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Which faction are you going for?

Which faction are you going for?
Posted 2022-08-22 17:31:24
Oh man, I'm so torn! I like so many things from each faction. I think I want the kinfolk base, but I love the cryptid eyes!
Im so excited to have stuff that will encourage trading!

Jane Doom

Posted 2022-08-22 18:33:40
I'll be going independent, though I LOVE the decor on kinfolk. But I love the bases and eyes in Independent.

Really, the more data we have where people go, the better. I like to imagine Kinfolk will be least popular because "another green base" but I could be wrong. And whichever faction has the least people, will have less of the items going around, and therefore, they will be more valuable and in demand.

So if we know which factions will be chosen least, people who are unsure can go to the "least popular" one for possibly the most profit


Posted 2022-08-22 18:38:58
✌️Going for the Kinfolk✌️

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2022-08-22 18:49:12
Honestly going independent for the decor variety. I love all three, but I generally can't pick a side lore-wise, therefore I'll stay in the middle. :T


Posted 2022-08-22 19:10:18
I think I'm gonna go for Kinfolk cause a) I love the vibes of the shop items you can get if you side with them (I like green, calm, nature-y stuff),  b) I've discovered at least one cryptid from each faction and so far Kinfolk designs are more appealing to me (don't get me wrong they all look really cool but the Merged and some Independent cryptids look like something that came out of my worst nightmares) and c) Lore-wise I agree with them the most (idk what goals the Merged have but if they are willing to get violent for it, I don't think it's a good one)

Posted 2022-08-22 19:27:59
I think I'm going with the Independant. I vaguely decided to go with the first one I found, which was of that faction (and my first quest gave me 50 points so it'd be hard to undo). Also, I really like environmental decors, and the Independant shop has a lot of them.


Posted 2022-08-22 21:10:22
I went with kinfolk. ❤️ I love the base, the eyes, and alot of the decor. I also love independent though too!!

𝐄 𝐢 𝐫 𝐚

Posted 2022-08-23 03:58:04 (edited)
The Merged fits in best with my pack theme/lore based on what we know so far so  I'm going to go with the Merged if I ever find them. So far, I've only been doing Independent quests while hoping the Merged will show up since Independent is ultimately not what I want. I guess I'll settle with Independent as second choice if it comes down to it, though. The Storm base is really pretty.

Edit: I finally got one of the Merged!!!


Posted 2022-08-23 07:57:01
I'm going for the Kinfolk. I'm already sided with them as of this morning. I'm going this way for lore reasons, but also I like the Kinfolk decors.


Posted 2022-08-23 08:12:11
Mostly Kinfolk

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