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Feedback Request: Traveling Wolves

Posted 2022-10-13 21:19:23
My next concern... what about travelers already trapped in limbo...? Mine hasn't had an RO in over a month, and I worked HARD to write her lore...

Perix- Badger Hoarder

Posted 2022-10-13 21:20:04 (edited)
Just gonna drop my piece of the pie here abt this traveling wolf stuff:

Have been wanting to do it for a while, genuinely. I find it an intriguing, community-based feature that gives some wolves I have little to no use for a purpose, alongside letting the community itself become creative on its own terms.

Although the recommend features that the devs list seem... a little off to me yet. I can't quite put a finger on it as yo why, but some things just scratch the wrong itches.

I get a recall feature would be nice to say the least, but for those who... probbaly want to abuse the feature could and probably would use the recall after every single host to gather possible pups, decor (albeit site or custom), or even just to be an ass to those who are genuinely into, and willingly support, the traveler's endeavors.

And albeit the topic of even breeding travelers just doesn't seem to sit right at all. So if I get this straight:
  1. Owner of wolf places traveler role onto said wolf, and sends off to a host.
  2. Host takes wolf, and does as what's intended on most travelers (lore, decors).
  3. Host proceeds to breed traveler.
  4. Host proceeds to reap benefits of a wolf that was granted a role to constantly be moving, a nomadic lifestyle if you will.
  5. Host proceeds to keep offspring and send the wolf along.

To me, this just feels like... it's robbing a traveler wolf of its true intention: constantly living a nomadic lifestyle of movement, venturing, and collecting life experiences. I can see some argue the point of "having kids is a life experience" but taking into consideration that these wolves are to be constantly on the move seems a bit counterintuitive.

"Yes. Let us make the wolf that has to constantly be in different parts of the world settle down and raise a family for 4.5 months (gestation + after-birth)."

If anything, that comes off as a slight oxymoron-

But everything else people have recommended here, plus a bit of the devs' ideas (a traveler's post where travelers can be claimed in an universal area, granting a locked role to those outside of the owner who set it) all seem fair game. It at least breaks the seal of decor/lore thieving and even possible traveler keeping/chasing to create a more tougher, sturdier grasp of what already exists.

However, and this is more me since I'm a lore writing type of person, it would be just a neat feature to do a seperate place to do lore for travelers besides biographies. Limited character space for a wolf that's to collect lore seems a bit counterintuitive as well. Just a small button that can lead to say... a small entry layout like such:

User/Pack ID: [site auto registers this when creating a new entry]
Date Entered in Pack: [autos "Previous Pack" log info, exiting former pack]
Date Exiting Pack: [autos "Previous Pack" log info, exiting current pack]
Writing Entry: [Of course, whatever the player enters goes here]
Decor Additions (if any): [could auto or be manual, depending on the player wanting to be anonymous about decor placement]

Of course I figure that may be a little too much coding, but even just an offset spot outside of biographies where this can be logged and players can go crazy on lore without being character restricted would be a fantastic addition. Would of course be open to edits to those who still host the wolf during the time. If anything, this little area can provide a safehaven alternative to those who sometimes like to bio-erase to hide evidence that the wolf was a traveler in the first place.

All-in-all, find the current concepts good, but definitely needs a good polish before the sales pitch.

*Edit: Dropping this in since I slightly forgot about adding this until AFTER shut-eye.

But again, in terms of travelers breeding and saying the yay or nay to it, why do travelers need to breed when there's MULTIPLE choices of females across site via the Trading Center and Chatter Forums? Is it mainly for the sake that it's a free wolf that people assume can do the job without the expense?

And if it is, re-read through that just a little harder and think about it: Females (as most if the travelers seem to be; again, don't wholeheartedly participate for the sake of running risks) that are received for free being used for the sake they're free.

I can see if a non-traveler was given as a gift, then yes, standards apply since you fully own the wolf. That's your full-hearted property and can do as you please.

Gifting a traveler is like running rent. It's not fully under your name, but restrictions still apply. Yes you technically halfway own it, but that deposit of whatever you've done (breeding, feeding/playing, etc.) still moves back to the original owner once your lease is up, even if it is in this case moving to the next host.

Trying to fix a wrong with an even more drastic wrong isn't going to make it right. 2 negatives never equal a positive.

๐ŸŒˆ[Kim] Frying Pan๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-10-14 04:59:49 (edited)
I'm a little worried that some people would take advantage of this system as well. Most of the points you have up there are excellent and do well to limit those who would take advantage of the system along the path of the wolf's travel, but who's to say the original owner (who has the recall button) won't recall the wolf to remove all decors to keep and then send it out again to collect more decors?

Could something be implemented that if the original owner recalls the wolf, they can't remove any decors they didn't put on the wolf themselves? Maybe same with anyone who hosts the wolf, they can only and subsequently remove any decors they have added themselves.

