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Remove failing OR remove the HP loss from failing to take an effigy

Posted 2022-10-25 13:31:35
I'm going to argue that it IS relevant. You made the comparison, so I'm simply pointing out that I can participate in the game and get the same rewards for no risk, but I can't participate in this event in some fashion and do the same. I can get LT without battling if I want to and save it up for a real life lunar event. I got by just fine not battling many of the cryptids in explore last event.

I think that focusing on how it's a just small amount of HP as a penalty is ignoring the actual issue of there not needing to be a penalty in the first place.
It's also not "completely optional" because I'd be wasting energy to skip those event encounters. That's why I feel like not getting an effigy is a penalty, because you already lose energy for every encounter.

It may seem "silly" and not be an unacceptable bar of entry to you, but I already said the reason for this thread is because I'm having a crappy time, which happens to make it a little harder to see the value in participating. I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like the cool new surprise event to bring only joy instead of frustration.
I'll be honest, I'm only replying now because I can't get over how much everyone won't ease up on a tiny feature that would make some players happier, but, by their own admission, wouldn't affect them very much either way.
Apart from Dżanek, who has a point I find interesting to do with the market value of ME. I would think that failing by itself would keep it rarer, but yeah, if the rewards are purely cosmetic I'm sure the value of ME will go up next year as players decide it isn't worth it to participate.

I'm unsubscribing now because I'd much rather just have an event toggle at this point, but the suggestion can stay up just in case some people do want it.


Posted 2022-10-25 14:25:42 (edited)
It's the principle. While this event could certainly have been implemented without the penalty and it wouldn't make much of a difference either way, I appreciate having risks associated with progression in this game. I'd like to see more of that, not less. If I just wanted to be rewarded without any possibility of trade offs, I'd play an idle clicker.

The reason I emphasize it being completely optional is because it's no different from other opt-in features, like the Raven Lottery, the slot machine, raffles, or the raffle stud. If you don't like the risk, it's no different than any energy draining event. The only difference between those things and this is that you don't know how much an effigy is going to end up being worth, but for that I yield to Dzanek's point: if this really is a deterrent for many players, it only makes the effigies more valuable.

EDIT: And I'd like to say outright, nothing against you for holding an opinion I disagree with, I just wanted to add to the thread because it's a suggestion post and I don't want Wolvden devs to be discouraged from adding penalties like this in the future.


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