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{Wolf RP}

Posted 2022-12-28 07:11:41
Blossom Pack | Aloe | Blossom Pack Territory
Aloe flinched, backing away as Cardinal tried to muzzle him.
"A reward?!" He yelled, finally fed up with her. "How would being friends with a wolf like you be a reward? You never cared, ever, even when we were pups, you'd bully me. And you think you can throw that all behind us now?!"
He fell to his knees, his whole body shaking. His lip trembled, and his eyes welled with tears.
"I hate you!" He cried out, tears falling down his face. He gasped for breath and sobbed. "I h-hate y-y-you! I wish I didn't save you. I wish you were dead!"
He turned and bolted away into the forest, as far as he could go, tears falling the whole way. He finally collapsed in the mud when he knew Cardinal couldn't follow him anymore. Not caring about the cleanness of his fur, he fell to the ground and sobbed, his face planted in the mud.

Posted 2022-12-28 08:27:09
(The reward was supposed to be the rabbit)

Blossom Pack| Cardinal| Blossom Pack Camp
Cardinal tried to stop the wolf "Hey wait-" But it was too late, he was already gone I guess he's right! She thought I've always bullied him, even when he offeredne his friendship. The scene from her puphood formed in Cardinal's mind.
A skinny pup playfully licked Cardinal's fur "Who're you?" She asked the pup
"I am Aloe!" The wolf replied "Will you be my friend?" The pup asked politely
Cardinal let out an evil laugh "Being your friend!? Leave right now idiot! I only play with handsome and strong pups, not with someone like you!" She said as she bit the pup really hard, giving the pup a scar  on it's elbow.

Cardinal shook her head But I can improve now! I- we should forget those things and move on!

Posted 2022-12-28 22:51:52
(( oh xD well that's even worse of a reward, he caught that lmao~ it's like: 'oh hey, thanks for saving my life, here's this thing you gave me earlier' ))

Blossom Pack | Aloe | Blossom Pack Territory
Aloe stared miserably at his paws. He didn't want to get up and go back to the territory. There was no one there who cared about him, and no one there he cared about.
He'd felt this way so many times before, but he'd always gone back for shelter. Even if they yelled at him and bit him and forced him to eat all the worst food, at least he had somewhere to stay and something to eat. At least he never starved or caught cold or died, all those nights he'd cried himself to sleep.
But this time, he really didn't want to go back.
He bit his tongue. Maybe he could stay out here for the night. Just one night.
He shook out all the bugs and mud from his fur, then found a small bush to hide under and closed his eyes.

Posted 2022-12-29 07:10:26
Blossom Pack| Cardinal| Blossom Pack Camp
Cardinal was worried about the omega Shall I go look for him? She thought for a while Or maybe some old habits... Cardinal smirked and let out an aggressive howl "ALOE!? ALOE!? WHERE ARE YOU IDIOT!? COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" She yelled loud enough so that everyon,  nearby the camp ,could hear her.

Posted 2022-12-29 18:06:53
Blossom Pack | Aloe | Blossom Pack Territory
Aloe jumped up, trembling all over. He stopped himself from bolting back at the last moment. Alright. I don't have to go. Weigh the options.
If he went back, she'd probably try to befriend him again. Or maybe she was mad at him for not accepting her friendship and wanted to hurt him instead. That would be bad. Really bad.
Aloe looked down at his skin, the deep scars hidden under the long fur. Maybe they didn't hurt anymore, but they felt like ropes, tying him to the ones who'd hurt him and dragging him back.
He stood up.
And he let himself walk back, defeated and broken.

Posted 2022-12-29 23:11:06
Blossom Pack| Cardinal| Blossom Pack Camp
Cardinal smiled and ran to the wolf to give him a hug "Sorry about that... Not friends but I promise I won't be rude to you anymore, is that okay?" She said as she sat down infront of the wolf.

Posted 2022-12-29 23:17:44
Blossom Pack | Aloe | Blossom Pack Territory
Aloe flinched and leapt back, not allowing her to get close.
"I…" he stared at her, and his eyes flicked to his own fur, the scars crisscrossing his chest. Most weren't visible, hidden under his dark brown fur, but a few stood out, so deep that the fur hadn't grown there. His eyes traveled to his elbow, where teeth marks stood out, the scar a darker, redder color than the rest of his skin.
He covered his face with his paws, his eyes starting to water. "I don't want to," he whimpered. "You're a horrible person, Cardinal. I- I don't want to be your friend." His voice dropped to a broken whisper. "Look what you did to me."

Posted 2022-12-29 23:30:08
Blossom Pack| Cardinal| Blossom Pack Camp
Cardinal frowned a horrible person!? "Don't forget that you asked to become your friend first! I am just answering that question now! It's your choice if you want to accept the friendship of a 'horrible person' or reject it!" She growled then trotted back to her den.

Posted 2022-12-29 23:52:56
Blossom Pack | Aloe | Blossom Pack Territory
Baring his teeth through his tears, Aloe ran away back to his den.
Here I go again, running from all my problems, he thought sadly. Something hurt deep inside, much more than the scars on his chest or the bruises across his back.
He pressed his paws to his face again, trying to stop the flood of tears. Trying to turn his depression into anger again, he glared at a knot in the hollow log, thinking of all the times Cardinal had hurt him. He would never, ever make friends with that wolf.

Posted 2022-12-30 00:50:41
Fire Pack| Grace| Fire Pack Camp
Grace quickly finished eating and got up "I am going for a walk!" She said to the wolves as she licked her muzzle and trotted out of the camp.

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