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Fiend stalkers

Posted 2022-11-03 11:29:59
"Bloodlust." he replies and holds out one of his arms. He pulls up the sleeves, and the scars - along with three runes - are obvious on his arm. "And sometimes..." He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath, offering a sad smile as he walks.

"I can't stop it."


Posted 2022-11-03 11:37:50
Gorisk walked closer to Quentin and examined his arm closely, he stared at the runes and kept walking alongside Quentin and took a deep breath as he pulled the leather out of his mouth. He was conflicted, he wasn't sure if he should just tell his new partner what he will find out soon but he spent so long fighting his urges and keeping the beast within that telling Quentin, a man he just met, about his true nature then it could end them both
"I saw the fangs back when fighting"
Gorisk indicated how his playmate had long then normal canines
"I trust you know how to use them?"
He asked with a raised brow


Posted 2022-11-03 11:40:00
"Ja. I do." Quentin says and delicately steps over a root that juts out of the ground. He glances side-ways at Gorisk. "Does it bother you?" He inquires. It shouldn't - Gorisk was just as bad, if not worse. And it's not like Quentin can control himself all the time, or else he'd not be a Hunter. He'd be one of the... Buried.


Posted 2022-11-03 11:53:29
"No, not at all"
Gorisk spoke bluntly but he was telling the truth as he didn't hesitate, but he did hesitate on what he'd say next. Not because he felt uncomfortable but because he wasn't sure just how in control Quentin was with the taste of blood
"I asked because I have no problem offering my blood, the way I see it, there aren't many like us, and I understand how I takes over, the urge to drink blood and feel pain to remind that we are still living"
His eyes flickered, he was addicted to the taste of blood and felt a primal rage when not offered, he knew how sought after his own as he held a rare variation. He glanced at Quentin, seeing his reaction or if he even wanted to try the brute's blood at all


Posted 2022-11-03 12:04:28
Quentin cannot help but turn to look at Gorisk. "Whenever you want to..." He says softly as he turns away and continues as he walks. "Don't hesitate." He says.

"As long as you allow me to."


Posted 2022-11-03 12:15:58 (edited)
Gorisk found himself wondering if Quentin didn't expect him to mean what was said and so he slowly came to a holt and found a nice rock to sit on, he sat upon it with his back facing Quentin and took his blades off then fully tilted his head to the right so the left side of his neck was fully exposed. He used his hand to pull down on his leather gear to expose his neck as much possible
"Why not now?"
He spoke, he placed his hands on his knees and sat up straight, his eyes darted to and fro, keeping an eye out in front of him. His blood was thick, and rich, is didn't taste human and held a very addictive taste that kept most satisfied. Gorisk would bite into his own arm should he not have goat blood on time and found his blood to very filling, he wasn't sure if Quentin would think the same.


Posted 2022-11-03 12:25:02
Quentin's chest rises heavily as he stares at Gorisk's neck. His heart pounds and he feels a pain in his rune-'blessed' arm as his canine teeth elongate, and he approaches Gorisk. He moves and presses his body against Gorisk's as he buries his teeth into the other's neck with a soft sigh.

'I am sorry.' He thinks to himself, directing the thought to Gorisk as he bites down harder and tastes the thick, sweet blood. Not really surprised - he knew that Gorisk wasn't a human.

After a moment, he rips himself away from Gorisk with a soft noise. He feels satisfied as he sinks down with his back facing the other. He closes his eyes, and leans his head back as he stares up at the bright sky.

"Do you want any of mine?"


Posted 2022-11-03 12:35:30
Gorisk kept still the entire time as Quentin drank his blood, he did feel a bit calmer as his rune glowed softly, then once Quentin pulled away he worked on adjusting his gear and putting his weapons back on, he heard the question
"I'm fine"
He shook his head a little then got up and stretched out a bit, he wasn't affected by anything that happened but hoped his blood was enough to satisfy. He did however, hope that Quentin didn't find it insulting when his offered was declined, yet again, he did see Gorisk drinking blood earlier


Posted 2022-11-03 12:37:51
Quentin dips his head. "I thought not. But don't hesitate to drink from me when you need to." He says as he doesn't move until his head stops pounding at the rush. For him, Bloodlust can sometimes feel good - when it's satisfied. But when it's not... It feels terrible.


Posted 2022-11-03 12:45:52
"I don't got the same fangs as you"
Gorisk peered down at Quentin with a hand on his hip then sniffed the air, as much he hates to admit this, he didn't understand what he was, but knew he wasn't vampire but something else, something primal. The daylight was blindly to him, and he felt his rune pulsating under his leather gear like a second heartbeat and it was odd to him, it hasn't done this before and so he wondered, was it because his blood had been drank? Regardless, he gave Quentin as much time he needed to continue and kept scanning the area


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