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1x1 Rp w/ Wolf_Runner12 (REBOOT) (FINISHED)

Posted 2023-01-31 19:25:54
Noah flinched as he swallowed nervously. He stood up, and coward away from Astrid. He wasted no time quickly leaving the room. He headed downstairs so quickly, he almost ended up falling down them. He looked around for somewhere he could go and be left alone in. He went and curled up on the couch downstairs, flinching


Posted 2023-01-31 19:30:12
Miles had no idea why they were all like this. He didn't understand how things always fell apart for them so easily, just when they were finally doing alright. Maybe they did something in a past life, or maybe they were just cursed. Who knows?
He hesitantly left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.
He considered following after Noah, but it just didn't seem smart by this point. He ended up just going to his room.

OKAY- Where to now? :3 ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-01-31 19:33:46
Hmm..maybe we timeskip a couple of hours?))
Or, perhaps we have a scene where Astrid finally comes down to talk to know about the smoking thing? Maybe they all make up after a group therapy session which each of them))


Posted 2023-01-31 20:25:30
The sun had long since set by the time Astrid finally decided to come out of his room. It was mostly due to the fact that he hadn't eaten since breakfast, but part of him also wanted to hear Noah out. Correction, he wanted to give him a chance to explain himself, whether he had a good reason or not.
He creeped down the stairs carefully and quietly, not yet noticing the figure curled up on the sofa. He padded into the kitchen and opened the fridge, not even sure if he was hungry. He just knew that he should eat.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-02-01 03:19:25
Noah had managed to kind of doze off, and he knew he needed the rest. He hadn't eaten all day, and the urge to eat something like as there. He remained curled up on the couch, not bothering with a blanket. However, he opened his eyes when he heard what sounded like the thumping of feet on the floor and the refrigerator opening. "Astrid..?" He said as he lifted his head up from the couch


Posted 2023-02-04 21:38:47
Astrid tenses up upon hearing his name, not having known that Noah was in the living room. He could decide whether to respond or to just ignore him, so he instead just continued sifting through the fridge. He found some blueberries and ended up just grabbing those.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-02-04 21:42:45 (edited)
Noah looked down, before he slowly stood up. He walked toward the kitchen, but he was nervous. He knew Astrid had been really angry at him, but he knew the smaller male was in the kitchen. He slowly walked towards the kitchen, standing in the door frame. He shifted his weight as he looked at the male. "I...want to apologize...." He spoke quietly. "Y-you don't have to forgive me..."


Posted 2023-02-05 19:02:50 (edited)
Astrid heard Noah's voice and froze, not closing the doors of the fridge, but not yet turning around. "Apologize for what? Choosing a pesticide over your best friends? Over me?" He mused, not showing any emotion in his voice. Even still, it was abundantly clear that he was still angry. "Tell me, how long have you been smoking? A week? A month? A year?" It was clear that nothing good would come of any answer Noah gave.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2023-02-05 19:41:48
Noah swallowed as he shifted his weight. He looked extremely upset about his own decision. He picked at his nails, making them bleed a little as he stood there. "A-a year..." He spoke quietly, cowering under Astrids tone. He seemed to try and make himself smaller, to make himself less of a target.


Posted 2023-02-05 19:45:36
Astrid had already guessed the answer, but it hurt to hear the words spoken aloud. "Oi- Stand up straight. You're constantly shrinking back into a shell! It's no wonder no one talks to you- You're always hiding from something!" He rolled his eyes, opening the container of blueberries and picking one up, squishing it between his fingers.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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