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1x1 rp w/ Plagg! (UNRESPONSIVE)

1x1 rp w/ Plagg! (UNRESPONSIVE)
Posted 2022-12-31 01:15:09 (edited)

Do you have a char sheet you like to use, or do you wanna use mine?

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 01:19:01
Whatever works! ^^


Posted 2022-12-31 01:22:05
Alrighty! Before we do chars, actually- What's your typical rp style, what species pairing should the chars be, and what gender pairing? I can do any gender, and I'm fine with all pairings! As for species, that's just for fun! We could do VampxHuman, WolfxVamp, WitchxVamp, etc. Only thing is that at least one of us should be a fangy hoomin =w=

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 01:24:15
I can do short and long replies as long as i'm given enough to reply off of! As for species, hmm... I can do any! Maybe VampxHuman? And for genders, I can play any but prefer male or non-binary/non-gender confirming


Posted 2022-12-31 01:27:15
Ooooh- I like it! Could definitely help for some added flare! And sure thing! Whatever is the most comfortable and fun for you! I don't have a preference, so I'll just go with female this time! I'll send over my char sheet! ^^

Anything else we need to discuss? :3

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 01:27:45
Alright and I think that should be it! :D I'll do my sheet after you!


Posted 2022-12-31 01:30:47
Unique Abilities:
Appearance: (Primary Form)Height, skin colour, body type, hair, eyes, any other attributes. (Secondary Form(If any))Height, skin colour, body type, hair, eyes, any other attributes. Clothing style.
Other Info:

Here's the whatchamathing! I left it blank so you can copy-paste! I'll fill mine out, too! ^^

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 01:31:23
Alright!^^ Do you wanna be the vampire or should I?


Posted 2022-12-31 01:31:44
Wait who's the human and who's the vamp .-.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 01:32:17
Oop- XD
Would you mind if I'm the human? I'm not very good with acting out the speed and strength and other vampy things TvT

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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