

despite this, Lyboes are docile and calm unless threatened. they have a similar personally like horses, although more confident and are generally less fearful.
~~~ ON BREAK ~~~


This female is for sale, with the current price:
2,100 , 6 , or 3$ usd.


This female is for sale, with the current price:
2,100 , 6 , or 3$ usd.


This male is for sale, with the current price:
2,100 , 6 , or 3$ usd.


This male* is for sale, with the current price:
2,100 , 6 , or 3$ usd.

(( rules and whatnot:
-You cannot change Gender, but you are allowed to change up to 30% of the original design to fit your style. you can also adjust color palette, but please do not go to far from the original.
- you can resell or trade, but do not sell it for anymore than the original price.
-this IS an open species, you are totally free to make your own, but i would recommend buying. (just because i dont have an official guide of the do's and do-not's on this species. i have bigger variants i want to add)
- do not claim this species as your own, or that you are the original creator.
- Once payment is claimed, you will receive an unwatermarked picture of your newly adopted Lyboe
--- rules are capable of changing.


Posted 2024-01-05 21:05:15
Can I snag the female for gc?

cool guy

Posted 2024-01-05 21:08:31
Yup! go ahead and send payment and ill send the un-watermarked version :)


Posted 2024-01-05 22:37:07
Awesome creature! Could I snag the male for sc?

Posted 2024-01-05 22:46:33
yes of course! go ahead and send payment, and ill send you the non watermarked version! :)


Posted 2024-01-06 08:08:00
I'll be waiting for more


Posted 2024-01-06 12:21:39
what do they even look like?

Maplonia the wanderer

Posted 2024-01-06 13:31:38
ill go ahead and put up empty / uncolored bases so everyone know that they look like. there are another 2 im working on


Posted 2024-01-06 13:34:07
ill go ahead and put up empty / uncolored bases so everyone know that they look like. there are another 2 im working on


Posted 2024-01-06 21:11:32
aww!! they are kinda cute ^^ def gonna be lurking! if you make customs do lmk about that too!

Maplonia the wanderer

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