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✨Starless Sky [On-site Warriors RP] [CLOSED]✨

Posted 2022-10-01 08:44:48

Snowwhisper - Warrior - he/him - Location: Camp

When they reached to lake, he looked around, studying the materials he could use. Tall reeds bordered the lake, and part of the camp creating a barrier. They could collect some closer inwards to keep the barrier around the camp's edges. The rocks also on the edge of the lake had some moss cover, and if they were careful they could rip it up and leave it to dry out.

"Ok," He finally says. "Here's the plan: we are going to collect bundles of reeds and sheets of moss. There were a few large rock surfaces in the camp that we can use to dry out the moss sheets. Then we can layer them, weave them together with the reeds, roll them onto the top of the den, and weave them into the branches to secure them." He hoped the plan would work, and if they were lucky, it would only take a few days to finish all the dens. For now, just the nursery. "While the moss is drying out, we should see if we can find large leaves for extra cover, and use them in case it rains before the moss dries, as well as small but heavy rocks to secure it more." Snowwhisper watches the apprentice intently, hoping she understood his plan. "Let's start," He says, moving to rip bunches of reeds out and placing them in a pile before moving to the next bunch.

Lostsoul - Outsider - he/him - Location: Just Outside Forest Territory

The lone tom slowed his movements, breathing hard from the hour or so of walking. He'd have to even his paces if he didn't want to get tired out so often. Looking behind him, Lostsoul realized he could just barely see any of the land of the previous clans. He was entering unknown territory. Lands of twolegs and monsters, rogues and even more dangerous animals. He'd have to stay focused and careful at all times.

He licked his lips, and could feel how dry his mouth was already. He searched a bit more, finding a small claim of water, and hungrily lapping it up. It was dirty, and not the best tasting, but it was cold enough and refreshing enough.

Lostsoul resumed his journey, eyes shifting every so often and ears constantly twitching at every movement and rustle. He'd need to be more careful in this new land.


Posted 2022-10-01 09:07:46

Amberblaze - Warrior - She/they - Location: Camp entrance

"I suppose we will just be waiting on the deputies," they thought aloud. "If none come however, I am more than ready to head out if everyone else is. We seem to all be here for the most part. Aside from Otterslip and Firewhisper; I suppose we are awaiting their arrival as well. Once they're around we are free to leave without deputy so said Applestar." Amberblaze rose to her paws and moved herself a bit closer to the rest of the group that had gathered.

If Otterslip and Firewhisper didn't come around soon, they thought, someone would have to go fetch them. It wasn't an issue, to track them down. Afterall, it seemed that the camp was so open Amberblaze was almost shocked that no cat had already seen and called them over. They figured if one or both of the deputies showed the larger group could split in two and meet back in the middle, but she didn't dare voice this to the other cats. Rather, she figured, this information would be best presented to someone with a high rank as they were the ones that made the decision in the end. Plus, it seemed like having the group of five cats together would maintain a balance in the event that the deputies hadn't woken in time to go out with them.


Posted 2022-10-01 09:13:21

Applestar - Leader - He/him - Location: Camp

With the patrol preparing to head off, the tall ginger tom briefly glanced around camp for any sign of his deputies. He felt his stomach twist itself in knots, displeased to have such important authoritative figures not present. And it wasn't just bad on ThunderClan's part- one deputy was from each clan. This was poor representation of both former clans. He'd need to have a discussion with Roseflank and Morningskies later for their tardiness. The StormClan leader bit his lip as his disturbed thoughts continued to drag on, and he was silently grateful for his medicine cat to break the silence.

Ah, herbs...well, he didn't want to be mean, but Heatherstump...well, he only had three legs. In addition, his apprentice was still young. Even if they were merely going nearby for hunting herbs, he didn't want them to go alone and be without proper protection. StormClan absolutely couldn't risk losing either of them. "Good morning, Heatherstump!" The earthy leader returned his greeting, briefly angling his ears towards the outstretch of dense forest as his medicine cat asked for permission to scavenge the rough landscape for plants.

"Even if it's nearby, I want you to be safe rather than sorry- StormClan would be at a great loss without either of you. My deputies, Roseflank and Morningskies, should still be lingering around camp, so I'll just escort you two mys-" Applestar continued, preparing to offer himself as their personal escort before Fernshade approached and volunteered herself. Ah. The impulsive leader was somewhat disappointed- he wanted to get a good scope of what was around camp. But...there was no shame in sticking around and reinforcing the dens! That was just as necessary. "...Very well- Fernshade will attend your outing with you!

As for the leader, he'd work on strengthening the nursery when everyone was finished with him. He had to answer questions and assign patrols first and foremost, and then he could attend to work himself.


Posted 2022-10-01 09:30:15

Crowheart - Warrior - he/him - Location: Camp

"Firewhisker's here," Crowheart growled, hearing Amberblaze's statements. He flicked his tail in the direction of Firewhisker, who walked closer to the patrol group. He then looked around for signs of Otterslip. "Your Clanmate isn't here, however," Crowheart huffed, glancing at Amberblaze. He turned and muttered something inaudible to others to Firewhisker.

He soon turned back to Amberblaze and watched her, his tail moving from side to side impatiently as he waited.