Edit - I've just read the response above mine, Kim you've got some good ideas. I don't do lore much myself, but I know how important that is for players, so I like the idea of a more comprehensive log


Posted 2022-10-14 08:35:12 (edited)
I think the traveling wolf should have a title or something that makes it obvious that who has them does not actually Own Them, and can't do anything with, I can see someone making a privet trade with like, a new person, and setting their traded wolf as a traveling wolf, so they get Whatever the new person is offering them AND still keep the wolf in question....I know there's not a lot the mods can really do about that sort of thing anyway, other then maybe make such warnings part of the introduction to the game?

Also how does this wolf age? Are they immune to illness? Can they will die while going from den to den? who is it up to to heal them? the host or the "Keeper" or can both? does whit wolf add to the total wolf count in the hosts den or the "keepers"?

so like if the keeper doesn't have enough space for the traveling wolf to return what happens when they try to recall them?

Anyway I do think this is REALLY cool, never heard of this game before....but I'm also not on DW as much any more due to irl things. but I do look forward to seeing it implemented!


Posted 2022-10-14 09:56:00
I think it's a good idea, but only if the wolf can be bred. At least add the ability to specify for each specific wolf whether its breeding is allowed or not.

Howling Moon

Posted 2022-10-14 10:42:41
Gypsy Wolf? Traveller? Adventurer? It could be the primary job/title for a Travelling Wolf so everyone knows it's legit, and go on it's name like the title for pack leader does...with a simple symbol, too. That's a great idea Nemira!
๐Ÿพ Murra Dire Wolpard๐Ÿ€๐Ÿพ

Posted 2022-10-14 11:22:46
The main points of feedback I have are:

1. Allow the owner of the travelling wolf to decide if they breed through a toggle in their settings, as ultimately it's up to the owner what happens to their wolf. The recall button is either locked until the pups are weaned or the pups occupy a similar space to the "lead wolf puppies" section which is where they will stay if the owner recalls their wolf.

2. Restrict the number of travelling wolves a person can have in some way, so that a person can't set all their wolves to the role and have other players look after them. Three seems enough, but it could start at 0 for packs under 10 territory and go up as more spaces are unlocked.

3. Not to call them "gypsy" please, that's a word used (often negatively) for romani/other traditionally nomadic ethnic groups in real life.

4. If it's possible to code, then decor items should go back to the player that put it on the wolf when they are removed. Similar to how item raffle tickets are in limbo and get sent back when a raffle is cancelled? If the wolf was removed from the role it should also remove any other players decor. That would prevent decor farming.

5. Wolves who would run from low mood/hunger in 1-2 rollovers should automatically go back to the owner. There should also be a 1 rollover grace period if the owner has not logged on that day to allow them to feed/play with their wolf.

6. Only adult wolves should be able to fill the role, and they should get illnesses and injuries the same as every other wolf, with the caveat that if a wolf would die upon rollover it should be instead given automatically back to the owner and a grace period of 1 rollover apply.

7. Travelling wolves should age the same as other wolves, and if a person doesn't roll they won't age. The recall button prevents them being lost on inactive accounts.

I pretty much agree with the rest of what's suggested, and I don't think they should get any special privileges aside from the 1 day grace period for auto-recall, which is already similar to the one traded puppies get.


Posted 2022-10-14 11:26:15

The term Gypsy is derogatory and has a harmful history, so it definitely should not be used. Traveling Wolves seem just fine, as that's what people have been calling them so far <3


Posted 2022-10-14 11:48:20
1. Allow the owner of the travelling wolf to decide if they breed through a toggle in their settings, as ultimately it's up to the owner what happens to their wolf. The recall button is either locked until the pups are weaned or the pups occupy a similar space to the "lead wolf puppies" section which is where they will stay if the owner recalls their wolf.

I don't care for the idea of locking the recall button, because if someone hosting a nursing mother goes on indefinite hiatus, the owner should be able to bring their wolf home. Having the pups stay in the "lead wolf puppies" section (or similar) seems like a better idea.

4. If it's possible to code, then decor items should go back to the player that put it on the wolf when they are removed. Similar to how item raffle tickets are in limbo and get sent back when a raffle is cancelled? If the wolf was removed from the role it should also remove any other players decor. That would prevent decor farming.

I have mixed feelings about this. When I give decor to traveling wolves, I consider it a gift to the owner. I'm happy to give it out, and I don't expect or need it back. I don't consider it "my" decor any more.

However, I did once encounter a decor farmer, which left a bad taste in my mouth. (Specifically: I bought a custom decor for a traveling wolf because I thought it looked really good on them. The owner messaged me: "Can I have my wolf back?" I said "Sure!" and sent them home. Next time I checked on the wolf, the owner had stripped the decor. The wolf was then sent out as a traveler again.)

I don't really have a good answer to this...I enjoy giving out decor to travelers, and having the owner keep all the decor at the end of the wolf's journey, but it's a bit sad if people abuse the mechanic.


Posted 2022-10-14 12:02:22 (edited)
@Lionel - The decor would only be removed if the wolf's owner chose to get rid of it (whilst in their own den), so I do think it would be better to have it as an in-built mechanic. The person who gave the wolf the decor can always choose to send it back to the wolf's owner afterwards if it was meant as a gift.
