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Non-Lethal Conjoined Twins

Non-Lethal Conjoined Twins
Posted 2022-11-28 10:27:10 (edited)
Hi! I have a suggestion.

Make a version of the conjoined twins mutation that is non-lethal! From the people I know who play, it is a fan favorite. We would love to see them grow into adult wolves. It may or may not be genetically passable (honestly could leave that up to the devs) and maybe limit what roles they could have, but a non-lethal version would be so cool!

(If you have anything for me to add, let me know!)


Posted 2022-11-28 20:28:02
Support because there are many cases in humans of conjoined twins living to adulthood. Maybe make it uncommon for them to live to adulthood. In real life, this happens when two twins in utero merge together, which is a completely random chance and not genetic in any way, and if it were it would give great incentive for people to breed for it.

I'd like if certain mutations were possible to live to adulthood - there are recorded cases of animals with polymelia, diprosopus(not in game but planned), polycephaly, and others surviving to adulthood but in each case they were cared for very very closely. For example, Frank and Louie the cat with two faces (diprosopus) survived because he was tube fed for the first few months of his life, and lived to 14. Multiple cases of cattle having an extra leg or two and living to adulthood just fine, though this is usually caused by a recessive gene specific to cattle that's called developmental duplication and is not the same mutation as polymelia. Some reptiles live to adulthood with multiple heads, polycephaly, but I think that is specific to reptiles.


Posted 2022-11-29 21:27:20 (edited)
Trigger Warning: My post does mention scientific data about young death in animals and humans

I'm going to have to vote no. 99.99% of the time these genetic mutations aren't livable without extreme daily care (in the case of people and animals) or minor surgeries. Abby and Brittany Hansel (probably the most famous conjoined twin cases) underwent surgery at age 12 due to breathing troubles. Very often they have multiple sets of organs, only one of certain organs, compressed chest cavities, and other conditions.

About 40% of conjoined twins are stillborn, and another 35% die within the first 24 hours of life. The chance of any human (or animal) living a full life is nearly impossible. I feel like it would be rude to start listing a bunch of people who lived lives as "proof" (besides Abby and Brittany, who were always very public about their lives), so I'm not going to do that. But it is something most people don't live a full life with.

Could they be seperated instead? I'd also say no. Since wolves don't really have the medical capabilities to do the intense types of surgeries needed.

The current small lifespan of conjoined pups is accurate, with a few days added on to enjoy them even longer. They're a very rare drop and something special. I don't think it needs to be changed. And I don't think I'd want 2 of the same mutation.

But for the sake of fairness, I'd like to publish my pros and cons list.

-Would be cool design
-I do love mutations of all types
-Doesn't cost immortal slot + jellyfish

-Very unrealistic
-Lessens the specialness of conjoined twins (especially if genetic)
-Opens the gates for more "lethals" to become livable like polymelia, and polycephaly
-Would take a lot of art to make (5 stages) which could be used on new mutations
-Could slow down the development pipeline of other mutations


Posted 2023-09-15 12:38:27 (edited)
while i agree with the reply above me, about the conjoined twins and polycephaly, i feel like with polymelia they should be able to survive until adults. Maybe with like a rare chance of surviving, and they have to do certain roles (like they can't hunt/scout).

Obviously the art for the polymedia mutation here on wolvden has quite a few extra limbs, but there are many cases of animals being born in the wild with one extra limb, and surviving. 

If the extra limb hinders them too much they usually die, but lets say for example, they had an extra tail (which would be polycaudal, but still) it wouldn't hinder them THAT much.

This would be getting into different mutations, but maybe it could come in mild-severe, or different forms? Because IRL cases of ploymelia vary a lot. 

I just think there are some options for some of them. I agree that conjoined twins and polycephaly should stay lethal, because they normally do share organs and have a lot of issues. But polymelia is different in my opinion, at least the mild cases.

So maybe having different levels of polymelia? Or versions, kind of like piebald in wolvden and lioden and primal in lioden.
For example- Mutation: Polymelia (Extra Limb) , or , Mutation: Polymelia (4 extra limbs)

Obviously, this would take new art and development, so i'm not calling for this immediately, its just an idea!


Posted 2023-10-02 14:40:05
If it was born like the polymelia on wolvden, it would 100% die.

If they wanted to introduce a NEW mutation where it had just one extra leg or something, yeah, that's a different story and they would be more likely to survive. But then that turns into suggesting new mutations which is sadly not allowed on these forum threads. (Cuz I would suggest so many cool mutations).

But for the suggestion of changing the conjoined twins to sometimes survive? I have to vote no.


Posted 2024-05-20 12:24:20
Oppose, just get one of the adult lethal mutie decors

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