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1x1 rp w/ Fizzy Lady! (HIATUS)

Posted 2023-01-02 01:26:22
Okie dokie! Also- Got distracted =v=
Gonna let you know now that I have suuuuuuper intense ADHD. If I ever poof, I swear I'm not trying to- I probably just saw a sock or something on the floor and then got distracted by forty other things 0v0"

She continued walking, not having heard the bark, or seen the ID on the ground.

As expected, she was reprimanded for an hour for being late, but the meeting itself seemed to be going well. Lanira ended up not being allowed to participate as punishment, but she could hear what they were talking about from the side room she'd been chilling in.
"I'm aware of the recent werewolf attacks, everyone. There will be a gathering with the local pack leaders in two weeks to determine whether or not they are rogues. I'd like to let you all know that there will be werewolves attending. I need you all to remain civil. If we seem hostile, then we could end up triggering an. . unpleasant chain of events between our clans." The coven leader, Zylan warned them all.

Feel free to do a timeskip or smthn- It's whatever you wanna do to get us to the next gathering! :3

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-01-02 02:13:10

-time skip and some shit, to the meeting of the werewolves-

Satya was sitting down, her mother's hands playing with her hair "You need to look approachable,  Satyatan, the Starlets are coming today, and my goodness can you heal that injured leg? It's very disturbing!"
Her mother was complaining about her leg, when ten times Satya had said she just snagged it on a branch, rubbing her hands together, she pressed them to the injury, healing it but not fully, creating a scar "Hmph, I can't heal a deep one mother" she sighed, scratching at her ankle

Just then the Bison horn bellowed, announcing the arrival of the Starlets

"Now, you must behave, no wondering off" her mother said, grabbing her daughters hand and tugging her along

°•Lady FizzWart•° [NC]

Posted 2023-01-02 02:29:50
// Time skip noises //

The past two weeks had been absolute hell for Lanira. She'd had to fully prepare the groups of starlets by herself, along with debriefing everyone on what to expect. Seeing as none of them respected her enough to listen, she could tell this was going to go great. She had missed her turn to set up last time, so her mother had ordered for Lyra not to help in getting things organized this time. It normally would have been a five person job, but her mother clearly felt no empathy.

As they all finally made their way into the clearing, Lanira was on high alert. She was unsure of how things would turn out this evening, and as the sun set, she was officially certain that things weren't going to end well. Both the werewolves and the starlets were on high alert, and all it would take to start a fight was one miscommunication. A poorly timed comment. Anything could set them off-- It was just a matter of time.

"Hey- Don't look so down! This is exciting!" Lyra grinned, seeing her anxious expression. "We're walking right into a clearing full of werewolves- How can you be this calm?!" Lanira groaned. Although they were twins, she and her sister were nothing alike. Lyra was always so outgoing with the coven. Then again, that was probably just because she wasn't 'half a witch'.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-01-02 02:39:15
Satya looked up as she saw the Starlets walk into the clearing,

her heart skipped in her chest as she saw a familiar face, was that the girl that she met??

She leaned closer and quickly went to her room,  grabbing the scarf and tying it to her pocket, she walked over to her mother,
talking to her about going to see the Starlets, her mother warned her to not get angsty, Satya nodded and walked over , greeting the Starlets leaders and guests with a smile and nod.

°•Lady FizzWart•° [NC]

Posted 2023-01-02 02:44:51
Lanira frowned as Lyra wandered off to go make casual conversation with a few of her werewolf pals, clearly not wanting to be alone. Unfortunately, none of her other siblings were there tonight, and she didn't really have any friends inside the coven.

Being surrounded by people she didn't know was beginning to set her off, so she made her way to the edge of the crowd in an attempt to be alone. "God, why did they even have me come? Lyra is enough to cover their social quotas, so why must they torture meeeee?" She sighed as she thought this, wishing she'd remembered to charge her phone before coming here.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-01-02 02:48:19
After talking to the leaders, she went to the back of the crowd and sighed, taking the scarf and holding it, looking at her scar on her leg, she touched the scar and put the scarf on the table next to her,
She didn't notice the girl walking towards the back of the crowd

°•Lady FizzWart•° [NC]

Posted 2023-01-02 02:55:35
Hey, I think Imma head to sleep- I'll talk to you tomorrow, though! TvT

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-01-02 02:58:03
all good :> sleep well, and have a good day <3

°•Lady FizzWart•° [NC]

Posted 2023-01-02 21:09:50 (edited)
Heyo! How are ya? ^^

Lanira soon came to the conclusion that the elders making her come was just another punishment for forgetting her duties. "It feels more like they're punishing me for being born." She sighed to herself before glancing up.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-01-02 21:36:49
Heyy!! Good! You?

Satya picked at her nails, humming a song to herself, dust swept up from the wind and blew into her nose, she rubbed her nose and sighed

"I may aswell stay here...for the rest of the meeting" she groaned as her mother made an announcement, 

"Hello everyone, welcome to the meeting of the Moon Rigns! Today we will..."

Satya stopped listening and sat on a chair, listening to the chirp and rustle of the woods

°•Lady FizzWart•° [NC]

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