Posted 2022-10-01 09:33:45

Fadedpaw - MCA - she/they - Location: Camp

Fadedpaw felt her heart rate return to normal, knowing she wasn't disobeying the leader flooded relief through her, thawing out the panic that once settled in her. She looked at Fernshade, studying the older cat who had offered to assist Fadedpaw and Heatherstump. She was tall, and of similar colors to Fadedpaw, but with shorter, much shorter, fur. And a nick in her left ear that Fadedpaw knew better than to ask. She offered a smile, accepting her into their little herb gathering experience. At least there'd be someone to make sure everything went smoothly, and that the two medicine cats would be safe; something the apprentice hadn't considered in her excitement to learn.


Posted 2022-10-01 10:03:07

Amberblaze - Warrior - She/They - Location: Camp Entrance

"And there's Otterslip, so now that everyone in introduced," Amberblaze jested at Crowheart, "I think we are ready to go. Any objections or desires to go a certain way first?" Amberblaze made their way to the very edge of the entrance tunnel and turned back to look at the other cats over her shoulder. Only two cats had been outside of the camp recently, and they hadn't gone very far, just a few fox-lengths. She wondered if anyone really remembered a certain area of the terrain that seemed interesting or important as she herself didn't remember much other than vague details.

The journey had been so solemn that it didn't seem reasonable to think everyone was trying to scout or learn, rather everyone just wanted to survive no matter where that need took them. "I think if there are any areas that seemed more dangerous or difficult should be scouted first, but I cannot remember a particular area myself." Her gaze made it's way across the other four cats in the patrol party hoping that they could at least work well together no matter where the patrol started.


Posted 2022-10-01 10:05:58


Fernshade purred softly in response to Fadedpaw, kneading the grounding impatiently to leave. "thank you, Applestar!" came her  joyful mew, although she narrowed her gaze slightly, noticing the way the ginger tom had deflated slightly. Had he wanted to leave?

Fernshade knew better than to ask, but she wouldn't ignore the slight guilt in her belly. It must be boring as leader. I'm lucky i'll never have to do that. She thought to herself, getting to her paws. Okay. She couldn't really wait much longer to leave. The more she looked at that dingy fresh-kill pile, the more embarrassing it was that she couldn't catch those blackbirds.

She nudged Fadedpaw, a slight grin on her pointed face. "Race you to the entrance?" She purred. "We might as well make this outing fun."


Posted 2022-10-01 10:16:04 (edited)

HeatherStump - Medicine Cat - He/They - Location: Camp -> Just Outside of Camp

HeatherStump frowned slightly at the obvious change in AppleStar's mood, but didnt comment. He knew better than to get caught up in a leader's feelings, it's not like he hasn't been burned before. Still, he felt for the leader. It wasnt easy healing cats, he couldn't imagine leading them. The lynx point tom dipped his head in respect to the ginger one before following FernShade and FadedPaw.

He didnt think he had ever seen this molly, and if he had, he had never spoken with her before. As they exited the camp, all of the tension rippling through his muscles drained out. "Thank Starclan, that place is stuffy." He said, relief flooding through his eyes as he shook himself out. "Right, time to do some herb hunting." The three legged tom limped further from the camp, his eyes scanning and calculating each plant he came across.

MossKit - Kit - He/Him - Location: Makeshift Nursery

The small kit opened his eyes, wondering when he had fallen asleep. He stretched, mewling slightly before looking around. "Mama?" He called out, frowning slightly. Where could she have gone? Was she alright? He peeked his head out, eyes scanning the surrounding area till they finally landed on his mother. "Mama!" He skipped over to her, leaning over to look into the water with a tilt of his head. He leaned down, trying to imitate his mother drinking the water.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-10-01 10:37:05

Crowheart - Warrior - he/him - Location: Camp Entrance

Crowheart shrugged in response, back to his usual silent self. He pushed past Amberblaze and stepped out into the forest. Firewhisker followed him. Crowheart was secretly thankful for Firewhisker following him, because the towering trees above him were not the ShadowClan trees he had grown up under, but the strange trees of the Grove. Beneath his paws, too, was a dangerous amount of slippery moss. An ex-ShadowClan Clanmate's company was pretty much all the familiarity Crowheart could get right now.

Crowheart attempted to remove some of the moss from the ground with his claws.


Posted 2022-10-01 10:55:25

Fadedpaw - MCA - she/they - Location: Camp Entrance

They smiled at the warrior, "You bet." Before taking off, sprinting to the entrance and laughing as Fernshade followed. They giggled, leaping around to get their excitement out. Heatherstump wasn't too far behind the two, so Fadedpaw looked around, eyes scanning the plants and flora around them. Their eyes landed on something hidden beneath a bush, snug next to a tree. It was a flower type plant, with fuzzy bulbs attached to the stems. Some of the bulbs had tiny white flowers with four petals sprouting out of them. They couldn't place the name, but they recognized it from ThunderClan territory.

"Heatherstump!" She called behind her, taking a step closer. "I found something, I can't remember what it's called." She looked back, studying it closer. "I think it's cat reed, catweed. Hm, I've seen you use the fuzzy parts to stop poultices from coming off!"


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